Speaker apologises but rejects culpability

(CNS): Speaker of the House McKeeva Bush has issued a full statement regarding Friday’s incident and issued an apology to the victim of the assault as well as the rest of the management team of the bar. Bush has said that he passed out and fell and was disorientated when he came to, and lashed out at those trying to help without realising where he was and what was happening. Bush also opens up about his own mental health struggles and hopes that his opening up about this will help others.
Category: Local News
He should be arrested like anyone else. He should also be made to resign as well. He is a disgrace to this country. First he gave away our heritage and our way of life. Then he sold us out. Now he is embarrasing the very life out of us Caymanians. When will this man get what he deserves? He should not be above the law. He has done these things before and gotten away with them. If it was someone else they would be charged and dealt with to the full extent of the law. There is so much unfairness and corruption here in this Island. It is past time for Caymanians to get up and stand up against everything these corrupt politians are pushing down our throats and hold them accountable. We need to make them remember we are the ones who put them where they are and not them theirselves.
Is he out on bail?
Once the swollen infected area is open the yellow green stingy smelly puss comes out! Squeeze a little more and see the rest infection coming out! Can o worms was well and truly n opened! Stay strong Ms we are thinking of you and do not think you are alone! HONORARY lady!! Do not be scared.. Plenty people around you to put you back in your good place, yourself and your good life!
What an embarrassment! I detested his use of the premier title, so self serving, he was a disgrace before this incident, even more so now. He does not represent anyone I know. Throw him out! Should have been done 20 years ago. He is an sty to this countries eye.
And he opens up to his mental struggles will help others? Just cos it news in the world Bush never said that! Who writing his script?
We now sit 4 days from a drunken assault of a bar manager by a public figure. On the 24th this public figure released an ‘apology letter’ where he takes no culpability for his actions, claims to not know what he was doing, with only a vague reasoning behind it and while the community stands in outrage with this act of violence towards a woman. The problem is, we all know in the back of our mind that this will go nowhere, which even if he is named that people will not come forward to validate the claim, because of a ‘political will’ or a corrupt one. The truth is he was out drinking, had so much that he passed out and while someone who was kind enough to help him up during this, he then turned and attacked the woman. If he was driving a car and hit someone, the fact that he was drunk would not have been exculpatory. If that had been anyone without political protection, the person would have likely been taken to central lockup for the night to sober up, if not charged shortly afterwards.
Now we as a nation have become used to this type of behavior from this man, to only his benefit. The fact that he has used the death of a family member to cover up his lack of morals or ethics, I personally find disgusting. The only reason that I could ever find defensible to raising your hands to woman is in true self-defense, and even this is contextual, not absolute. If an elected official, who is currently taking home one of the highest salaries in government can’t be held accountable for his actions, who can?
Why is it okay for the high-ranking member of government to act as he did, with no repercussion? Of the last two classes of members of the legislative assembly, as far as I can see only two members past and present have spoken up. However, when we discuss things like human rights and marriage equality those who are currently silent have no problem speaking out against these topics. If Anthony Eden is such a pious man, why has he not stood firm against this disgusting attack on a woman by a near self-confessed alcoholic? Al Suckoo, as a man who has stood with Mr. Eden, why have you not shown your daughters that you stand against violence towards women? As far as I am aware alcohol consumption is also not a defense to domestic violence, why should it be an acceptable excuse for an elected official who takes a salary of over $12’000 of government money per month. None of the members of Cayman’s legislative assembly with the exception of Ezzard Miller has felt the need to publicly condemn these actions. I say shame on you who have kept silent.
Our Premier has no problem wasting government time debating whether the Cayman Islands is a Christian nation rather than passing laws that could have prevented us being blacklisted by the EU, but from what I can only see as fear for losing his majority in government is silent to this latest wave of controversy.
If our government leaders cannot hold a man who has now twice been caught in situations where anyone of decent moral or ethical standards would not be reasonably found, how can we claim to be a nation of laws, built upon Christian morals? In short, we are lying whenever we say that this is the case. By not holding the people who act in these ways accountable for their actions, we support it and prove that the lie is real. We are not a nation of laws unless they apply to all. We are not a nation of strong values if we only use them to bring others down. Until we as a people stand up to this hypocritical behavior, then we will always be controlled by it.
Have you ever tried to fair argument with a hypocrite? It is quite difficult when they make opposing arguments to substantiate their claims. This is what we allow to be normal discourse when we have one man saying that Cayman is a country of Christian values to discount the rights of LGBTQ+ Caymanians who then says nothing about violence towards others while drunk. An obvious contradiction to these values.
I hope we get to a place where these islands can truly be the paradise that we claim it to be. That is a privilege that we all must fight for, and the longer we delay that fight against hypocrisy and lies the less likely the outcome is going to be in the peoples favour.
I hear your pain.
Unless police investigation swiftly produces a report to Director of Public Prosecutions to determine whether or not there is sufficient evidence that a crime has been committed and that a conviction can be obtained, this UK territory is a corruption and lawless land. The world should treat it accordingly.
The Director of Public Prosecutions is responsible for all criminal proceedings brought within the Cayman Islands and is the Government’s principal legal adviser on criminal matters.
Currently Patrick Moran (United Kingdom) is. Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions (Acting Director)
All too true, 3:26 pm! We have some disgusting people representing us…….. well, make that “supposedly representing us”. Sad.
Make that “supposed to be representing us”.
Hear Hear! Well Said, Yes to all that. Amen.
“…how can we claim to be a nation of laws, built upon Christian morals? In short, we are lying whenever we say that this is the case.”
No, no no… you have to show you are Christian by your capacity to forgive McKeeva for his sins.
McKeeva generously provides so many opportunities to demonstrate forgiveness of sins that he should be made a Cayman Hero of the Faith.
It’s more than twice he has embarrassed us Caymanians.
The acknowledgment of responsibility is a key component of a sincere apology.
One could argue an apology without also taking responsibility for the actions in question is bordering on worthless, and certainly not sincere, simply saying the word “sorry” isn’t enough
It wasn’t an apology, it was a cover up.
The acknowledgment of responsibility is a key component of a sincere apology.
One could argue an apology without also taking responsibility for the actions in question is bordering on worthless, and certainly not sincere, simply saying the word “sorry” isn’t enough
Nice how called the victim out by name in his pathetic plea for sympathy. Clearly a full understanding of the Data Protection Law there.
Sounds more like a threat naming her!
I wonder if we can start a gofundme page and engage the ‘Cayman Rascals’ legal team to bring an action against him… oh the irony!
This territory has Patrick Moran (United Kingdom) as Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions (Acting Director) to decide whether to prosecute Mr. Bush.
Austin, any comment?
It is one thing to struggle with mental health problems. It is another thing to make other people struggle with your mental health problems.
What a sorry excuse for a human being, let alone a “leader”.
According to the RCIPS all persons involved in the incident were at the bar from 8.30pm on Friday 21st until 12.30am on Saturday 22nd
According to Bush he “ ..went to Coral Beach to collect food to take home. “ – why was he still there 4 hours later.
Or – did he attack the lady because he was less than happy that he had waited 4 hours and still no “ Take Out “supper..
Whatever – his “Spin Doctor “ should have checked all the different reports before drafting the letter, to ensure Bush’s story didn’t contradict the facts as reported.
he was seen elsewhere enjoying a beverage before he ended up there
Not a single word from any MLA or Pastors or the Governor. Sheeps! I remember years ago Austin used to criticize Bush everyday on the radio and now he is also part of the problem, he sold his soul for the almighty dollar. He is by far the biggest sell-out!!!!
And a woman beater too
Where is the “Say NO to Abuse against Women?” Let’s organize a march and demand his resignation in front of the LA. Stop the talk, take action! Is it because she is a foreigner? She is a woman whose parents must be horrified! How can we excuse his behaviour for an apology? He should be charged, made to apologize and pay for his actions. Is grief and alcohol an excuse to break the law?
I’m so Disgusted!
The most important thing now is not his apology, resignation, or shaming!
Assault has been committed that has caused actual bodily harm.
Per Cayman Penal code:
216. A person who commits an assault occasioning actual bodily harm commits an
offence and is liable to imprisonment for five years.
There is no legal requirement that the victim of a crime “press charges”; the decision to prosecute or not to prosecute lies with the prosecutor and only the prosecutor.
What happened here could not be LEGALLY swept under a rug even if Mr.Bus resignes. He must face legal consequences of violating the rules of society. There is enough evidence for the prosecutor to go forward without victim’s cooperation.
Cayman Islands Penal Code, 2019
215 Common assault
215. A person who unlawfully assaults another commits an offence and, if the assault is not committed in circumstances for which a greater punishment is provided by this
or any other law, is liable to imprisonment for one year.
216 Assault causing actual bodily harm
216. A person who commits an assault occasioning actual bodily harm commits an
offence and is liable to imprisonment for five years.
I’m really glad the Premier and other MLAs had the conviction to denounce this… oh wait, never mind.
Can someone still be charge of a crime if the victim doesn’t press charges?
Yes, the decision rests with the district attorney, city attorney or attorney general.
Bringing charges is the decision of the prosecutor.
Source: Lawyers.com
Ps. Cayman laws (about pressing charges) couldn’t not be much different from that of USA or the UK
if the police suspect a crime has occured, they will fully investigate it, and will not hesitate to take suspects into custody, even if the victim makes it clear that he or she does not want to press charges.
From there, the prosecutor or district attorney will decide whether to charge anyone with a crime. What the victim thinks is the appropriate punishment for the alleged perpetrator does factor into the prosecutor’s decision – especially given the recently passed Marsy’s Law. However, the charging decision is completely in the hands of the prosecutor.
In fact, the victim may even be forced to appear in court and testify even though he or she does not want to press charges. In Florida, if a victim ignores their witness subpoena to testify at trial the government can request the Court issue a “material witness warrant.” This results in the police going out to find and arrest a “victim” that does not want to press charges in order to force the victim to testify in court. This isn’t common practice and usually only happens in the most serious of cases, but it does happen.
No body should be above the law, but in this case one really has to wonder!
My body should definitely be above the law, it’s a temple.
Many follow the code here and not the laws of modern society. He is the Pirate King for life. Lets see who is really in charge.
Apparently, he is in charge as no one has spoken against him and he has not been charged. How long does it take to press charges when you have 20 or more witnesses? Or, they might be afraid of him too. Perhaps one day, he will get what deserves, doesn’t seem like that will be any time soon. Someone please prove me wrong, please.
Hey, if it’s cool for Austin to do it, why not Mac?
and Duane and all the others that sit in that house.
Mr. Bush, if you have reached your rock bottom after this embarrassment, I pray you deeply address your dual-addictions to alcohol and gambling.
I also would hope you accept your bad behavior, in understanding what you have done to your Country, and resign to best focus on your physical and mental health. A big step, choose wisely, God works in mysterious ways. He wants what is best for you even if you do not. At 65, it is about time to live with God in your Heart and Soul. Prayers for you.
Sorry, but I do not pray for evil.
The Government has a healthy track record of providing positions to men that have hit women and blamed drunkenness like cowards. So let it continue with the silence this time.
Looking forward to the international women’s day communiqué this year.
“And this is the day when we come together to stand up against the horrors of domestic abuse and violence against women, it is evil and we must do all we can. Unless the perp is a drunk politician and doing the obviously right thing would not be politically expedient. in that case political expediency is much more important, and we will look at our feet, shuffle our shoes, and try to ignore everything.”
Hello, my name is Pig. I’ve always been a Big Pig who loves to live in his own filth and excrement – and let’s not forget, Alcohol. But I am a Pig of God, and when convenient, I call upon his name, knowing that my donkey supporters me will fall for it every time. I am well loved among my brother Pigs, as anything that I do by far overshadows anything that they do. The more scandals that I produce, the less attention they receive. Let’s just call it a win-win kinda thing. So you see my fellow people, nobody gonna say ch1t about this. Ali McPiggy ain’t gonna say ch1t, Captain ain’t gonna say ch1t, and neither will our greatest Pig of God, Antonio. Life will go on, until I do something worse. It’s just my nature…
Can’t imagine how our world class legislative assembly missed the EU’s deadline and got us blacklisted when we have such quality individuals in charge. So embarrassing.
Cayman you voted for these people. They represent the best you have in your society.
Is that the “Henry Bearhugs” pop-up bar that was named after the three owners? Was this guy who hit the female manager one of the owners? If he is the same guy then the manager should file a complaint with the cops and sue his ass. If he had beat up my daughter like that he would’nt still be in this island today.
Perfectly stated