Speaker apologises but rejects culpability

(CNS): Speaker of the House McKeeva Bush has issued a full statement regarding Friday’s incident and issued an apology to the victim of the assault as well as the rest of the management team of the bar. Bush has said that he passed out and fell and was disorientated when he came to, and lashed out at those trying to help without realising where he was and what was happening. Bush also opens up about his own mental health struggles and hopes that his opening up about this will help others.
Category: Local News
I would suggest the entire island boycott Coral Beach entire McKeeva steps down. Hit him in his pocket book! Tell your visitors too any any cruise shippers you see thinking of going in there
I see Cayman Marl Road has a poll on whether McKeeva Bush should be removed from Office or not.
As a citizen of this country, I say No !
I say leave that for General Elections coming up, which isn’t far. Let us see if the people of West Bay remove him
If the people elected him and Alden who gave him the chair, lets see what Caymanians will do !
Should the other MLAs make a statement of condemnation of his actions? I say, Yes. Perhaps they are still assessing what has happened, but I am anxious to hear what one of them will say.
So MLAs are above the law for the 4 years between elections is what you are saying
We are going to sit back and let him get back to the usual games that get played in Cayman’s elections
Utilities will be paid, food will be bought, appliances gifted
and another term
This is not about whether or not he should be elected again in 2021 in all likelihood if he runs again he will be elected even after this mess, that doesn’t mean that assaulting people isn’t a crime
2021 has absolutely no bearing on criminal proceedings that should be rightfully brought against him for breaching the peace and harming someone
His statement is already shown to contain lies, the police have confirmed he was there from 8:30 pm on the 21st to 12:30am on the 22nd despite his statement claiming he was only there to pick up food
What kind of food order takes 4 hours?
People like you will always let Mckeeva off even when he is blatantly lying
Smoked ribs
The people of West Bay will never remove him. He is a God in West Bay and can do anything he wants which he has done time and time again.
I am from West Bay and I haven’t voted for him to be in office and never will either and he certainly isn’t any God for me.
Shame on you. Shame, Shame, Shame. You DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to bring your deceased daughter into this issue.
I have lost loved ones. I DO NOT BEHAVE THAT WAY NOR HAVE I EVER SEEN ANYONE BEHAVE THAT WAY just because of the loss of a loved one.
This inability to accept and deal with any wrong doing on your part clearly shows your true character. It shows that you would do anything for your personal benefit.
You are a spoilt, little brat, who is in need of a good ole fashioned ass whoppin.
You are a disgraced shameful little boy.
“You are a spoilt, little brat, who is in need of a good ole fashioned ass whoppin.”
Oh, the irony.
You know, if so many people weren’t addicted to violence as a remedy for all ills, this world might be a better place.
Mr. Bush, I’m a west Bayer and a distant cousin of yours but, in case you haven’t got it by now, NOBODY believes your crap!!
Premier, Deputy Premier and other Ministers don’t think that the public aren’t equally disgusted with your inaction and silence. Have the guts to get rid of Mr Bush even if it will bring a lot of grief for the Government and, you’ll be pleasantly surprised how much the public will respect such a decision.
In the name of God and decency Mr Bush, go !!
You won’t get more respect from the public by staying in office rather than leaving.
How can you hold up your head in public?
What is the Opposition saying?
Mr Bush you will soon be before God, you think you’ll be able to b’shit there?
The cow bell is ringing Mr Bush!!!
How many adults have lost parents and children but are strong enough not to hit the bottle and don’t lash out and assault innocent female bystanders. This man is a true embarrassment NOT only to the Cayman people but also to mankind.
If you really want traction on this. Share it with all the U.K. papers. They would love to hear how their government is supporting a women beating speaker of the house.
Daily mail, BBC so on. Send these stories to them and see how long it takes for the pressure to mount. An expense loving speaker in a tax haven they don’t even believe they should be looking after. The outrage.
Just so I have this straight 60 people watched as this cretin pummeled a woman. Way to man up folks.
word man…what the hell happened here?
The silence from all government members is conspicuously deafening. All of you, ESPECIALLY, the women MPs, shame on you. Each and everyone of you have just shown how disgustingly uninterested You are in supporting the best interest of your people, your government, and your country. One word to describe you- Cowards
This guy’s been a POS for more than 9 years
65 years more like
So what would you expect if the perp was a Jamaican…and the victim was a white Caymanian…and modesty was insulted as well as the beating…should this resolution be different?
Barbara and Joey: We’re sending the bulldozers to Smith Cove
Big Mac: Hold my rum and coke.
So this is what we have been legislated to call honorable in perpetuity…most of these can’t count an honorable weekend in their pathetic small pond lives.
Any comment from the Captain?
You mean Captain of Silence?
Don’t hold your breath.
If the CCTV disappears every RCIP that handled it is fired.
Yah right! Doubt that. I really hope this story goes International, but in a sad way. Maybe change will happen in terms of all corruption found in government and the RCIPS if the world is looking in
8:02 There was a rumour going round that RCIPS had seized CCTV footage as evidence but that’s now changed to either there is no CCTV or it wasn’t working. Whatever, unless anyone caught this on their phone I don’t think we’re ever going to see what happened.
why do they even need video? Ask the victim and the staff!! Oh, and read Mac’s statement- just the part where he apologizes for doing it to her!
One word: SAD
Rather ironic that all this on the same day Weinstein is convicted.
so far it’s looking like open arms for Wienerstein here.
We’d give him the title Honorable over here.
There’s a special room reserved for him, he’ll be right at home in Jamaica, Bellevue to be specific.
What do the Constitution say about legislators behavior?
And not a word from Alden, Eden, Julianna etc. I bet if we say a gay person was involved they’d jump right into this!
Yeah, how man gay men do you ever see knocking women about? The Cayman electorate needs to #draintheLAswamp
Ok so nothing is going to happen to this doucebag, we know it. The dust will settle and the cronies and minions will surround again and it goes on and on…but hear this. This one he knows is BAD, to drag your dead daughter into an excuse is the lowest of the low and stinks of desperation which is what he is. Listen here mac you are now tarnished as a woman beater , pure and simple. You can do what you want , live in your republic bubble and hide and dodge but it’s big black eye for you, you will always be a woman beater is the eyes of every woman that lays eyes on you till the day you die, I’m sure your poor daughter is proud of that. Your rotten to the core, live peacefully coward.
Not like Austin Harris cares about carrying the same label..
Every nationality has nuff Mac’s so stop singling out the Caymanians. This is Mackeeva’s true colors and he needs to be removed. It has nothing to do with his Nationality. Let’s hope the Premier has the good sense to remove him this time.
Let’s hope the Premier and Deputy Premier helps the Speaker out the door and none of them ever come back in.
Hooray to that!
Clearly he is alcoholic. Until he can admit that his life will never get better. He will continue to spin chaos on himself and in society. A person of character would immediately step down, go to rehab and being newer simpler life. From that point he can try and atone for his past misgivings.
The statement reads of every alcoholics excuses complied in one short draft.
Get Help.
I would say hes more of an asshole than an alcoholic
Maybe it was just a cultural thing like the rapey hug in Florida.
Beaty thank you in cayman
Corinthians 6:10
…Nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God…..
but they’ll do quite well in the government of the Cayman Islands
Agree with other posters, if he is going to blame his despicable actions on mental health issues, then step down, resign and get help. There are many industry bartenders that have stories of his drunken, abusive behavior over the years. He just took it way too far this time. I don’t believe he “passed out”, but just fell down drunk. It happens, but there is no excuse to verbally and physically assault staff members trying to help. I bet they are so regretting that decision now. Should have left him on the ground. Someone who claims to care so much about his country and constituents should not be out on a Friday night getting intoxicated expecting no one will observe his behavior. The police need to charge him, Good riddance….
There should be a Facebook page set up so people can anonymously report all of the incidents that have happened over the years. The collective will demonstrate the pattern of misogyny and ‘cultural differences’
Incidents should not be reported anonymously. You think the woman on the receiving end gets that chance? Not now that this asshole has given her name. So everyone who has been on the receiving end of this pathetic excuse for a human beings bad behaviors should stand up and publicly declare it. Go to the post love and make statements. Go on record. That’s what stops people like this in the end. If it worked to convict Weinstein then it will work in cayman but we have to be brave!
People fear their work permits will not be renewed or revoked. That’s how it works here. Many people have a good reason to keep silent.
Enough is enough. This man has been doing this crap and getting away with it all his life. To use his daughter’s death as an excuse is lower than low and he ahould be ashamed of himself. He needs to be stopped and removed from the LA. . At least he admitted to having mental health issues. Thats the first step, admitting he has a problem. He needs to go. He has embarresed us for long enough. If you care about your Country Mac, please step down.
Since he is saying he is mentally ill perhaps the Premier can make him give up the position of Speaker because I can’t really see him Aking the right decisions in such a powerful position. WWTPD what would the Premier do?
This individual is a disgrace to have in our L.A.! The whole island need to protest in front of the L.A. for him to be removed!
This is a Christian – as he always claims he is?
Drunk and disorderly in public!
we need the port folks to help us organize a protest…linked arms when the disgrace tries to get into legislature.
His heart is pure and his hands are clean. If you believe that, then the earth is flat and pigs fly.
good memory
God’s Blessings for taking the step towards your Recovery, McKeeva.
Prayers for your strength to give it your all
your recovery from years of non evolution
I have heard this story many times before -“I blacked out and do not remember” – Caymanians involved in deadly hit and run incidents. A national trait – never accept responsibility for your actions and lay the blame elsewhere.
Oh and you suppose that ideology only exists in the Cayman islands, perpetuated only by caymanians ? A national trait that only “Caymanians” like you seem to uphold. Speak for yourself.
So that’s the best you have McSKewa, vile individual, yes you are. I trust yourself and all associated enablers are proud for demonstrating the precedent set for our youth scuppering away any requirement for a moral compass or adherence to integrity and respect for a system of justice, – abuse, lie, manipulate, and get away with all that you can, – perfect Honourable One, just perfect. Ms Kwong, a mind full of empathy has been dispatched your way
Deliberate intimidation tactic calling her name. What a real piece of shit this man is.
Bull S..t so this will be his pass for beating the woman up ????”i got so drunk i best everyone up cause i didnt know where i was” now i heard everything.
I am sure Anthony Eden and the pastors will forgive McKeeva. After all, it’s not like he’s trying to be in a loving and committed gay marriage. That would be just way too much.
Anyone who gets drunk and hits a woman in the face has done a bad thing, for sure, but a marriage that Reverend Sykes, the Pope, and some random brain-dead Bible-obsessed idiot wouldn’t approve of, no way! That is crossing the line.
Rev Sykes, any comment? You always have enough to say about gay issues that you feel are undermining our country. How about drunken assault of woman, huh? Huh?
Why bring the gay issues into this? Don’t we have enough hate now?
In response to 11:08- I challenge you to consider this: The gay ‘issue’ centers around the love between two people. Yet Sykes, Eden, and others speak out with exuberance against the LGBT community and supporters. Then, on the opposite spectrum from love, a grown Male who holds a position in Government, assaults a female and is witnessed by dozens. No condemnation from Sykes, Eden, and others. Does that mean they condone violence against women? How much ‘love’ was Mac displaying? Disgraceful.
It is appropriate it my opinion to bring up the LGBT topic to highlight the hypocrisy of values by these supposed men.
So resign from public office. Remove that stress. Combine it with the professional help and no alcohol and maybe you will get better in your old age.
Hopefully he gets the help he needs. Losing your own child is unimaginable.
Her death was not recent. The fact he would refer to the death of his child in an attempt to explain or justify his outrageous actions show what a truly pathetic individual he is.
Many many people have lost their children in the most horrific circumstances, very few, if any, beat other people up because of it, even fewer use their memories and that loss to excuse becoming alcoholics or drinking to the point of oblivion, even fewer of those hold public positions of power and trust. #ONLYINCAYMAN
Methinks your time is nigh. Excuses will do no good if Mr. Cummings gets wind of this, which he will before days end. You are a complete disgrace to the Cayman Islands and should be made an example of and ostracised from here on. You also should be forever banned from public office, you’re nothing but a common thug, your reputation and history of abuse precede you!
I sincerely hope Ms. Kwong receives every iota of first world justice she deserves. Let’s see the real CaymanKind support and rally around her!
Benjamin Franklin: “Never ruin an apology with an excuse.”
Excuse me? He has mental issues? Well, then, all the more reason for the people to call for his resignation. No, Bo Bo, please resign and do whatever your physician encourages you to do but we the people cannot continue to pay a hefty salary for a potential time bomb.
Let’s get real on this. It’s not the first time an MLA has gone a bit OTT in a bar and embarrassed themselves. Anyone remember what used to go on in Durty Reid’s? I do and somewhere people here probably still have some of the photos
This is hardly a laughing or smiley matter.
This was the apology that should have come after the assault in Florida, and the change that should have happened then.
Just more witnesses this time.
Resign, repent, and dedicate the rest of your life to something worthwhile.
“Even if you are caught red-handed, never admit it, because this is not what it looks like”. Guess who said that? A well known Caymanian attorney. I don’t remember what we were discussing once at a party, but it got stuck in my head. “ If your wife caught you sitting on a beach and hugging a woman, it is never what it looks like, for it could be interpreted many ways.” Never admit anything.
Isnt this an admission of not being mentally fit for office?
Biggest load of bull I’ve ever read. Poor me, I’m fat. Poor me, I’m sad. Take some responsibility you sad little man.
poor me, poor me…. pour me another drink……
This must be the most cowardly pathetic cringe-worthy attempt to wriggle out of responsibility I have ever seen. It would be bad from a low-level criminal, but this is the speaker of the house and former premier. I feel like I need a shower just from reading it.
4.29pm good description, nothing is beneath this individual, but please, nobody call him a man.
Methinks your time is nigh. Excuses will do no good if Mr. Cummings gets wind of this, which he will before days end. You are a complete disgrace to the Cayman Islands and should be made an example of and ostracised from here on. You also should be forever banned from public office, you’re nothing but a common thug, your reputation and history of abuse precede you!
I sincerely hope Ms. Kwong receives every iota of first world justice she deserves. Let’s see the real CaymanKind support and rally around her!
Who is mr Cummings?
UK PM’s Chief of Staff
What the hell does the PM’s Chief of Staff have to do with this? He is totally bogged down with BREXIT and you think he has time to think about this dinky island? Get real Bobo.
Cayman will soon see what real is, if our politicians don’t play by constitutional rules. Change might come fast, which I hope or we might suffer a slow agonising death whilst being choked by our own stupidity.
He passed out alright. He was drunk! Public drunkenness is an offence.
He just be removed from the office of Speaker. He is a disgrace!
He should also be removed as the representative for West Bay West as well and from the LA intirely.
In Jamaica many of our politicians are corrupt. Strange bedfellows. But this man would not have survived in office one day after this incident and a file would already be with our female DPP. Go to AA and ask any of the old-timers if he should get off. He needs to be prosecuted and removed Cayman islands.
Jamaica? Lodge capital of the Caribbean? Please as if….I Won’t use the pot calling kettle black analogy because it might be taken the wrong way but it’s your style of politics Mac is emulating.
9:31, You need to get help with your serious Lodge problem.
Should have went to Wendy’s.
Spicy chicken bobo.
Don’t serve rum at Wendy’s.
i always said caymanians don’t take responsibility or are held accountable for their actions.
when was the last time someone was fired from the civil service?
Do not generalize Caymanians Bobo. That’s Mac not me.
He is right in his generalization of Caymanians. They don’t take accountability for their actions. Seen it too many times here.
They don’t get fired. Just beaten up.
He will be remembered for Inter Alia the following
1. Director of First Cayman Bank where investors lost millions
2. Dodgy deals with Stan Thomas
3. Mate of Michael Ryan , taking commissions followed by receivership of hotel. Only $200 m owing
4. Use of Goverment credit cards for personal usage.
5. Allegedly sexually assaulting an employee at a casino in Florida.
Cayman people need speak out as they did about the port. This Baffoon has to go.
Don’t forget the auditor general’s report on the ‘scholarships’ and the Nation Building Fund.
You left off the status grants. Many of them appear far from kosher.
Could not have said it better!
Don’t forget Cohen finance deal complete with jet flights and atm deposits…CHEC unilateral contract award after visit to Jamaica and finding out how appreciative they can be….that appreciation debt is still outstanding…Nation Bribing Fund…..and general financial mismanagement that almost created taxes (enhancement fees) in Cayman.
Stupid comment 4:00pm, check the website of the civil service appeals commission and you will see civil servants are fired.
4.00pm 1721
4:00 You man you don’t know that politicians are not civil servants.