Shirley triumphs in port challenge

(CNS): Shirley Roulstone, a leading member of the campaign for a people’s referendum on the proposed cruise project, emerged victorious on Wednesday after Justice Tim Owen QC allowed her judicial challenge to the government’s referendum law for the port. He said the law drawn up by government was, as argued, unconstitutional. Owen also ordered government to pay $66,000 to Roulstone in legal costs. However, given the novel arguments and the issues at the heart of the case, he also granted government leave to appeal the ruling.
This is a clear and emphatic win for the people supporting this campaign, who refused to be bulldozed by the government, which produced what was clearly a flawed piece of legislation to govern Cayman’s first ever People’s Referendum.
The judge revealed that he had found in Roulstone’s favour during a poor video link connection. As a result, he is expected to release the judgment to the interested parties and press later this morning.
Check back to CNS later for a full review of that judgment.
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Category: development, Local News, Politics
“Men who don’t want to look foolish don’t call the game in the first quarter.” Just sayin’
pseudo ‘Honorable Ones’ – Ms Roulstone is the true demonstration of ‘Honourable’. Relinquish your self appointed ego tags and stand down. Your courage is admirable Ms Shirley, and your adherence with integrity pursuing what is constitutional correct for all of the people outstanding – thank you
and the Dump continues to smolder …
and people living near it take no legal action and continue sending their kids to the International school.
The same ones who financially support the Unity/PPM government that has continued to ignore it. Go figure!
and live on Marbel Drive.
Would the opposition consider bringing a motion of no confidence in the government in due course?
Wow. I read the comments here and wonder……Where did all of the HUNDREDS of PRO PORT supporters go??? What happened to the HUNDREDS of THUMBS DOWN votes to any and all anti port CNS comments??? HELLO??
Gee, I guess those pro port commenters and pro port thumbs were ALL FAKE after all.
Have to pay people that make the bots…
I placed a comment earlier today based on this topic.
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CNS, could you look through the postings today on this topic and see if my post was received?
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You will only need to check the hostname.
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Thanks for attending to this.
CNS: Simple answer, I don’t know. I deleted the hostname because it’s of no use. The only information I have about commenters is what you leave – name/pseudonym and email address, etc – if you leave it, and the IP address, which is not static for most users. I do delete a certain percentage of comments and maybe I did with that comment. If you repost and include your email, I’ll let you know if I don’t publish.
Well done Shirley a true representation for the people of the Cayman Islands. Please be our next Premier?
Damn site more honest and well intentioined.
Way to go, Shirley!
Shirley Roulstone, you can tell you’re related to our national hero, Dr. Roy McTaggart. You see, he too stepped up at a time in our history to defend what was right for Cayman, just like you have done. He would be justly proud that you have his DNA and his principles.
Thank you!
Shirley is so popular she doesn’t even need her last name in the title of this post – everyone knows who she is! Wonder Woman! That’s who! Well done Shirley
Congratulations to Miss Roulstone and Ms McClymont. You will need to stay alert for more stupidity on the part of Alden McLaughlin and his cronies. Just because they lost this part, does not mean that they will restrain themselves for another bout of stupidity.
Not sure at what point in time that Government will heed the message and the voice of the people – we don’t want the proposed cruise port.
When we eventually have a vote the standards for a “winner” should be getting a majority of those who actually show up and vote – that is fair and democratic.
And Government please don’t try some bs like you did by trying to have the vote just before Christmas. What you gonna do next, have it during Easter? or wait and have just as school gets out this summer? Unna full of plenty of tricks – really hope the referendum gets delayed and delayed and delayed until after the next election.
While I am not an advocate for the National Trust, I do appreciate them taking up a stand against one of their founding members who is at the center of the proposed cruise port fiasco- I refer to him as Moses-a-Fretting.
The so-called Honourable Minister for Tourism needs to take heed to what is happening at the airport. Visitors waiting in long lines outside is a common occurrence, especially on Saturdays. Cayman Airways flights are routinely delayed and late. Airport does not even have the decency to make announcements about delayed flights and in many instances the flight is not listed on the departure screens or at any gate.
The departure areas are woefully inadequate to handle the volume of passengers attempting to leave on Saturday afternoon. I counted 75 elderly persons, woman and children having to stand for extended periods of time, simply because all the seats were occupied between gates 1 and 6. Gates 7,8,9 had a couple dozen people standing due to the lack of seats.
Very poor planning by Moses-a-Fretting. I would expect a lot more from him, but at this point in time, his true colours are showing – due to the cruise port fiasco.
And let us not even start on the EU blacklisting!
Moses-a-Fretting you are truly a disappointment during this term – neither you or the representative from Cayman Brac East have the common decency of holding any sort of public meeting over the past 3 years.
I’ve read the judgment. As restrained as the judge was, the government still comes out of this looking pretty bad. It’s yet another indictment of the way things are done around here. The government still don’t have the message that they can’t just do whatever they want. If they didn’t get it today, may they get it tomorrow.
Yay for Shirley and all the supporters for CPR! Shows those morons in government where the real power is. Isn’t the Premier a lawyer? He didn’t know better? All their dirt done in the dark is coming to light now. GREAT
Hooray for the plaintiffs. Now, stop the port altogether. It isn’t needed, it’s a giant waste of public money, and you have to wonder: Why is govt. pushing it SO hard…?
Speaking of Captain Eugene Ebanks is he still alive? Last time I saw him was 2010 and he was sleeping in the LA. Not heard or seen him since.
This regressive decision takes away the will of the people.
You can’t comment on the will of the people until we have a referendum. All this judgment does is secure for the people of the Cayman Islands an opportunity to vote in a fair and just referendum, not one that deliberately stacks the odds in one favour.
Regardless of your stance of the Cruise Berthing facility, this will determine the way that any future referendums go. You may be on the opposite side of the next referendum and angry that people did not ask for it to be fair and just now.
The will of the people was expressed at the polls in 2017. You get what you vote for.
Yeah, except when you have enough votes for a referendum, then you get a little do over.
When will Government end it’s madness ? You have already been caught in your lies !
We do not want our oceans destroyed !
We do not want millions of mindless tourists decimating our precious island every year !
The government even thinking of appealing this will lose whatever respect its got left. In a way, I hope they do, but we need some new talent in the LA.
Then let Statusholders run for office, because same lame dinosaurs will continue running.
Thank you, Shirley, for leading the charge for this ruling. It is the beginning of true democracy in the Cayman Islands and, from what I have seen living here for over 30 years. a unique new future for the country.
We don’t want the piers or dredging!
Yawn. Fix the damn dump.
Great news!! Power to the people!!
Well so far the only two Caymanians that have made me proud to be Caymanian are Shirley and Chantelle. We need them in office to get things done!!!
“It will be a small miracle…”
Well, we didn’t even need a miracle did we Alden… ? Just someone willing to pay the Lawyer fees.
We’re still waiting on that resignation letter by the way.
The People
Kate McClymont of Broadhurst took the case on a shoestring. The National Trust’s lawyers all worked for free.
Even lawyers have principles, you know
And justice is served! The govt would be well advised not to fight this one… enough waste of the public’s money already thanks very much! Time for Alden and his cronies to resign. Well done CPR and National Trust. Together we stand united and we will not fail to protect these precious islands from over-tourism and over-development. Let’s keep our precious gem protected, special and unique and our tourism sustainable.
Well done, Shirley! I admire your courage and tenacity. Great result.
Not CIG legal departments fault that they are expected support/argue for untenable positions that politicians take on matters
shambolic by everone involed at cig…..time for class action negliegence suit..
has alden resigned yet???
Do we really want him to resign?? Who are our alternatives: Julianna, Tara, Moses, Joey, Roy, Dwayne???? Lord please NO!!
The best alternative is probably Whogene. If you dont do nuttin, you cant get anyting wrong (LMAO)
Alternatives/ lets start with Shirley!
If Alden were to resign we likely wouldn’t head to the polls one of his ministers would likely takeover the Premiership and Alden would return to the backbench.
Vote No
Tek dat!!!
Aldart continues to waste OUR money fighting for his Port.
It’s really Moses’ port, to be fair
Justice will always prevail. Let’s keep the positive momentum going.
Where do you live? Do you ride unicorns to pick the gumdrops off the trees?
Born and raised here.
Just saying this is better news than the traffic woes, failing schools, port conundrum, accidents, etc…
Any other questions?
Woot woot; right on Shirley; I am standing by you 10000001%
excellent!!! but wouldnt the immunity law they just passed that protects all institutional phycisians from lawsuits also be unconstitutional?
Overturned on appeal and a drubbing at the polls for CPR in both the referendum and their election attempts.
1) CPR aren’t running in the election.
2) CIG has said they are working on a general referendum law and that was the narrow point of the case. So no reason to appeal against doing what you’re doing anyway.
Well we already know what you drink in the morning – kool-aid – if you think CPR has anything to do with the next election. Maybe for a couple of prominent people involved – in the minds of those people only – the two are connected. But the rest of us just see this project as the biggest example of why, for that and many other reasons, the government should be thrown out at the next election. The two are still very much separate. In this case, both the wood and the trees are seen at all times.
Is that the Unity Government afraid of, losing the next election…Hate to tell you this if they dress up a broom in GTS I won’t be voting for Barbara again. I’m sure that this is the same sentiment around the island and other constituencies.
Instead of spreading rumors and lies and putting out propaganda it would best if you caution your leaders that with just about a year for them to go in office, it would be best if they swallow their pride, stop wasting the people’s hard earned money and focus on necessary priorities like the dump and all the people with have on NAU assistance..
Champagne anyone?
When Punch hits Judy. there can be no champagne.
Only victory for the puppet master.
Praying not to get deleted for telling the truth.
Now that’s what I call *progressive*!
Now that’s what I call *progressive*!
Now that’s what I call *progressive*.
Even more proof of the great legal advice the CIG continues to get
11:26 How many lawyers (or at least people with law degrees) are there in the current government? Rather surprising none of them saw this coming – or is it?.
All the so called lawyers in government only care about making more money even though they couldn’t make it law firms even if they tried! If they want to earn more money they should go work in law firms.
12:33 Too much like hard work?
I’m very happy with the outcome. Regarding the legal team at Gov, I have heard on several occasions where they have advised Gov that they will lose a position if it goes to court, but Gov tells them to litigate anyway. Must suck to have to fight a losing battle and also shows how ridiculously frivolent Gov are with wasting public funds for appearances.
Bunglin’ Bulgin!
Well past time for him to be gone …….
This is all about poor decisions taken by Alden, Moses, McKeeva, Joey, Tara, Juliana, Roy, Dwayne and the bobble heads on the back bench Barbara, David, Whogene and Austin.
Time to vote them all out in 2021
2:30 Not disagreeing there but who you gonna replace them with? I don’t see any serious contenders stepping up to the plate.
Amen and amen
While I am pleased with the results I believe the entire legal department needs a good overhaul.