Cops still investigating barroom assault

(CNS): While the RCIPS has still not named McKeeva Bush, the speaker of the Legislative Assembly, as the suspect, they confirmed Monday evening that they are still investigating the assault on Friday 21 February at the Coral Beach and are appealing for witnesses. The police said that everyone involved was present between 8:30pm that night and 12:30am on Saturday, 22 February.
The incident gave rise to an explosion of sentiment on social media and in the comment section of CNS, and a statement issued Monday did little to tamp down emotions, including the oft stated belief that it will be swept under the rug.
However, police say the incident is being investigated by a team consisting of a superintendent and detectives within the Criminal Investigations Department. They are appealing to everyone who was present at this location during this time frame above to come forward and provide us with information.
Anyone with information regarding this incident is encouraged to call or WhatsApp 916-3277.
- Fascinated
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- Sad
- Angry
- Bored
- Afraid
Hmmm, who owns this venue? To whom is the victim beholden? Who stands to loose if their ‘friendly politician’ goes down in flames? Nothing criminal will come of this, sad, but true. He will do a little publicly touted counseling, and be back making deals and drunk at Salty’s.
Employers have a legal duty of care to protect their employees from undue harm and physical injury in the workplace.
While police is conducting criminal investigation, the victim should seek Compensation for being assaulted at work. She was attacked while on the job!
Mr.Bush is not poor, leave him penniless.
If she is an expat, even better, forget your fears, forget working and living here, there are better places. Request protection if afraid for your life. Just don’t let the scam to get away from punishment.
Have your country’ attorney to file a civil suit on your behalf. Don’t settle outside the court unless you adequately compensated. The establishment must have some sort of workcomp or equivalent insurance.
Claim workers’ comp benefits and file a lawsuit against the employer to seek additional compensation.
Life is full of choices. If we choose to hurt or harm others, then we should be held responsible for our actions.
Mr. Bush has suffered a loss that most will never know. Mr. Bush has by his own statment never dealt with his loss properly and has turned to drinking alcohol to cope with his pain. This has turned him into an embarssement to the his position and as an ambassador to the Cayman Islands. He passed out and what appears to be from being drunk. Stories are circulating but the fact appears that he beat a woman to leave bruises? What kind of man does this to strike a woman repeatedly? He has lost control of his emotions. There are by far too many cases of domestic issues and some by sitting officals of assaulting women. This is a culture thing and cannot go on if Cayman is to be seen as a civilized society. Sunday church, no grocery stores on Sunday but go ahead and beat women?
Many people suffer losses and are going thru suffering now in parts of this world that this pathetic excuse of a crap would ever know. They don’t go beating people up! And don’t use their children and mother as excuses!! There are no words to tbis disgust!! And wearing a Cross??
Anonymous 25/02/2020 at 9:13 pm
FFS stop saying it’s a “cultural” thing – abuse is not limited to Cayman, it’s GLOBAL.
I think Cayman is one of the few places where it’s systematically swept under the rug though; which doesn’t coincide with our narrative that we’re a first world country.
Sadly, it doesn’t necessarily stop with Status either. They’ll still get you if they choose to hold a beef. Light your shit on fire, and slash your tires…if you’re lucky. I don’t think people fully understand the depth of corrupt influence in the Cayman Islands. It’s deep and chilling. Plenty of entrenched police and fire officials eager to delete or post false reports…like letting >$25mln in seized narcotics walk cleanly out of a secured police vault loosing CCTV recordings and witnesses. All kinds of people disappeared without a trace over the years. I’d be very happy if McKeeva’s arrest was a first step in changing that. I don’t think it’s necessarily unrelated.
And more… Police following you wearing an obviously well worn vrey beard, so pathetically called undercover cos they did wrong!! So much more! Names? Will say one day! Wld not recommend anybody to trust any of them!
Read 9:17am comment
Fast forward 18 months and the headlines will still read, ‘Cops still investigating barroom assault.’ Neither RCIPS not CPS are going to dare touch this.
For starters, he already admitted the battery in his apology. What kind of prove one needs? Next step is for independent experts opinions on his alleged blackout episode and memory loss. HE ADMITTED HIS ACTIONS but wants to use health issues as a defense.
I suspect a lot of West Bayers will be getting free, new appliances prior to the 2021 election.
I remember a certain dive store in West Bay, by where West Bay Rd and North West Point Rd split, that a certain politician wanted gone because the beach next to it was going to have a public dock where cruise ship tenders were supposed to drop tourists off and that certain politician’s wife was know to have wanted to open a store there that was the victim of arson and while it was investigated, the owner of the dive store was called by the Chief of Police asking him why he cancelled the investigation of arson and the owner’s reply to his was “what do you mean I cancelled the investigation.” It was also strange the arsonist broke in, ignored expensive dive equipment, jewelry and even the small safe that held cash to set some file cabinets on fire. Happened there, going to happen now, certain people from West Bay are somehow immune to any repercussion.
Those who don’t know the details are always quick to throw stones.
11:21 The man physically assaulted the female manager.. there were many witnesses. Stop defending this poor excuse of a politician. Get rid of him!
Sorry – are you suggesting that there is ever an excuse for assaulting another person, much less a woman who is half his size?
This behavior was inexcusable.
First Cayman Bank.
Mac, that’s you?
And what “details” could possibly justify what dozens of people watched him do before their very eyes, and the injuries which resulted?
He did it. He admitted he did it. It was not self defense. There is no excuse or plausible explanation for this despicable assault. If he has mental or health issues, which apparently he has alluded to, then he is not fit to serve this country and should resign or be removed immediately. Why the hesitation to get rid of this mad man. Commit him immediately to a mental health treatment facility to deal with his issues. The criminal aspect of this is an entirely different matter to be dealt with accordingly by the RCIPS
Keep an eye on all the usual watering holes for signs of a backroom deal afoot!
Anyone want to stake out Myrtles?
how are they going to protect witnesses from retaliation? If they are expats, I imagine coincidental things like work permits not being granted to those who may come forward.
they can call the anonymous phone number. no big deal!
Expats always live in fear or are forced to consider about how their work permits may not be renewed / granted. It is how the system keeps so many people in line.
It’s true. I had a nice job till my employer found out that I had a heart issue that caused my insurance to spike in cost and then things became hostile. Prominent WB Rd. and Caymana Bay employer.
He needs to go along with all the paper caymanians he let come here..
Bit of a non sequitur there…
He was at Peppers around 9.30pm. Clearly he was drinking a little too much from the way he looked there.
Those who don’t know the details are always quick to throw stones.
Well Mr. KnowItAll what are the details that justify a grown man beating a young woman who is trying to help his drunk ass?
But many saw him out….
Yeah, he does have a look.
And a loud mouth!
I hope some one will organize a protest march so we can all show our determination that this man be removed as Speaker and as an MLA and never holds public office again
Assault Causing Grievous Bodily Harm is a Criminal Offense. That means all of those who were present, or involved, who are not coming forward, are now aiding and abetting a crime by not yielding to their obligation to provide a truthful statement. The RCIPS must know that McKeeva Bush was there, and summon his sworn statement (not to be confused with a lawyer-doctored apology letter), his driver was there, the manager, the bartenders and waitresses, the bar owners, the patrons, etc. etc. A busy Friday night, in front of everyone.
soooo his admission in his BS “statement” as well as feedback from the victim aren’t enough evidence??? WTF is wrong with this scenario? What about the bar staff, surely they will have her back and speak up. Do you really need all 60 witnesses to speak up or is the one in question who’s admitted fault and the victim not enough in this instance?
Maybe we need to vote you all out too RCIPS! Shameful… all around!
There was another former Leader of Gov’t Business that used to get so blind drunk he would foul his own pants.
This comment is way “Over…the…Edge”
In Durty Reid’s ?
That would be a real party pooper.
If you witnessed the assault, please give your statement to the police. If you’ve been assaulted by this man in the past, please come forward and tell your story. This is Cayman’s #metoo moment. Let’s seize this opportunity to end violence against women in the Cayman Islands and end corruption in our government. #metoocayman
Perbaps include ‘abused by any man or woman i Cayman’ There is lts of abuse by women on women in Cayman especially in workplace wbich is overlooked! Male employers appear to get a kick out of it and.ock themselves in tbeir offices. A’woman’ thing! Abuse verbally or otherwise is abuse!
My question is if he has so many mental and emotional issues not to mention alcohol then why is he fit to remain as speaker of the house. Mind you he was never fit but this is more reason to get rid of him. Harvey Weinstein who ruled Hollywood was just convicted so why can’t we convict our local thug as well? Everyone has a public duty who witnessed the attack to come forward and give a true statement. If you stay silent then you are part of the problem. Honorable individuals and real Christians so not behave in this manner. TIMEISUP!!!
And yet the RCIP still haven’t named the “suspect”. Maybe they haven’t figured out who did it yet.
yes…it is how you say a real who-dun-it…so perplexing
Cayman has a law on the books regarding insulting the modesty of a women. Yet we have now 2 sitting members who have hit women. If no charges are brought how can you even pretend to be a modern civilized country.
The deafening silence of all other members of the LA is telling. Roy? Joey? Tara! Where the hell are you all. We might not expect McKeeva flunkies and other fossils or idiots to speak up but where are you. Oh so Christian? Yeah right.
The victim has no say in whether the suspect is arrested or not. If the responding officer had reasonable cause to believe that the crime occurred, he or she will effect the arrest.
Police will fully investigate it. From there, the prosecutor or district attorney will decide whether to charge anyone with a crime.
Assault has been committed that caused actual bodily harm. It was witnessed by many people.
It could not be LEGALLY swept under a rug even if Mr.Bus resignes.
There is no legal requirement that the victim of a crime “press charges”; the decision to prosecute or not to prosecute lies with the prosecutor and only the prosecutor.
There is enough evidence for the prosecutor to go forward without victim’s cooperation.
must face legal consequences of violating the rules of society.
Per Cayman Penal code:
216. A person who commits an assault occasioning actual bodily harm commits an
offence and is liable to imprisonment for five years.
Remember, he has been thrown out of the Legislative Assembly and removed as Premier. All he needs for the trifecta is to be removed as Speaker.
Let’s make McKeeva great again!
No doubt the best and brightest that the Cayman Islands can offer the world. MBE coming up next. Yes, let’s make McKeeva great again. West Bay loves you forever and McKeeva statue is going up there soon.
McKeeva for Premier again.
Yes McKeeva GRATES again..!
@8:17 in regards to voting him back in and/or making him Premier again? In the words of Forrest Gump stupid is as stupid does,
Mr Governor
Time you stepped in and used your authority to remove this shameless repeat offender from the LA.
And the rest of them that stood by and refused to remove him themselves. That are part of the problem.
Everyone who was there needs to come forward and give an honest statement. Just imagine if this was your wife, your sister or your daughter that was beaten for no reason. You’d be angry right and want something done about it. Don’t let this man get away with it just because of who he is. That makes it even worse. Please, everyone who was there, do the right thing or abuse of women will just be excusable and allowed.
People stop voting for women beaters, period
If charges are not brought against the individual, irrespective of who he is, this will only set a precedent that no other male can be charged for similiar acts against women. I have a Mother, Wife, Daughters, Nieces, God-Daughters and if this act of violence was levied on them by any man, God help the sorry bastard that opted to carry out the henious attack.
Have the RCIP started investigating the status grants yet?
Sorry guys, we no longer trust you. We sit in stunned incredulity at your failure to act with any consistency or effectiveness. Many of us think you biased, inept, or worse.
Did the speaker strike a woman or not? Have you seen video footage of it or not? Have you made an arrest or not?
This so-called investigation is going to come to a big fat nought because many of the inspectors and up in the RCIPS were given status by Mac. There are quite a few including the current head of traffic.
Which is suggestive of deeply ingrained corruption at the highest levels.
Didn’t senior persons in the legal department get grants too? Governor? Could you please explain this to us, because we think it stinks!
What witness do they need more than the woman who was assaulted? If this is swept under the rug we will know for certain that the whole bunch is rotten to the core!
Packed Friday night crowd and nobody saw nothing?!? Where is the driver’s statement?
If charges aren’t filed in this case – I will be filing a complaint against the Ombudsman so the RCIPS are investigated
Aww …what a lovely couple in pic
Yeah he should keep his hair that way and won’t look as bad when he’s hitting women.
Vote No
Vote No to McKeeva in West Bay. Is that what you are saying Kurt?
No to the dock, McKeeva, no term limits, over spending by government, the destruction of the little of Cayman that is for Caymanians, the continued giving of Cayman status just because you buy land and get a mortgage, the influx of work permit holders to help Caymanians get jobs, etc, etc, etc