Oceans hotter than ever in 2019

(CNS): The world’s oceans reached record temperatures last year caused by the “irrefutable and accelerating” heating of the planet, scientists said in the latest warnings about the affects of climate change. The research released this week is based on data from numerous sources and showed that the seas in 2019 were the warmest in recorded human history.
More than 90% of the excess heat generated by greenhouse gas emissions is stored in the oceans, making the measurements one of the clearest indications that global warming is real. The work was published in the academic science journal, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, and noted that the past five consecutive years were the top five warmest years in the ocean historically and clear evidence of the climate emergency.
The heating was distributed throughout the world’s oceans, with the vast majority of regions showing an increase in thermal energy. The Atlantic Ocean and Southern Ocean near the Antarctic Circumpolar Current continued to show a larger warming compared to most of the other basins. Scientists believe that the southern oceans have taken up most of the global warming heat since 1970, accounting for as much as 43% of the increase in sea temperature over the last fifty years.
The scientists concluded that there “are no reasonable alternatives aside from anthropogenic emissions of heat-trapping gases” for the increase in the ocean temperatures.
“Increased ocean temperatures lead to rising sea levels and… the past 10 years are also the highest in global mean sea level since 1900,” the authors wrote.
“Increases in ocean temperature reduce dissolved oxygen in the ocean and significantly affect sea life, particularly corals and other temperature- and chemistry-sensitive organisms… The increasing heat increases evaporation, and the extra moisture in the warmer atmosphere nourishes heavy rains and promotes flooding… leading to a more extreme hydrological cycle and more extreme weather in particular hurricanes and typhoons,” they warned.
The scientists explained that the increased warming is why the Earth has experienced increasing catastrophic fires in the Amazon, California and Australia.
“It is important to note that ocean warming will continue even if the global mean surface air temperature can be stabilized at or below 2°C… in the 21st century,” they noted, adding that the rate of increase could still be reduced by appropriate human actions that lead to rapid reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.
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Category: Climate Change, Science & Nature
Well we finally have proof that we won’t have to worry about George Town Reefs. With climate change impacting even Australia and killing 2 billion animals. WE don’t have to worry about building a cruise ship facility. Climate change is destroying the reefs in Cayman like what was first reported by Tim Austin. I agree with him
And the cruise dock will make the oceans even warmer!
The next asteroid or meteor that splash-lands on Earth will make the climate change & global warming argument somewhat trivial , but in the meantime we need to get fossil fuel burning down to lower the record CO-2 levels.
sargassum is destroying ocean front property values in south sound….cayman is doomed if it ever hits smb.
any comment jon-jon???
Don’t worry. Only rich people own ocean front property. God forbid we may need those cruise ships.
Here is why it’s important for globalists for global warming to exist: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_tax
Literally trillions worth in tax global fraud money, wealth global redistribution programs, hundreds of billions in global climate change research grants, and hundreds of billions worth in reparation lawsuits.
Why are leftists interested in pushing man-made climate change? Very simple!
– It asserts an atheistic position of the creation of the earth (an imperfect earth that man can easily destroy with plastic bags and burning aged wood).
– It promotes a victim-hood class on a global scale, naturally caused by men and first world countries, and all of the reparations and wealth redistribution programs that will stem from these grave _wrongs_ emitted by men of first world countries. “How Dare You!”
– It defames the industrial revolution, and depicts capitalism as a great evil and cause of the destruction of the earth and oceans. When in fact, it’s quite the opposite and should be obvious anyone that spends a moment looking around themselves (or countries like Venezuela) honestly can quickly realize this.
– It defames conservatism and traditional values. Basically, to a Global Warming Hysterical Leftfist, Your comfortable family that lives on comfortable energy means, your comfortable transportations, your abundance availability to good meals (Especially meat cooked on BBQ’s,) your abundance in land, your abundance in farming make > Y O U < THE ONES WHO ARE DESTROYING THE EARTH and therefore should be penalized by all means necessary.
So is global warming a politician tool of God loathing leftists? You damn right it is!
I’m so sick of you. So basic and so ignorant.
Are you speaking of your reply? Basic and ignorant?
People like you deserve nothing more from us. You are bringing down society with your ignorance. Anything we say will only go in one ear, through the empty void, and out the other ear.
Keep pushing that theory as the sea laps at your front door, see what good it does you. I am currently in a place where is should be minus something horrible, and snow up to your ears. It plus 7 and raining, record setting for January. Record heat in Florida (summer temps) and when in Cayman I swim almost every day, you can feel how much warmer it is this year. Deny or have conspiracy theories at will…whilst we slowly kill ourselves. Personally, I think it may already be too late. We may have tipped the scales already…
We have. But the nature will recover, however without humans.
Global climate change is not a left or right wing issue. We are all in this together whether we like it or not. Only very simple people put climate change into such a small box.
You sound really, really smart. Why don’t you come out from behind your anonymous caul and lead your wealthy, god fearing keepers of all that is right people to victory over god loathing leftist, before it’s too late. Oh and stop saying damn. Your lord may place you in the fires of hell line if you piss him off.
Fingers crossed god does exist because all those who yell Jesus loudly sin the most.
Wow, 12:24, here’s some friendly advice for you: Wipe your memory and start from scratch. Your mind has been totally hijacked by self-serving conservative politicians and oil company misinformation. Separate your politics from your science. Reality doesn’t care what the androids on Fox News say.
Stop helping their corrupt agenda by regurgitating incredibly stupid talking points. It’s embarrassing. Just tune out and chant at your invisible god up there, or maybe take up a nice hobby like stamp collecting, anything but this.
Or, if you care about humanity, the natural environment, and your grandchildren, then read a science book and reconsider everything that’s rattling around in your head right now.
Here are two to get you started. They’re both evidence-based. (I know, what a radical concept) I sincerely hope you will try to reclaim your lost sanity. Good luck!
Storms of My Grandchildren
Merchants of Doubt
scientists don’t do stupid conspriacy theories. you are lost in a world of fake news and are actually swallowing oil industry propoganda.
what else do you swallow from the internet…9/11 conspiracys….flat earth???….zzzzzzzzz
We deserve to go extinct.
We deserve it cuz we work so hard for it. We’ve earned it!
You know claims like these are really scientific when they sound like:
Oceans hotter that _EVER_
Considering the FACT that shows the lack of any significant and/or abnormal increases in topical cyclones demonstrates this claim is complete bogus.
Just like the previous false claims made on this website, that climate change caused the fires in Australia. We naturally discovered that near 200 ecowhackobs arrested were actually the arsons behind the fires.
CNS: The viral false claim that nearly 200 arsonists are behind the Australia fires, explained
“A false claim that a big wave of arson is driving Australia’s raging bushfires has gone viral this week on social media, particularly among climate skeptics grasping for a counter-narrative about the wildfire disaster.”
You clearly live in the far right wing media bubble where terms like ‘ecowackjobs’ and ‘libtards’ exist. Your frequent comments merely churn out talking points prepared for you (and picked up by Hannity et al) by the fossil fuel industry, which spends millions feeding this rubbish to susceptible people prone to conspiracy theories who are somehow under the illusion that they think for themselves.
The typhoon season in the Pacific has gone on longer than ever. Philippines got whacked with two large ones late December and early January and their season finishes same time as ours. Tornadoes already across the US due to warmth from the gulf, far too early. But you carry on denying…and dying. You have no right to take us with you.
There is solid scientific evidence over the past 3 years that hurricane wind speeds are higher than ever. Just look at Bahamas last year. When the over 200 mph winds hit Grand Cayman with the next big hurricane perhaps you will rethink your position. Of course, good chance you might drown too when the big one hits.
Alaska used to have one, rarely two, hurricane strength winds per year. Usually in March. Never in winter. It now happens several times a year.
On November 28, 2019 the highest wind was recorded in Anchorage near at 112 mph, that’s a category 3 hurricane-force wind gust.
free speech is wasted on you.