Mac denies desire to be leader again

| 30/01/2020 | 81 Comments
Cayman News Service
Speaker of the House McKeeva Bush in the Legislative Assembly, 30 January 2020

(CNS): As he opened the proceedings at the first meeting of the year for the Legislative Assembly, Speaker McKeeva Bush oscillated between an angry rant against people not supporting government and giving thanks for surviving the earthquake. The representative for West Bay stated that he had no desire to be premier again or even a Cabinet minister, but said he planned to retain his West Bay seat next year.

Bush, who is the leader of the CDP and partner in the coalition government, appeared to be enraged by posts on social media criticisng the government, even though for the two decades prior to this administration he, himself, was a constant critic of the current premier (and vice-versa). While he raged about people not backing or praising government and urged members of the community to be good citizens, the speaker did not say what specifically had caused his apparent vexation.

He urged the members of the Legislative Assembly to stand behind government and its policies and stop tearing each other apart. He used the earthquake to demonstrate that, historically, governments have been right about the things they have done. He said the government had been cursed for introducing building codes but it had proved to be good for the islands.

Bush berated people on social media who were posting complaints about government and the MLAs because of their own political agenda, which he said was “the mindset of this country and it is wrong”, as he said people were complaining about photos.

“While we are accused, the facts are showing differently,” he said, as he accused the accusers of belittling members and lying. He said the public ought to be careful and that a “pack of lies hurts the nation”.

Bush told the members that he was not “seeking any higher office”. He said, “Let me debunk that,” adding that he did not want “to face that as the premier” or in Cabinet. However, he indicated that he would still be running in West Bay and hinted he wanted to remain speaker.

See the speaker’s remarks on CIGTV and the official Hansard report below:

Official Hansard Report Excerpt, Speakers remarks 30 January 2020

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  1. Anonymous says:

    It’s good to see the youth is thinking about serving for their country in LA. I believe it’s time for some of the born Caymanians whose parents are from other countries to put in there two cents. I would like to see enforcement of the many conservation laws in the seas. We seem to have a lot of youth who are concerned by the loss of sand on 7 mile beach and fish and corals. Well, stand for the LA. I have no problem if they are fair and well educated, why not.

  2. Anonymous says:

    His way of saying that he will run again.

  3. Anonymous says:

    The question is, who other than Dr McKeeva would want him to be the “leader” of our affairs again, let alone hold any senior office of influence in Public Life? We need to enact the amended and watered-down Standards in Public Life Law, twice approved in the LA. The only reason it hasn’t been enacted are those still actively peddling their own corrupt influence over public policy outcomes.

  4. Anonymous says:

    He never was a leader

  5. Anonymous says:

    Who wants to bet that the wig ain’t washed on the regular?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Mac is a national treasure and our fair Islands owe a huge debt of thanks for his tireless service.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Id say a little senile and getting a bit too big for his britches. Time to change the dirty underwear!

  8. Anonymous says:

    MLA Term Limits, Age Limits, Budget Limits, Power Limits, World Communication Limits

    Come on older generations you can’t take on us rascals, we got time and health on our side. Funny how time catches everyones. MLAS soon be in the 70s and 80s the next 10-15 years.

    Dead beat old fragile men just need to leave Cayman and stop spoiling it for the next x00+ years.

    Now tell me how many of you MLA’s went and stood on at the dump with a sign to fix it promoting and serving the community.

    Please sit and shhh LA your time will be over soon.

    • Twilight Man says:

      I honestly enjoyed your comment, Anonymous 11:57 a.m., and I am as old or older than anyone you know. Even older than all those “Honorable” men who are supposed to be attending to the health, well-being and happiness of all the people of the Cayman Islands…… but seem to be only interested in what they can get out of it for themselves. Wouldn’t it be a blessing if we could get some intelligent younger representatives to get our islands out of the pit that has been dug by sub-standard representation? Go for it, 11:57………..Your time has come!

  9. Streaker says:

    If the next Government allow this man to remain as Speaker, they are not fit to govern. I would like him to explain exactly how he gets all these West Bayers to vote for him, over decades, when he is vilified by just about every one else.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Oldest political trick in the book. Issue an official denial of something no-one is talking about in order to gauge public reaction. If it’s bad stick to your denial. If it’s good, allow yourself to be persuaded to change your mind. This is effectively an announcement that he would like to be leader again. I hope for the sake of this country that the voters remember the junkets, gambling, conflicts of interest (to put it mildly), poor decision-making and ranting insanity that is Mac’s leadership style and hold him to that denial!

  11. Anonymous says:

    Why is he denying something that no-one asked him?

  12. anonymous says:

    Poor Mac really thinks he will be a WB representative next election. Just remember the younger generation are now registered voters!

    • Anonymous says:

      But the older generation in West Bay votes en mass. The younger generation of Caymanians rarely vote as they are too passive.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ha, ha 8:58. Heard your line many times before. McKeeva forever in West Bay. Build a monument to him now. Younger generation sits on their asses politically in West Bay.

  13. Anonymous says:

    the Legislative Assembly is now called ‘Parliament’ – a grown up name – for a bunch of children (my apologies, that’s an insult to children)!

  14. Anonymous says:

    He “plans” to keep his WB seat? Perhaps he should hope to keep it, and I hope that he wont!!

    • Anonymous says:

      My former gardener is on one magnificent gravy train. He would be a fool to ever get off the gravy train.
      McKeeva is forever in West Bay till they bury him. The best and brightest of West Bay.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Never in my life have I seen a speaker so.. not neutral

    • Anonymous says:

      McKeeva is the best and the brightest of what the Cayman Islands can offer.
      He has proved it time and time again and the people of West Bay think he is a God.

      • Anonymous says:

        Sadly McKeeva is the best that West Bay and the Cayman Islands can offer.

        • Anon says:

          Wow, seems you should consider migrating somewhere else, if you are a resident, if you think so poorly of us.

          • Anonymous says:

            Your elected MLA’s elected him Speaker. Obviously Bush is a reflection of your elected representatives as they voted for him. While that does not make me happy, it is reality, whether one likes it or not. See no reason why the individual should migrate.

        • Anonymous says:

          @ 2:14 Surely that isn’t true! If it is, we are doomed!

  16. Alejandro says:

    Caribbean Trump, that is what he is, an experienced clown that has nothing helpful to bring to the table.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Now if he will only keep his word..Praise Jesus!

    • Anonymous says:

      I seriously doubt it..Remember alden said he would resign as Premier as well if the referendum passed…

      They both love power and greed too much and will say anything to make them look good.

  18. Anonymous says:

    These members of the LA forget they are the servants of the people. You should see how swiftly some of them left civil servants on Tuesday in the GAB.

  19. Kurt Christian says:

    Vote No

  20. Rodney Barnett says:

    From his remarks, the Speaker of the House clearly does not understand that government works for the people and not vice versa. Complaining that the people do not support government is absurd. The record of the government id shameful at a minimum, and inept at worst.

    The majority of projects the CIG has undertake in recent years has be delivered late, over-cost, abandoned, determined less than effective, poorly planned, poorly executed and mostly to the benefit of government or insiders. Cronies, influential businessmen, family members and colleagues support the whims and wishes of government, not to the benefit of the islands or the people in general, but to select chose few.

    Most important is the issue of Open Government. The secret hidden details of the Port Project is a primary example, but the airport expansion, school construction and hand-outs. Public finds going to the all powerful churches on the islands are secretive deals that get the votes for the chosen few. Government In The Sunshine laws effectively work in other jurisctions, and in a small country like Cayman, they could be especially effective. If government has solid, fair and responsible reasons devoid of conflicts of interest, it should be proud to open its books and contracts to the people, and most certainly to the press.

    So, Honorable Speaker, stop whining about lack of public support, and step up (or down) to support government that benefits these islands as a whole and not just the special interests.

    • Anonymous says:

      Very well written.

    • Anonymous says:

      Rod, we need vocal Caymanians like you to please start an online petition to enact SIPL, and circulate the link for voter support. It seems the Unity gov’t will have to confirm it a second time anyway, so the first warning shot across the bow might as well be an online petition.

  21. Anonymous says:

    So much for the idea of the Speaker being neutral. Fortunately, the legislative assembly hardly ever meets so we don’t have to hear much from him.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Physical or mental age?

  23. Anonymous says:

    Oh, that’s surprising. Perhaps he’d like to enact SIPL, or detail the terms of his being given the LA Speaker role, or the mechanism by which he asserts he has achieved a doctorate degree? Thought not!

  24. Anonymous says:

    Is this man for real? The whole point of Parliament is for the opposition to to keep the government in check – What is he talking about by urging members of the LA to stand behind the government?!

  25. Anonymous says:

    Awwe come on Mac, we all know ya can taste the fine wine, food and all the other perks tnat come with being premier.

    Additionally be sure, while Alden needs you to hold his government togethet, get the PPM to sign a binding contract to support you being the next premier.

    We gotta keep the poor governance going.

    Politricks makes strange bedfellows!!!

  26. Anonymous says:

    Bet he wants to eventually declared a “National Hero” though!!!!!!!!!!

  27. Anonymous says:

    What an IDIOT! It truly doesn’t get any worse. What is his definition of a “Good Citizen”? The on way Mac will exit the political arena is when, or should i say if, the Standards in Public Life Law is passed.

    • Anonymous says:

      He will run, not walk, to a non-extradition country with Casinos…

      • Anonymous says:

        Quick! Hide the government’s credit cards!

      • Anonymous says:

        Poor thing, he is just dragging around now. He needs to now just depart gracefully (oops Mac and graceful?). He must have a nice nest egg put aside, I imagine he has made many many ” you owe me” relationships over the years so isn’t it a good time to sit back and enjoy his golden years. I watched a story on CITV earlier this morning with the Premier and his farm. I am not sure if it is a new episode but it sounds like he is planning to soon retire and enjoy what is going on at the farm. From experience I doubt if there is any other outdoor activities as relaxing. Mac should find himself a nice hobby and chill out!

        • Anonymous says:

          Unfortunately Macs hobby has consumed a huge amount of money derived from his political appointments and private businesses – he has to keep slaving away to keep his interests fed – can’t afford to retire, plus not sure he would feel comfortable retiring and not being in a position to ensure someone doesn’t decide to investigate his actions whilst in office.

          • Anonymous says:

            All of these extracurricular deals were brokered with the assistance of myriad trusted associates and advisors, private and public, who have benefitted themselves over the years, that would then be legally obliged to come forward if SIPL was in effect. There are some notorious lawyer and accountant names that come to mind.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Time to put an age limit on MLAs? And before anyone jumps in with any ageist comments – I’m 69 and happily retired.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ageist comm…Huh?
      There defo needs to be a TERM limit on MLA’s
      Who cares how old YOU are?


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