Electoral list grows by 166 voters

| 07/01/2020 | 18 Comments

(CNS): The Elections Office has released the 1 January updated electoral roll, which has grown from 21,216 to 21,383 voters, all of whom should be eligible to vote in the referendum whenever a new date is set. While it is believed that more than 200 people registered between July and October, the removal of those who have died or don’t qualify during that period has seen an overall increase of 166 voters. The office is now working on another surge of new voters who signed up over the last three months.

This means that if the national poll on the cruise berthing project is called before the 1 April, when the next register is published, the campaign opposing the project will now need to secure 10,692 ‘no’ votes to carry the day.

However, that number is likely to increase even more if the referendum is called after 1 April, as election officials confirmed Tuesday that on 2 January alone (the deadline for this period) 115 people had signed up to join the register of voters.

Given that dozens more registered during the previous three months, the finally tally on 1 April will be significantly greater.

The new voters lists reveals growing disparity in constituency sizes. The largest with 1,506 voters is still Bodden Town East, currently held by Environment Minister Dwayne Seymour, which grew by just one vote.

The smallest constituency of Cayman Brac East, which is held by Education Minister Juliana O’Connor-Connolly, has less than one third of the voters of BTE, now totalling 467 after dropping by six voters in the new list.

CBE was one of only two constituencies where voter numbers fell. The other one is West Bay North, the seat held by Bernie Bush, who crossed the floor from the government benches to the opposition last year because of his support for the cruise referendum. That constituency dropped by nine voters.

In contrast, West Bay South, held by Financial Services Minister Tara Rivers, grew the most, with an additional 33 voters joining the register in that constituency.

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Comments (18)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Why does it take so long for a newly registered voter to be added to the electoral roll?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Cayman Brac has an unfair influence on our political system and the move to single member constituencies has only served to maintain an unfair and unequal political system.

    • Anonymous says:

      Cayman Brac and little Cayman should only have 1 representative, if the rule for single member constituency were followed. Additionally, East End and North Side could also be amalgamated into 1 voter district. When will we realize Cayman is a tiny island,(small town in larger countries) why do we need 17 elected officials? The gravy trains needs to be limited

      • Anonymous says:

        The absolute number one priority for every honest voter should be to: clear-out all the MLAs, Ministers, Committee/Board Members, and other senior public SERVANTS, that are allergic to the much-reduced Standards in Public Life Law. There is no excuse that will ever be good enough to maintain patronage quid pro quos, dereliction of due process, and full-on illegal bribe solicitations and corruption, actively going on in via the redacted backchannels. There are many people here who could testify to jaw-dropping “asks” they have encountered over the years.

  3. Anonymous says:

    when you get status, why aren’t you automaically added to the register?
    why do i have to go and fill out forms again and get my original birth cert…etc????
    the amount of red tape within cig is mind boggling…..

    • Anonymous says:

      Is there someone else you would prefer to have pictured on your laminated voter ID? Do you normally dispatch someone else to renew your driver’s license and passport photos? It’s a minimal one-time 5-minute civic duty that you should be proud to do, if you actually have status and care.

  4. BeaumontZodecloun says:

    This is all good news. No matter how the vote turns out, what we are seeing is a surge of electors registering. This Referendum — and those to follow — will benefit by the increased voters.

    Caymanians may have laid back in previous years, deferring to their trust in their elected members. Trust or not, we need to be more involved in the determining factors of our future, and that of our children.

    This is a pivotal moment in our history, where we first began standing tall.

    • Anonymous says:

      BeaumontZodecloun of course if we get involvéd a whole lot earlier we might not need a referendum.

      • BeaumontZodecloun says:

        Very likely.

        When I was much younger, it was considered seditious to question government. Our cultural ideals are changing, and it is more acceptable to speak out and stand up for what is important. In the same way that competition encourages excellence, the more we ask the hard questions, the better government and our lives will become.

  5. Kurt Christian says:

    Vote No

  6. Anonymous says:

    Soon enough the referendum petition figures will no longer reach the 25% threshold required and they’ll have to start all over again. Well played Government, well played.

    • Anonymous says:

      Quick. Let’s grant lots more status – even to people who cannot support themselves – just to make sure!


    • Anonymous says:

      The referendum was validly triggered by 25% of the electorate at the time under the Constitution and enacted into law by the LA as required. An increase in the number of voters only affects the threshold to win.

    • Anonymous says:

      2.16pm You seem to be confused. FYI one of the reasons CPR wanted the referendum stopped was to get these voters to take part. So if you are worried that the 25% target has not been reached, blame CPR.

    • Anonymous says:


  7. Anonymous says:

    And they’re all voting NO! 🙂


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