45 pieces of legislation gazetted

(CNS): Government has now gazetted 45 pieces of legislation since the beginning of the year, including new bills, amendments and regulations, which it appears the Legislative Assembly will be debating during the upcoming session due to start at the end of the month. Although the bulk of the legislation relates to the financial services sector, there are also changes to the Prison Law, the Builders Law and the Public Lands Law, as well as the Port Authority Regulations.
But there is still no sign yet of any legislation relating to the creation of government’s new labour and immigration department.
Nor has government published either a new bill to deal provide same-sex civil partnerships or any amendment to the Marriage Law that could accommodate such unions, despite the court of appeal telling the government more than two months ago it should act “expeditiously” and immediately implement the necessary legislation, equal to marriage, for same-sex couples.
Government has called the meeting of the Legislative assembly for 30 January. All laws must be published for public review 21 days before they are debated by the assembly members. This means that if it intends to bring any other legislation to the floor of the House it will need to sit for several weeks or use its majority to vote down the standing order that requires the 21-day period.
Meanwhile, members of the public who wish to look at the legislative changes government is making will find the task considerably more difficult than in the past unless they are very familiar with the existing laws that are being amended or revised.
A new design of how government presents its bills has removed the introductory paragraph, making it harder for people understand the purpose of the changed legislation. This means that lay people will need to read the new laws in conjunction with the original law or most recent revision and amendments.
See the full list of published legislation so far on the government’s Gazette website here.
- Fascinated
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- Sad
- Angry
- Bored
- Afraid
Declares he who oversaw the formation of SEZ where recently another two companies have been shut down for financial funny business.
Go on make more laws for the people while ignoring the passing of laws that keep you and your political thug buddies reigned in, namely SIPL. Shameful, very shameful.
The level of corruption in a nation is directly prportional to the number of its laws. A greek philosopher said that many years ago.
So this is law? We need to start seeing about enforcement.
“Bus stops and the picking up, etc., of passengers by buses and taxis
10. (1) No driver of a bus carrying passengers for hire or reward on a bus route may
pick up or set down passengers at any place other than at a bus stop.”
This is not practical for the Cayman Islands.
Some bus stops are miles apart..
More stupid governance.
Then change the law or create more bus stops! Until then, enforce the freaking law. Same goes for all the others that are ignored, including by the police!
Oh, this is a tough one……why not increase the number of bus stops – and not on the corner of a road!!
How about we lock up the offenders.
Zero will be enforced. #thisiscayman
The 46 “Bills” you are referring on the GIS website to are mostly Revisions of the existing Laws and Regulations and not new pieces of legislation. Revisions are just the existing Laws and Regulations republished with already passed and in force amendments incorporated in to the Laws. This is an annual exercise, carried out by the Law Revision Commissioner. It is designed to consolidate legislation and make it easier to read.
In fact only seven Bills have been Gazetted so far this year. From Health Practice to Limited Liability Partnership near the top of the list.
If his job is to make it easier to read, we need a new law revision commissioner.
It’s not really funny, but with an estimated $100Bln a year overtly laundered through real estate sectors in Vancouver and Toronto, and the day after new NAFTA deal is inked, Canada’s RCMP announced they are disbanding their specialized Financial Crimes Unit, including organized crime, anti-terrorism, and drugs investigators, laying off 129 officers and 8 civilians. Just like that, with the click of their fingers, they are just surrendering to decades of “snow-washing” detailed by investigative journalists around the world. Canada doesn’t have any semblance of proper corporate governance, zero transparency on ownership, and no discussion on whether to roll out a UBO registry – not even on the issue horizon for them. Canada hasn’t had an update to their failing FATF report card since 2016, yet the rest of the world has to continuously jump through smaller and smaller hoops that nobody really knows or cares about. This is the folly of blindly complying with foreign-applied bullshit in a post-truth world. I’m waiting for an even hand; for Canada to be blacklisted and barred from the international payments system, but for some reason, I don’t that’s going to be happening!
Talk to the EU. They are the only ones who care owing to their second rate financial services industry. The US doesn’t really worry about what you get up to. There are bigger fish to fry than either Canada or Cayman financial practices.
Humm….. Yet AGAIN the standards in public life law is not even mentioned.
Wonder why…….
Maybe because the Lodge members dont want it done. It would expose the members for what they are and who they are for.
As long as members of the Lodges are allowed to be secret members and work in Gov’t there will never be a true Gov’t for the People, with laws that protect the People.
The only beneficiaries right now are Lodge members. Plain and simple.
Pass the standards in life law. Stop trying to find a way out……
Money talks and loyalties walks. More money is all that counts.
2:16 p.m. How does being a member of lodge impact the individual’s ability to carry out their job ? Also how is it that only lodge members are benefiting right now?
I asked the questions because I find that many civil servants are a part of the lodge/trying to be so I’m concerned as to what good it may be and also how much power do they receive after joining?
Just about everything in the masons is about being honest, and we don’t get special powers. It’s like Rotary with mystic rituals. If your lodge members are dishonest, they are not good masons. Being a US mason, maybe I’ll stop by a Cayman meeting and report back to you.
Time to stop having to import medical cannabis from Canada / Jamaica either through big pharma or the drug lords.
Legalize cannabis and watch us develop an industry that generates tax money (the tourists keep asking for it) and jobs for local farmers / retailers / scientists for quality control.
Put the money in our coffers instead of allowing the drug lords to profit! Someone will always fill the demand for this plant as it’s being grown locally too! Some people have been circulating extremely high quality cannabis at ridiculous prices in Cayman and it appears to be professionally grown indoors.
Yet we allow a tobacco cigar rolling company and alcohol sales 7 days a week. I can throw up on Sunday night from almost overdosing on alcohol but can’t have a spliff to relax after a long day of work??
Well golly gee, if we had illegal “drug lords” here, wouldn’t they be turned-in by the outraged law-abiding public and arrested? Can you guess why that doesn’t happen? It’s because so many already come home after work and light their relaxing illegal spliff, with no medical condition, and no meaningful restraints on availability.
We can’t even hand out traffic tickets, how are we supposed to regulate a narcotics industry?!?
The drug lords love such excuses. Incompetence…
Alcohol is a narcotic.. Where’s your point
Won’t be long now before we have to get a chip implant to buy and sell.
For a supposed Christian nation, your government sucks.
Ugh unna and this chip foolishness. I guess you believe in illuminati taking over the world too. Puppet.
Don’t project your puppetry foolishness on me. Good luck with your chip.
The bulk of the legislation relates to the financial services sector because the government is essentially being forced to implement reforms. Everything else will be related to legislation being pushed by the local large business sectors.
Outside pressures do not by themselves permit our government to do anything that is irrational, unreasonable, disproportionate, or unfair.
12:47 Or implement legislation they actually have to enforce?
Maybe not, but they still do!
That would make it unlawful. Just sayin.
Can some group or political party please judicially review these characters to force them to act in the open and transparent manner required by the Constitution and any basic principles of modern democracy? There is no reason for draft legislation to be published in a manner which obfuscates its purpose and intention. What are they frightened of the people knowing?
The financial services ones were subject to consultation – you did not read that email in your inbox or what.
So you are suggesting that a select sub group have seen something that others have not in a legally required system of transparency once the Bill has been published? That makes it worse. At this stage everyone should have an equal ability to readily access the information.
“What are they frightened of the people knowing?”…… Answer: THE TRUTH!
…and still no enactment of 14 earlier laws already voted and passed years ago, like SIPL.
SIPL is far too intrusive to be enacted. It needs to be squashed and rewritten.
Yes. The MLAs would have to give up their side income and backhanders and live off their meagre salary+pension+unlimited expense accounts. The poor things.
Yet, it was passed by the house…twice!!
There is no way they’re able to read all those regulations. Drowning in overregulation.
…and even less prospect of them understanding its effect.
Many of these are “pamphlets” for which our well-paid MLAs are given 21 days to read. It amounts to less than 2 hours of actual office homework, and still you’re right, few will (or can) read them.
… or understand them.
The list linked to from here is not to all new legislation, only 7 Bills Gazetted so far this year. Most of the listed legislation are Revisions, that is existing legislation republished to incorporate already passed and in force amendments