Clock ticks on next election roll deadline

| 08/12/2019 | 8 Comments
Cayman News Service

(CNS): The Elections Office is reminding would-be voters that in order to make the April register of electors, qualified people need to register by 2 January. If they fail to meet this deadline, they will not be on the electoral roll until the July 2020 update. “It is crucial that persons who meet the voter registration requirements should register at the soonest opportunity. Voting is a valuable right that you can only exercise if you are registered,” said Elections Supervisor Wesley Howell.

But the three and a half weeks left for voters to join the register is even more important than usual, given the stay ordered by the court for the people-initiated referendum on the cruise port. How long it will take to address the legal case, make any changes as a result of the court’s findings and then re-start the process is unknown, but it is possible that the vote may not happen before 1 April.

The more than 200 new voters who will be on the January electoral roll but had been disenfranchised by the premier’s decision to set the referendum on 19 December will now have the chance to vote. And eligible people who have not yet registered might, depending on the eventual date of the referendum, also be able to take part.

Election officials confirmed the deadline to register to vote is Thursday, 2 January 2020 because of the holidays. Those who register by this date will be included in the register of electors and be able to vote from 1 April 2020 onwards.

See who can register and how on the Elections Office website

People who have recently been released from prison after serving part or all of a sentence that was more than 12 months must re-register to vote.

Anyone who is unsure if they are currently registered can check the register here or go to the Elections Office.

Officials said the registration deadline is also an opportunity for existing voters to do their part in maintaining the accuracy of the list of electors.

Any registered voters who have recently moved residence or changed names or occupation and have not informed the Elections Office are asked to do so by completing the relevant forms, which are also online or available at the offices. Notifying the Elections Office of any changes in your voter registration details is a legal requirement.

Friends or family of any registered voter who has passed away over the last six months are asked to advise the Elections Office, particularly if the individual passed away overseas, in order to have their name removed from the list. Similarly, family members who believe their relatives are no longer mentally able to vote should submit a note from a medical doctor confirming this to be true to the Elections Office.

Individuals can object to a voter being included on the list on grounds that they have been living outside the Cayman Islands for more than two years for reasons other than medical, education, work for the government or work on an aircraft or ship.

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Category: Elections, Politics

Comments (8)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I want to de-register from being on the list. Can someone tell me how to do that?

  2. Anonymous says:

    I am registering this week for the first time in my life. I am hoping to place my “X” by that “NO”.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I think that the verification process is 3 months not 6 as previously commented. However, even 3 months is too long. My guess is that this time frame comes from the days before computers and no government has deemed this important enough to change. The maximum time period should be 30 days.

  4. Kurt Christian says:

    Register To Vote

  5. Anonymous says:

    There is no legitimate basis to take 6 months to verify an electoral roll. Other countries (with many millions of voters) do it in days. Our current system disenfranchises a substantial portion of our electorate and should be changed now. The current regime is almost certainly unconstitutional, and frankly makes us appear inept.


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