Elections Office working on postal ballots

(CNS): The Elections Office is now receiving postal ballot applications for voters who will not be on island when Cayman goes to the polls next month for the cruise port referendum. Registered voters who will travelling on Referendum Day, 19 December, can apply for a postal ballot delivered locally or overseas. The deadline for the application is Friday, 7 December, less than three weeks away.
The first batch of 146 international and locally delivered postal ballots were sent out at the beginning of this month and the office is working hard to keep dispatching what is expected to be a significant number of postal votes.
Campaigners have been worried that by setting the referendum just six days before Christmas, many people will miss the historic event, which was triggered after a nearly year-long campaign by local activists, who managed to get well over 5,300 signatures on a petition calling for the decision on the cruise port to be made by the people rather than Cabinet.
The Elections Office is also offering mobile voting for those who will be working on Referendum Day or cannot vote in person because of illness or disability.

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Category: Politics
Why are non resident Caymanians still on the register? If a Caymanian hasn’t been resident over 5 years they should be removed from the ballot. If a Caymanian has been non resident for 5 years and has a child overseas the child isn’t non resident. Seems to me it should follow they shouldn’t have voting rights either.
I think that should be ‘if’ Cayman goes to the polls next month. I’m sure I read that there are a couple of legal challenges in the pipeline…
Don’t the Post Office have a Express Mail Service that would be almost free to the government, why are we wasting our taxes paying for over priced DHL services.
Post on island let alone internationally takes weeks, sometimes months, or disappears into thin air. DHL deliver in days and you can track your package. Important stuff needs to go by courier. Not aware of an express service. It seems such an oxymoron Don’t think our post office would understand the concept.
Are you anti Caymanian? Should you be allowed to vote?
I believe the express service is far cheaper and can be tracked .. not sure if you can use it within Cayman or only internationally. I’ve used it to the UK with great results.
Is the elections office being instructed to send these postal ballots to incorrect addresses? Quite a few people I know have not received theirs due to errors in the address given to DHL.
Don’t see how the ballots can make the round trip off island by voting day. My Christmas cards usually take six months.
Vote No
Vote maybe!
What is so hard about making it to the Polls to vote? Are we charging postage to send out these unnecessary ballots?
7.17pm Try reading the first sentence of the article.
‘Unnecessary’?? It’s my democratic right to vote & I had already purchased my flights prior to the date being set. I have received my postal vote & will be using it to vote NO
Voting must be done in person. End of story.
I’m sure the government would love if that were true
You have got to be kidding!!! Postal votes have always been acceptable here & in other civilised places.
Just because Alden decided to set a date when I & lots of people will be away does not mean I should not be able to participate in the dock decision.
Then base them results on who votes. Do not include the ones that don’t vote which make an automatic yes.
Then they shouldn’t be counting registered voters who don’t vote as a Yes
Then you shouldn’t have voted to approve the constitution.
I didn’t. Wasn’t a registered voter at that point
If that were true, then those wishing to vote ‘yes’ should also have to vote in person, rather than just staying home.
As you can clearly see, the game is rigged.