YCLA cancelled weeks after nominations

(CNS): The Young Caymanian Leadership Award has been cancelled for 2019, according to a statement released by the organisers. Having issued a call for nominations last month and scheduled the annual awards gala for next month, they have now said they will be refocusing on “a rebirth” and the 2020 event. There was no clear reason offered in the statement why this year’s gala has been dropped or what happened to the nominations.
The statement reads: “Through careful evaluation, the Young Caymanian Leadership Awards Board made a conscious decision to take the best attributes over the last 20 years and refocus the efforts on a rebirth that will serve the younger generation’s needs, further providing a sustainable future for leadership development and recognition in the Cayman Islands by postponing this year’s YCLA Awards Gala to 2020.”
The organisers said that they are now conducting an anonymous survey to “understand the youth’s perspective on leadership” to redefine the criteria.
See the YCLA survey here.
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Category: Community, Local News
It will not be back in 2020, thankfully.
Can past winners attend by video link from jail?
Was being used as a tool to advance certain persons personal interests in any event.
It was all bullshit and politics anyway.
Good in theory, but it became a little “pageanty”. The whole nominate and parade (figuratively) around the island was a bit much. A lot of the nominees were nominees solely because they obtained a university degree and got a job.
And “young” got stretched with past nominees like Canover, and Cindy Scotland (I’m older than both…but I wouldn’t have included them as part of Cayman’s “ youth”).
Lots of other youth causes to support.
The YCLA board membership needs to be reviewed together with how they select board members.
Whole thing devalued by politically correct nomination of Canover.
It was devalued even before then. Just look at the list of past nominees and winners. Canover was just the breaking point.
Celebrating youth is important in every country. Celebrating Caymanian youth is important in Cayman and should be supported. Revamp the criteria,make it transparent. Reward the recipients. There was a time when the awards included some stocks in cuc etc. Tangiable benefits help to raise the value and respect of the award. Nobel Prize winners and some pageant winners as well as many award recipients for community based awards receive tangiable benefits. Let’s continue to Celebrate the many positive young Caymanian Leaders. #supportcayman
No fan of Canover but what was politically correct about awarding to him? He’s black?
Is he? Never noticed.
No, may have been first non Caymanian.
this needs to discussed…cayman struggles to host yearly events:
jazz fest
pirates week..now pirates weekend
how many more?
What happened, did they run out of American right-wing lunatics to invite as keynote speakers?
Review the list of guests YCLA had speak at past events. It’s like roll call in the green room at Fox News. Bizarre.
I’m sorry, I’m hit thumbs down on accident.
If they want to want to “understand the youth’s perspective on leadership”, just talk to any of the hundreds of young people who have just been blocked by our leaders (Alden McKeeva Moses Julianna Dwayne Joey Roy David Austin Tara Barbara Eugene) to vote in the Referendum
Really time for a Green Party with the youth leading it as the old boys and girls are destroying this place. Sure the youth of Cayman could do a better job but they will be blocked by their political elders.
I thought he moved to Panama?
12.13pm He did but no-ones noticed.
Seems a lil odd to cancel but the truth will surface …. eventually ….
If I had to guess, it might be because of corporate funding. It was one of those event where corporations were basically guilted into supporting it, at least by buying a table. But when some of the recipients and nominees started ending up in trouble, maybe corporations weren’t so willing to fork over the money for the cause. Just a guess, but I’ve heard at least one decision maker in a firm express something similar.
Haha. Luckily for them the year ‘2020’ saves face, but if you were to look closer, it’s just something that sounds like a legitimate excuse to skip the 2019 show of leadership (or lack thereof).
Like beauty pageants, this feeble event is starting to show cracks in its actual interest and consideration among the populi. It’s just not having an impact or contributes anything of tangible value and uplift to our society.
It won’t be missed.
look at the winners of previous years.
it needs more than a rebirth.
Watson anyone?
Precisely, Dr. Holmes!
Actually, elementary my dear Watson!
Why have they not revoked his award?
They did.
That’ll learn him.
Nah he still schemeing.
Our society in general needs to recognize and value integrity and not merely ambition.
Yeah, unfortunately, this initiative has passed its “Best By” date, although I’m not sure if the community can survive not having another ultra right-wing keynote speaker fill our heads with Ayn Rand-like philosophies of self-reliance and the evils of socialism.
I was always surprised at how old the Young Caymanians were!
Should have been cancelled years ago.
Was stupid idea in the first place. We wonder how many Canover Watson’s have been “Crowned”?
Geez destroyed this opportunity for future young Caymanians…still sporting that arrogant smirk Canover?
I wouldn’t call it stupid, but it was a bit naïve. And while there were disappointments like Canover, a lot of talented and caring people were recognized through YCLA. But it was all a bit much.
Good, now they can abolish the ‘body-positive outgoing popular young woman’ and the ‘former Key Club Lieutenant Governor’ requirements. Maybe a young man has done something worthy of recognition in the past 10 years? Who knows? What a world.
Ran out of candidates. Was always going to happen.
Where there ever any real candidates?
Yes there were – just not enough for an annual event. Maybe it should be every four years, like the Olympic and World Cup.
Yawn…fix the damn dump!
MODGA – Make Our Dump Great Again!
The iguanas are doing thier best.