NRA plans 2nd road safety conference

| 08/10/2019 | 36 Comments
Cayman News Service
Crash on North Church St, June 2018

(CNS): Just as the issue of traffic congestion and the endless road accidents are at the top of the driving public’s agenda, the National Roads Authority is planning to host its second annual Road Safety conference at the end of this month. Among local and international speakers, the key note speaker for the four day event will be Michael Dreznes from the International Road Federation (IRF), a non-profit that assists countries to create better, safer and smarter road systems.

NRA Acting Managing Director Edward Howard said he was pleased the NRA was able to host the conference for the second time.

“The NRA is committed to improving road usage, particularly safety, for everyone who shares in the Cayman Islands road network,” he said. “This priority is something with which we rely on a number of other stakeholders to assist us. The conference is the perfect opportunity to get all parties together to establish best practices and collaborate for the mutual benefit of all.”

The agenda includes discussions on Cayman’s new road safety strategy and presentations by local agencies, covering emergency services, enforcement and education on road safety. Speakers include representatives from the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service, the Department of Vehicle and Drivers Licensing (DVDL) and the Cayman Islands Fire Service.

One event likely to draw drivers to the free conference is the planned traffic management panel round-table discussion.

The minister responsible for roads, Joey Hew, said the NRA does vital work maintaining and refining roads in the Cayman Islands, but he noted the ongoing concerns regarding congestion.

“This year, we’ve seen a number of improvement projects make a real difference to road users, whether they are drivers, cyclists or pedestrians,” he said. “We understand there are still a number of concerns that require innovation and resourcefulness to tackle effectively; conferences like
this allow vital stakeholders a seat at the table, so we can collaborate for the benefit of the whole community.”

The conference will take place from the 29 October through 1 November at the Ritz Carlton. It is open to all government departments, road safety stakeholders and the public. Registration is free but space is limited.

Anyone interested in taking part can email or call 946-7780.

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Comments (36)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Enough talking! Enough discussing! Enough wasting money!
    Produce 2014 iRAP assessment report! Why Auditor General didn’t question the absence of the report? $155k was spent.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Fix the damn traffic!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    There you have it: Joey Who says it’s all good.

    • Anonymous says:

      Divert it all down Marbel Drive and let’s see what he has to say.

      • Anonymous says:

        I think we should direct all traffic for the next weeks (when the politicians are on island) down their roads! we’re stuck in traffic anyway we might as well annoy them! make sure to honk your horn as you’re going down the road. Blast baha men who let the dogs out too.

  4. Anonymous says:

    How does closing lanes on a roundabout make it safer for cyclists who according to the nra are supposed to remain in the outer lane and now you are forcing them into the inner lane. That makes it far more dangerous!

  5. Anonymous says:

    With a third world police force?

  6. Say it like it is says:

    The NRA should fly Mr Dreznes to the Ritz Carlton by helicopter, the roads are too dangerous.

  7. Anonymous says:

    International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) project . The Next Generation of Road Assessment. Press Conference Launch held on January 16th, 2014

    “RAP will identify cost effective and often simple infrastructure improvements that will help improve Cayman’s roads for all users, motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists.”

    The road assessment project will cost US$155,000, NRA officials said.

    “We are going to collect the data with high technology that later is going to be analyzed with a special software and, finally, we are going to deliver the results,” said Mr. Urzua.”
    “Cayman’s roads will receive a star rating of between 1 and 5, with 5 the highest safety rating, based on the data collected. ”
    “A follow-up report, which will contain countermeasures for road safety, is estimated to be released in June” [2014].

    Has anyone seen the report? It has been 5 years and 3 months already!

  8. Anonymous says:

    bring in a private traffic cops. problem solved.

  9. Anonymous says:

    ..committed…priority…blah blah blah He’s just blowing smoke.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Several simple ways to make the roads safe – toughen up on vehicle inspections to get all the junkers off the roads, introduce random roadside safety inspections to tackle things like cars with illegal, unsafe modifications and make sure everyone (locals and ex-pats) who holds a driving licence can actually drive.

    On the vehicles modifications issue think about this – I just saw a Honda Civic that had been lowered to the point where the front wheels fouled the fenders/wings so badly the driver was struggling to get it turned on a roundabout. In an emergency he’d have no chance of taking avoiding action or correcting a skid. Anywhere else where I’ve lived in the modern world that car would have been pulled over and impounded.

    They also need to update the Traffic Law to introduce a penalty or demerit points system so the courts can identify and ban persistent bad drivers. We were promised ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition), which police have been using for years in the UK, but nothing’s happened. I can tell you from personal experience, ANPR is just about the most effective piece of traffic enforcement equipment on this planet.

    Sadly, it won’t happen because if my past experience of attending ‘road safety’ meetings here is anything to go by most of the people involved (and the includes RCIPS) haven’t got a clue what they’re talking about and won’t listen to the people who have. Anyone remember one MLA’s 2007 master plan to reduce traffic casualties? If you don’t, it was to ban Honda Civics because they were involved in most of the crashes. That pretty much sums it all up doesn’t it?

    • Anonymous says:

      Road safety would be improved if Jamaicans were banned from driving on our roads..

      • Anonymous says:

        Yup. And usually not insured!

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes. They bring their reckless driving habits here. Switching lanes for no reason, driving like bats out of hell and the impatience and discourtesy are hallmarks of their style of driving. We used to have quotas as to nationalities allowed to enter. Do we not have them any more?

  11. Anonymous says:

    Simple. We have the worst driving standards of any 1st world country. Proper driver training and testing is needed, including of Caymanians.

    • A-change-gonna-come.... says:

      There’s the problem right away. we may be a first world country, but we have third world leaders and decision-makers.

    • anon says:

      7.18am I entirely agree, except the accepted term according to the Civil Service is “world class”.

  12. Anonymous says:

    How about teaching these idiots how to use a round about?

    • Anonymous says:

      You are so naive. You can’t teach everyone how to use roundabouts. World would be a perfect place if you could. Solution to that is “fool-proofing” or “ error-proofing” when it comes to roads design. Just like an automatic shut off iron. Or a device that prevents a car from starting if its driver is drunk.
      When I was in Dominican Republic on vacation, I couldn’t help but notice that it is impossible to fly through a roundabout. You’re forced by speed bumps to slow down on approaching and the actual roundabouts designed so well that it leaves very little room for an error.

      • Jg says:

        @ 8:54am Im assuming you bought your license and didnt feel like learning road safety. I clearly remember reading my book numerous times and retaining the information needed to pass and for my safety as well as others. There was also information there about how to CORRECTLY use a round about. So there is no excuse for these trash drivers.

        • Anonymous says:

          Smarty pants.
          I spent 7 years in Cayman easily navigating roundabouts without reading a “book” even once.
          But for some people like you even after reading your “book” several times, they still can’t. It is called learning disability. Majority of those who have problems with roundabouts have learning disabilities. It is a fact! Get used to it. It’s not going to change because there are books that teach how to drive properly.

    • Round and round in circles we go says:

      If the people on this island can understand the rules of American Football (which I don’t), then surely they can learn the rules for a roundabout:
      – Use indicators, when entering & exiting
      – Traffic already on the roundabout and heading towards you, has the right of way
      – Do not change lanes when on a roundabout
      – If going more than 1/2 way round, be in the right hand lane.

  13. Linda says:

    Public Authorities having conferences at the Ritz while our civil service has training conferences at the Family Life Center., Marriott and H Theatre. Something is wrong with this. Why don’t the run a way SAGC’S follow the Civil Service cost control measures?

    • Anonymous says:

      Family Life Centre?! What’s wrong with the Mary Miller hall, or any of the Government owned Civic Centres? Who authorized this gross misuse of public funds? Ezzard, where is your PAC now!

  14. Anonymous says:

    Too many yahoos on the road that need their right to drive revoked until they can show an 80% pass on a first world driving test.

    • Juniper says:

      80%? Given the state of the roads here I suggest 100%. Weed out the fools. Problem is no police to enforce the laws.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Shut up Joey. All you have succeeded in doing is spending millions to make it worse. Fix the damm roads and the damn dump!

    • Anonymous says:

      The main problem with this is you are stupid enough to still believe he has the ability to do it.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Just enforce the law!


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