Red Cross launches appeal for hurricane victims

(CNS): Five deaths have been confirmed so far on Abaco in the Bahamas, which has been devastated by the monster storm Dorian. As harrowing tales emerge from the survivors, the category 5 hurricane continues to batter Grand Bahama, as the storm has stalled right over the island, and the ultimate toll in lost lives and damage may not be known for days.
“The initial reports from Abaco is that the devastation is unprecedented and extensive,” Bahamas Prime Minister Hubert Minnis said today. “They are deeply worrying. The images and videos we are seeing are heartbreaking. Many homes, businesses and other buildings have been completely or partially destroyed. There is an extraordinary amount of flooding and damage to infrastructure.”
The Cayman Islands is no stranger to the desperate need following a catastrophic storm and many people here are ready to help. The CI Red Cross, therefore, has launched a monetary donation appeal.
Read why the Red Cross is collecting money: CIRC Hurricane Dorian Bahamas Appeal
Or contact or visit the CIRC website
CI Red Cross Hurricane Dorian Bahamas Appeal
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Category: Community, Local News
Red Cross is not a good place to donate, I can’t believe they still exist after so much evidence of past misalocation of funds there are better ways to help
I’m sorry, I don’t give to redcross anymore. I now donate anything I am no longer in need of to the human society thrift store.. or old sheets and towels for the dogs etc.
For other donation options consider Rotary. I am not a Rotarian but have donated through them in the past because they were (then) able to work through members in the affected are to make sure the right stuff got where it was needed with little overhead.
– PayPal:
– Credit Card, etc.:
Or Consider Catholic Relief. An international organisation with ‘people in the community’. And they report 7% donation goes to ‘overhead’, so you know.
Can the Red Cross confirm what percent of the donated funds will actually make it to the victims?
just check the reports after every major disaster that Red Cross receive funds for, there is always some scandal, money magically can’t be accounted for, ridiculous overheads, etc.. it’s a disgrace.
Sounds like a church
If they’re lucky, they might get 7 cents for every dollar they receive. The big boss of the R/C makes over a million a year! Save your dollars and give to someone you know who personally who can help them. NOT the Red Cross.
I think there might be more secure ways to assist Dorian victims. I know of persons who donated items of value this charity to assist. Those items ‘disappeared ‘ from this entity.
Could be a one off, but there are other avenues to donate that are not open to compromise.
Not a one off. This charity is notorious for reassigning funds and donations to somewhere not intended by those donating, if at all received by those in need and thats coming from someone who used to volunteer for them.
So far there have been a lot of negative comments regarding the Red Cross. I don’t hear anyone else suggesting another solution. Here’s an option to consider
Some years ago I donated my deceased brother-in-law’s clothes to the Red Cross. Later I discovered that a staffer there was taking donated clothing and sending them to Jamaica to sell in her shop. I believe she was discovered and fired. However, that destroyed my trust in the Red Cross; there may be more like her.
However, if the local Bahamian community or some other organization arranges a charity drive for the residents of Abaco and Grand Bahama I’m happy to contribute.
I would rather donate food and clothing for those that is in need . Sorry but I lost my trust in these organizations.
Me too I would never support the Red Cross ever again.
Mr Red Cross both are needed