Rider critical after motorbike crash

| 11/09/2019 | 17 Comments
Cayman News Service

(CNS): A motorbike rider is in a critical condition after he lost control of the motorcycle as he was riding along the West Bay Road around 10:00pm on Sunday. The bike left the roadway near the junction of Willie Farrington Drive, close to Foster’s Supermarket, and the rider sustained serious injuries. No other vehicles were involved. Emergency services attended the location and the man was taken by ambulance to the Cayman Islands Hospital, where he remains. Police are now investigating the crash.


Category: Local News

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Wonder if it was the same idiot who was pulling wheelies from Hurley’s roundabout to Lantern Point yesterday evening? I really thought he was going to drop the bike at one point. Where are the police?

    • You said it! says:

      would really be helpful/honest & transparent to advise the public if this was an unfortunate incident or justified due to stupidity/showing off

  2. Anonymous says:

    Most of thesr guys can’t ride to save their lives. Only got to look at their back wheel to see they can’t take a corner.

  3. Say it like it is says:

    We have a significant number of motorcyclists riding high powered bikes who seem to have an adolescent mentality. Sad as this case is I am amazed we do not have more fatalities here.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Skilled to kill – themselves and others.

  5. Anonymous says:

    my best friend was killed on a motorcycle…i want nothing to do with them….

  6. Anonymous says:


  7. Anonymous says:

    Sorry to hear.

    Every time one of my coworkers see a story like this they give me hell for riding a motorcycle to GT. Uh, if you lived in Northside too, you’d want to get around the morning traffic too.

    We all take a risk when we go on the road. Be it by foot, bicycle, motorcycle, or car.

    • Anonymous says:

      A few days a go in the hospital area of 25 m p h. A guy on a motorcycle passed me on my left side between my car and the light pole/bush about 4 t0 5 ft. Space, he was travelling about 80 to 90 mph , he sounded like a rocket when he pass me 1 to
      2 seconds he was out of sight, this was on the Brac, crazy, if he had hit me or the light pole, would have to scrap him up with a spoon

      • Anonymous says:

        Lane splitting is legal in the UK. What he did was on an idiotic level. While I admit I ride by the side of cars in dead traffic, it’s only at 10-20 mph.

        • Anonymous says:

          Is lane splitting legal here?

          • Anonymous says:

            With this traffic, it better be.

            Would you rather me drive my long truck in the morning and burn 20 mpg

            or my motorcycle that gets 130 mpg and doesn’t take up a car space on the road or parking?

            If a motorcyclist is waiting behind you to cross in 5 mph traffic, please slip over. It’s a win/win situation.

          • Anonymous says:

            for the sake of traffic I hope so. I always move over to the side to let them split. That’s one less car I have to wait behind.

            It’s the least I can do in return for them giving up a metal protective cage to ease traffic congestion.

          • Anonymous says:

            Same rules apply to motorcycle as they do for the cars. That is no overtaking on solid lines etc. I was going between cars at stop light and popo didnt like that. He would have give me a ticket if you could but was too much traffic!

      • Anonymous says:

        Riders who go that speed have skill.


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