Jamaican couple killed in East End crash

(CNS): The two people killed in Saturday’s early morning fatal collision in East End were Lopez George Higgins (26) and Charlisa Titanya Chambers (27), both Jamaican nationals who were living in the Cayman Islands. The car they were in was involved in a head-on smash on Seaview Road in the High Rock area at around 3:00am with a Department of Environmental Health dump truck. Higgins and Chambers were killed at the scene of the crash but the driver of the truck was uninjured. Police investigations into the smash continue.
The couple are now the fifth and sixth people to die on Cayman’s roads this year.
Category: Local News
Sad. Here, we have two deceased people, and grieving families. And then you have racists people on this site bringing up their nationalities.
4:44pm – it’s not that no-one cares about tragedies affecting Jamaican nationals in Cayman. Do you consider that those people may largely be unknown by the average Caymanian? In a small community like ours, people generally extend sentiments when the affected person is known in the community. I say “generally”, because some folks express condolences anyway.
I suspect there’s no disrespect intended against Jamaicans or any specific nationality in times of tragedy, simply because the victims aren’t widely known.
Every life, whatever colour or creed, is God’s children. Two young lives lost yet again on Cayman’s roads needlessly. It’s no good anyone speculating how this tragic accident occurred. Speed definitely was a factor by the state of the vehicle. At 3am I hardly think they were wide awake and as competent in driving as they should be. Whatever the reason, the Traffic Dept., will investigate and come to the conclusion by way of evidence, whether it was mechanical or driver error. The only witness at present is the truck driver. This unfortunate person will too be traumatised by this event. As for all you criticising why this truck was on the road at 3am, What difference does it make? Do you think this accident would not have occurred if it was safely tucked in the depot? If it wasn’t this truck it would have been any other vehicle travelling in that direction at that time. Would you have criticised if it was a car or van? Any vehicle whatsoever can travel legitimately at any time day or night on Cayman’s roads. This truck was on this road legitimately…..it was a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
May these poor souls rest in peace and me, and every person on this island, will sympathise and offer condolences to their poor families.
Condolence to the families, utter nonsense 4:44 pm don’t try to lay the blame on what vehicles are on the road, go back a few years, remember the young lady that died a few years ago from her burn injuries that was due to speed and a young man trying to impress he ran off the road and the car burst into flames, should we blame this on the road being too short, it’s seems all of these young people have to pay with their own blood because none seem to be learning that vehicles are great convenience but can be deadly when used the wrong way
May God take their souls and keep them safe.
Your good could have prevented the whole thing.
He could have but if He gives us free will, wouldn’t that be Him backtracking?
We can’t both have free will and except God to step in when things are going to go wrong.
Besides only God knows the master plan.
God knew they were going to die at that exact time, nothing surprises Him and just because your pea-size brain do not understand the “why” does not make God any less powerful and wise.
So, young Jamaican couple was killed, almost zero response from the community. Jamaican nurse disappeared, the same response. Jamaican woman was chopped to death by her boyfriend- again, nobody cares.
Lives of Jamaican nationals don’t matter in the Cayman Islands.
P.S. there would be many excuses for the Dump truck being on the road at 3AM on Saturday.
Who is covering the cost of repatriating the two souls?
Man, get lost with your attempt to stir up problems between Jamaicans and Caymanians.
Sick you!
4:44 your are an idiot.if you cant contribute in a positive way,shut the f%$’ up…trying to create division..Dont you know that these trucks mostly operate in the early morning(while you sleep,they picking you garbage)..all indication show they were on the wrong side of the road..
Noise ordinance should restricts collection time before 6 AM. It was Saturday also.
Regulation of noise pollution
Unfortunately DEH response was usual hogwash
Well since 60% of our population are Jamaicans why are you blaming Caymanians?
4:44 says COMMUNITY, not Caymanians.
Because Jamaicans bring there problems to Cayman.
Who ran into the truck? Cayman or the young couple? Why are they on the road at that time in the morning? Jamaican chopped to death by boyfriend is whose fault? Couple or Cayman? Don’t stir up that kind of foolish trouble. Because people will pounce on you about crime, you know where. That was a very senseless and stupid statement in light of that tragedy. If you are not from here and feel so very passionate about what you saying, then you know what to do. Bet you won’t leave though. Go and find something productive to do.
I agree 4:44. Not a single care in the world. None whatsoever.
I’m glad someone said it. Years ago a Caymanian guy caused an accident in which a Jamaican child, visiting her parents here for the summer, lost an eye. Nothing came of it and no public uproar. Once you are Jamaican, your lives do NOT matter to Caymanians.
There are lots of articles on CNS that don’t get many responses from people – not just those having to do with Jamaicans. Nice try at trying to foment problems between locals and Jamaicans.
All you Morons talking about the time the dump truck being on the road obviously do not know the starting time for these hard workers at DEH..These guys are usually lambasted by the press and the community they do a difficult job at difficult times and as outlined in the Public Health Law “day and night”.
it is obvious that they are trying to scape goat the DEH driver. Did he cause the accident or were they speeding?
Stop trying to cause division. Any life lost matters so not saying it is right, but I think the lack of response is because not many knew them. If a Caymanian was killed on the highway in Jamaica, I am sure we would not see any outpouring of sympathetic comments over there either so stop stirring up problems where there is none.
Didn’t the police say the other day the nurse’s case was still active? How is that not caring?
What exactly did you want or expect? If there was an outpouring of comments I am sure you would claim they were all from Jamaicans too.
You are just a moron.