DEH still struggling with garbage collection

(CNS): The Department of Environmental Health offered apologies to the public once again this weekend after garbage collection services fell behind schedule. Officials blamed “a temporary shortage of equipment this past week” for the delay in pick-up and said management was working to ensure that collection of the affected areas, largely in Bodden Town, would be addressed today and tomorrow.
Officials did not spell out what the problems were regarding the equipment but delays in garbage collection are a continuing problem for the ministry, which has blamed equipment, staff, managers and other factors on a rotating basis.
Meanwhile, it is now two years since government selected a consortium of bidders, led by the Dart general contractor DECCO, as the preferred bidder on the long awaiting proposed national wast management project. However, no contract has been signed and the ministry has ignored requests from CNS to update the public on the current status of the talks and explain what the hold-up is.
The DEH urged residents who have any specific issues with their garbage to call 949-6696 or email
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Category: Local News
Why not have home-composting madate along with segregated rubbish bins to recycle. and for God’s sake – Implement a world-class recycling facility here…
Perhaps the government reps could have done something useful during their Monaco jaunt and asked how a tiny principality has no delays in picking up garbage or an eyesore dump polluting the air, land and sea?
As the Premier, I would be embarrassed to show my face in Cayman , much less foreign…please lets give Mr. Archer and Mr. Panton another chance of managing our country in 2021…the government of the day should inform the people of this country what the two gentlemen did during their tenure by balancing the budget and caring about the people and the environment…. have you seen how the politicians conduct themselves in the LA recently…quite embarrassing actually….look back on how Mr. Archer and Mr. Panton conducted themselves and treated their colleagues…. with respect and professionalism….come on Cayman!
How’s the port going
Old DEH Boss: Truck breaks, pay staff overtime to get the garbage picked up with the trucks you do have, get fired for overtime.
Old Vehicle Repair Boss: Problem isn’t that the trucks need repairing.
DEH Minister: We don’t need more trucks.
New DEH Boss (old vehicle repair boss): Truck breaks … its “a temporary shortage of equipment this past week”
Got to feel sorry for DEH. CIG’s accounting system can’t seem to handle the simple concept that as soon as you buy something like a dump truck you need to start saving for its replacement. And you need a bunch of them to do the work efficiently and effectively.
N.B.> I don’t know it was a dump truck that broke, but … how much other equipment do you need to pick up garbage?
PS> Who wants more people in Cayman so we can have more garbage not picked up? And piled higher atop the dump. (Among other social infrastructure shortcomings we still need to deal with.)
To be fair didn’t they lose a vehicle because someone drove headfirst into it?
Does DEH have any responsibilities other than to pick up the garbage?
I hope that Boeing is not providing the new garbage trucks as we want the drivers in charge of steering them.
Government thinks the community love the smell of garbage huh
And the rats.
Officials blamed “a temporary shortage of equipment this past week” or in other words the staff once again aren’t looking after the vehicles so they’re breaking down. I’ve posted this comment before but am happy to repeat it – this work needs to be privatised. That’s what they did where I come from in the UK and since then you can almost set your clocks by the collections because they’re so consistent. Even weather issues and rescheduling for public holidays causes only minimal disruption. The reason is very simple – the staff only get paid when they’re working. When the council ran the operation a broken truck meant the staff operating it could (like they do at DEH) sit on their backsides waiting for repairs than cash in on overtime to catch up. Now, a broken truck means no wages. This is in an almost 600 square mile rural area with a well spread out population of around 180,000. It was further from my home there to the nearest large town than the distance from any point on Grand Cayman to Mt Trashmore – if they can make it work so can CIG.
Bodden Town….You get what you elect elect. Dwayne Seymour need we say more….
Incredible. And half the CIG is galavanting off in Monaco and Africa, when what they should be doing is visiting waste management facilities in America and Canada to determine the best solution for Mount Trashmore. We have all of our priorities wrong on this island.
they had visited it numerous times already.
So what did they conclude from their visits? What is the plan now?
Nice free trip on CIG (the people). Lovely scenery, interesting visits and meetings, fantastic hotel and food. Conclusion, all is good in Wonderland!
7:43 Various ministers have been visiting the site for at least the past 14 years and done sweet FA about it because they can’t see a profit there. If someone told them that stinking heap of crap could earn them all $1million each they’d be running round in circles finding ways to fix it.
5:42 A certain well known MLA (now sitting on an independent ticket) did exactly that when he was a minister in 2006. He came back from the USA full of talk about WTE but did absolutely nothing.
bodden towners get what they deserve….they are the one who stopped cayman having a new waste management facility.
not sure why…the place is a dump anyway.
Cayman will have a new waste management facility, right where the old one is. We are just waiting for DECCO and government.
Here we go again, DART recommendation for the dump relocation landed them in 5th place when the application was tendered. So let’s just bypass the legal mandate to select the preferred bids as per the law and do whatever we like. No wonder corruption is so apparent here. You can’t make this stuff up #facepalm.
wow…two million in reserves….borrowing 1.5….no waste management….amazing….how can the government face/mingle with other countries ,knowing that they are failing their own country….do they ever read CNS? Millions being spent on Ministries/Managers for different organizations and no one is being held accountable…it is all nice when money is flowing….wait until it stops!