Cop car crashes en route to call

| 12/09/2019 | 52 Comments
Cayman News Service

(CNS): An unmarked police car crashed into a light pole Thursday morning as it was responding to a call, the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service has confirmed. The vehicle was travelling west on Bodden Road in George Town with lights and sirens activated when the smash happened at around 9:30am today. Police said that the officer behind the wheel was maneuvering to avoid a collision with a private vehicle on the road when it struck the pole. No other vehicles were involved and no one was injured.

The collision is now under investigation.

Police said that Bodden Road was expected to remain closed to through traffic until later Thursday afternoon.

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Comments (52)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I know that there is going to be a fatal accident on Boddens road in the near future. Those trucks coming from the Port are driven like they were on a race track.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I’ve driven a vehicle here in an emergency response role, and seriously, some of you need to get a grip. Sirens and blue lights do strange things. People brake, people serve left and right, people don’t notice, people refuse to move over; basically it’s impossible to predict what someone’s going to do. I don’t know what happened here, but have some sympathy for the situation.

    Regarding rcips driving standards, yeah, there’s some awful examples, but there’s also excellent drivers. Think of how many calls they respond to. Vehicles arriving promptly without crashing don’t attract column inches unfortunately.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Dont forget the idiot in town dancing like a fool dancing and directing traffic.

    • Say it like it is says:

      6.22am I use that junction frequently and that officer is doing an invaluable job speeding up the traffic flow on cruise ship days. The tourists also find him very entertaining so he is pleasing both the locals and the visitors.I am too educated to call you an “idiot”, but you get full marks for ignorance.

      • Anonymous says:

        He yelled at me for not turning fast enough. I actually couldn’t see him directing until the delivery truck in front of me turned first. Prat!
        Nobody needs a dancing copper yelling at them in traffic.

      • Anonymous says:

        I don’t think he is invaluable – it takes 32 minutes from Walkers Road to get to those traffic lights and that clown is part of the problem!!

        • Anonymous says:

          And how long do you think it would take without him? Do you think there would magically be no traffic?

          • Anonymous says:

            24 minutes, that’s what it used to be before that idiot got involved. He’s possibly one of the biggest road hazards in Cayman aside from the Light poles.

            • Anon says:

              5.37pm Wrong! He is not in the same class as the Trolley Roger when it comes to road hazards and obstruction.

    • Ron Ebanks says:

      Who trained and gave him a license ?

    • Anonymous says:

      Excellent sentence structure! Clearly highlights your intelligence.

    • Anonymous says:

      Absolutely fantastic comment – I hope he’s not getting paid for mucking about on the road he’s more of a problem to traffic than a solution.

  4. Anonymous says:

    No surprise here, once those flashing lights and sirens are on, poor driving standards diminish to none at all.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Well, it’s a marked car now.

  6. Anonymous says:

    uh-oh spaghettios….

  7. Anonymous says:

    May be instead of hiding behind bushes at stop signs waiting to see if motorist is coming to a full stop in order to issue $100 ticket,they could spend more time learning defensive driving and how to properly maneuver a vehicle there may be less report of this sort!

  8. Anon says:

    We should be in the Guinness Book of World Records for the country with the most light poles knocked over by clueless drivers.

  9. Mouth full of teeth says:

    How does one travel “west on Bodden Town road in George Town”?

  10. Anonymous says:

    Very rare do you see a Police vehicle having an accident. If half the population drove as well as RCIPS there wouldn’t be so many accidents.

    • Anonymous says:

      I hope and pray this is sarcasm, and not a genuine thought or belief!

      • Anonymous says:

        It must be sarcasm. The use of indicators by police in marked cars is almost non existent. They often use the wrong lane on roundabouts & speed. All the things that make our roads dangerous – besides drinking & driving. I’ve no way of knowing if they do that but I’ve witnessed the other problems on an almost daily basis of driving here 30+ years.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Only yesterday lunchtime I had a dummy in a marked neighbourhood police car pull out very slowly at the Countryside junction. It clearly says STOP on the flashing signs. What kind of idiot pulls in front of a line of moving traffic?

    I’ll tell you, the same kind of idiots that don’t know how to use roundabouts, keep left on two lane roads, don’t use indicators, use cell phones against their ears whilst driving, and at a high profile funeral this week, rode police motorcycles into traffic without warning.

    With all due respect to the deceased and their family, why did it need a high speed escort in the first place, and why were the police and funeral cortège exceeding the speed limit?
    It was not an emergency and the roads weren’t that busy.
    Where on earth do you think you are and how
    do we expect the police to enforce road traffic laws if they don’t know how to drive safely themselves.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wait, what? What high speed escort? You are referring to something that is not in the article. This makes no sense unless you know something that is not being reported. (which wouldn’t be a new thing..)

    • Anonymous says:

      Same thing happened to us. Driving with the kids and this policeman on his bike was in the opposite lane and almost collided with us if my husband didn’t swerve quickly. We couldn’t believe it.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Or you could blame the private vehicle that did not pull over for the vehicle with flashing lights and sirens activated… LOL

  13. Anonymous says:

    I hope they gave this officer an alcohol test. Clearly, someone without the motor skill or competence to be driving fast.

  14. Anonymous says:

    gad dam light poles always jumping out in front of hondas

  15. Anonymous says:

    What’s with people here always crashing into light poles, trees and walls? Been driving here 20 years with never a single issue. Seems like weekly some dummy turns right into an obvious stationary object that will total their vehicle with them in it… Even the cops now having this problem!

    • Anonymous says:

      The cops are superbly experienced at wrecking the fleet we provide. No shortage of flipped single-car accidents, light pole impacts etc. Many of them are DUIs!

  16. Anonymous says:

    Is this truly a surprise? The police down here are terrible drivers even when not responding to a call. I highly doubt they spend more than half a day of training on practical driver training. They need much more such as what those lights are that indicate your turns and the lights that tell you when to slow down and stop…

    • Anti says:

      When you realize where the majority of our police officers come from, then you’ll understand why they drive the way they do.

  17. Anonymous says:

    …perhaps reiterating the importance of the police in particular driving right hand drive vehicles designed and intended for driving on the left!

    • Anonymous says:

      Doesn’t matter. I drive cars with wheels on either side, I don’t have any issues. Not my fault people here don’t know how to drive.

      • Anonymous says:

        It matters a lot, especially if the vehicle is required to overtake at high speed. The driver can not see the road ahead until after they have fully pulled out. Perhaps what really matters is that certain well connected persons do not have any access to right hand drive vehicles.

        Could the commissioner of police please explain why his department exclusively buys vehicles made for driving on the right? There must be a legitimate reason, especially since the rest of the population seems to have no difficulty acquiring vehicles with steering wheels on the correct side.

        • Anonymous says:

          Brilliant comment

        • Anonymous says:

          I would argue that 40 foot tall telephone poles, arranged in a series, strung with wires announcing each successive pole, might be discerned (by normal people) from either side of a car, and from some distance. It was also an unmarked car, which could really be any car – not specifically LH or RH.

        • Chris Johnson says:

          Quite right but it has gone on for years. Left hand drive vehicles should be banned from the island. They are instrumental in causing accidents. Above all the police should know.

        • Royal says:

          Spot on! Glad to see someone else with a functioning brain!
          When I was growing up, I can distinctly remember seeing a few right hand drive police cars with European style sirens. I admired those little cars and wanted so much to be a cop! By the time I was of age and joined, they’d replaced them with gasoline guzzling American cars! Who knows why! This country is known for its stupid decisions! I’ve been to a few commonwealth Caribbean countries and all their forces have right hand drive patrol cars. It’s been said that Japan has been generous with providing vehicles for government fleets in these countries (at special rates or something of the sort) but we must be too stupid or proud to accept such a deal!

        • Anonymous says:

          Because it’s cheaper to import from the US than it is from Europe. Simple case of economics.

          • Anonymous says:

            Which is why there is not a single Audi, BMW or Toyota on Cayman’s roads?

            • Al Catraz says:

              Because if you drive the only Audi, then how are you going to steal parts to fix it?

            • Anonymous says:

              Hey Genius how much does an Audi, BMW, and Toyota cost in comparison to a Ford or Chevrolet? Not to mention the carrying capacity. This is basic economics! But why am i not surprised about these comments. Empty barrels do make the most noise.

            • Anonymous says:

              The above comment should have appeared in response to 3.02pm. Don’t know why it’s dropped in here. Read it as a response to 3.02 and it makes more sense.

          • Anonymous says:

            Even cheaper from Japan – and they’re all RHD – but wait, that would involve somebody engaging their brain…

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe CUC should double anchor strap the telephone poles to the ground so they don’t jump out in front of cars anymore, cause that makes about as much sense.


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