Bahamas braces for cat 5 Dorian

(CNS): Hurricane Dorian, a massive, slow moving storm, which now has 180mph winds in the eye wall with gusts up to 220mph, is currently slamming into The Bahamas. The powerful hurricane has just made landfall at the Abaco Islands and will then move on to Grand Bahama Island. As Dorian is only moving at 8mph, the northern islands are expected to feel the full brunt of catastrophic wind, rain and storm surge for several days.
Dorian is said to be unpredictable and its path after it leaves The Bahamas is uncertain. While its most likely course is to remain off the coast of the US as it heads north, even if it does not make landfall, it could still have severe impacts, according to weather experts, with hurricane force winds, coastal flooding, rip tides and large waves.
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Category: Science & Nature, Weather
The hurricanes in the Atlantic will continue to get bigger and bigger for the simple reason that the Atlantic Ocean is getting hotter and hotter every year. This is a basic scientific fact related to ocean temperatures. Only a matter of time before we get hit with a big one too.
Sorry to say, it will be bigger than Ivan because the ocean is a number of degrees warmer now than in 2004.
The most beautiful place in the world, the Caribbean paradise, is being destroyed by some angry god??? Thats pretty terrible. But then again the religious right is ok with Sandy Hook, go figure.
I bet if Dorian hit us they would say God sent it to cleanse us. But since it went North, praise God it never came this way but may God be with Bahamas. If he knows everything, didn’t he send it? Didn’t he cause childhood defects and innocent people getting cancer? Mosquitoes?
you have no clue about what you’re talking about so relax
Here is what ihis word says about bad things that happen 1 John 5;19
Climate change will render much of the Caribbean inhabitable.