Sheldon Brown released from jail

| 21/07/2019 | 68 Comments
Cayman News Service
Sheldon Brown

(CNS): Following consultation with the Advisory Committee on the Prerogative of Mercy, Governor Martyn Roper has released Sheldon Brown (49) from jail. Brown was convicted in 2006 of attempted murder and given a 22-year sentence, of which he has served almost 15 years and would have been released later this year in any event. However, the governor’s office confirmed that Brown’s recent diagnosis of terminal cancer led to the decision to release him earlier.

Although Brown did at one point have a reputation as a gang leader who had been on the wrong side of the law since he was young, he had persistently denied being the gunman who shot James Fernando Martin multiple times in August 2004 at the Cayman Islander Hotel on the West Bay Road. At the time Martin was supposed to be in witness protection as he was a crown witness in the gang-related murder of Joe Williams in 2003.

Brown always claimed that Martin had a grudge against him as a result of previous allegations and that the police had set him up, but that he did not try to kill Martin.

Martin gave evidence in the case against Damean Dwayne Seymour and Matio Romario Dinall, but despite his testimony the judge threw out the case against them due to lack of credible evidence. No one has ever been convicted of Williams’ murder and Seymour was shot and killed in George Town in 2016.

Martin went on to be a witness against Brown in his case, insisting that he saw the man who shot him and it was Sheldon Brown. Brown was convicted and an appeal against the conviction in 2008 failed.

Despite his reputation as a hardened gangster, once in jail Brown turned his hand to writing and studying. He produced several fast-paced thrillers, starting with the action-packed page-turner, Caribbean Cartels, where much of the action is set in Grand Cayman. While it is a great piece of fiction, the story is certainly based on some ‘home’ truths, too.

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Category: Crime, Prison

Comments (68)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Atleast his wife can now close this chapter in her life and hopefully find a loving, caring , husband or partner to spend her life with minus the court appearences and northward visits. Saffie none of these comments reflect on you. There are people out here whos lives have forever been changed by his actions noone can bring back the dead. So you must understand where the hate is coming from.

    I wish you all the best in your future.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Maybe he will go live in England. Free medical. I will feel sorry for the people there also. This guy will spread hate no matter where he lives.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Hope I never see him around Cayman. Sad that the governor would release someone so violent back on our streets. Why isn’t he trying to improve the crime here? This guy is dangerous!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Whilst Sheldon might have caused some harm to some folks and familys we need to be more human like and forgiving. Not everyone has the privilege of growing up in a bed of roses. However Sheldon had two very God fearing and respectful parents who was loved by many. They too came from some of the most respectful parents in George Town who never missed a chance of going to Church on Walkers Road. Its no surprise that Sheldon is the Author of books as his late Great Grand father Mr Goring was a very educated man from Goring Avenue. Guess that’s why that Road is called Goring Avenue. Our most liked Governor has only done his duty. Jesus forgave the thief on the cross and told him that he would be in Paradise with him. I myself finds it very hard at times to forgive but with such a dreadful disease I could not rejoice. I recently had to witness a loved one die from cancer and I could not wish that on a dog. Sheldon Jesus came to save sinners however there dosent seem to be too many here in Cayman. You know the people that you have caused harm to so just ask their forgiveness and Gods forgiveness and in he next life you will be at peace. God bless all parties involved.

    • Anonymous says:

      The Premier should give him a government job and make him a outreach person to help the youth, He knows things which would be very helpful.

  5. Anonymous says:

    What does Sheldon Brown have to say for himself?

  6. Anonymous says:

    What happens when he fails to die as expected and decides to call up the old gang? Was his sentence commuted or is this some kind of parole? Are there any conditions? Seems like these details might be important.

    • Anonymous says:

      What happens if he does die, will you take that stupid statement back

      • Anonymous says:

        5:08 pm. You are the stupid one

      • Anonymous says:

        I wonder which victim will greet him first? Rehabilitated bs he murdered and facilitated many of these so called unsolved murders well atleast most of the old gang are now where he is DEAD.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I love how people on here seem to know so much about his crimes yet never testified. You reep what you sow.

  8. Caymanian for justice says:

    He should have never been given this release. This person is a disgrace to the human race and should have been out down years ago.
    I’ve known this person since a youth, he was trouble than, he then influenced alot of the youth to get into crime, thus the start of gangs, he ordered hits many from a person nicknamed Dee Bo, who assassinated their anyone who tried to interfere in the George Town crime business, including drugs, firearms sales, burglaries and robberies. This mutt of a person to a share of all of it.
    Yes he wrote a book, CNS says fiction, so why are police officers duscribed to a T and crimes, it isn’t fiction, he controlled and did most of this. The unfortunate thing is law enforcement didn’t have enough evidence to convict him for all those crimes.
    As for the cancer, karmas a bit.. I hope he suffers a long painful time.
    As for the bible bashers, his books are really yours is a fairy-tale..

  9. Anonymous says:

    No rest for the wicked. . .

  10. Anonymous says:

    Since when do we negotiate with terrorist. He was nothing short of public enemy # 1 back in the day. Should have been sent to a UK prison for life years ago. Instead, now the MANY people he has wronged have to face this injustice.

    Do me a favour and ensure he truly is terminal, he’s not to be trusted.

    To the Governor, sir, this was the wrong decision. You must be the only one who has sympathy for this monster.

  11. Leonard says:

    Will they ever unravel the mystery that all started with a big bang?

  12. Anonymous says:

    Be careful there is a DANGEROUS man walking the streets on cayman! Do you know how many people he has killed and ordered his young followers to kill people. EVEN FROM JAIL HE WAS GIVING ORDERS!! The cancer is what we call KARMA.

  13. Unison says:

    Disturbing news yet sad.

    I remember Sheldon when he was at large. I spoke with his sorrowful father in Belford and know his mentally challenged siblings. Now Sheldon has to deal with cancer. A sickness that torments and will humble any man. No ego can last long under cancer. I could never imagine anyone wishing Sheldon cancer. Be careful of wishing bad things on people.

    My hope is, since G-d through the Governor, has given him this precious window of free time, Sheldon uses it to reconcile and make amends. Perhaps many good deeds, write another book about cancer with a positive message, help family members …

    Time is of the essence.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Our Governor is a great man.

    • Anonymous says:

      Good decision We have a Governor who is willing to do the right thing knowing that it will be unpopular and he will face criticism. Great move on the proactive announcement of Sheldon release. We know the facts. Can you imagine what the marl road and fake news would have been saying if the announcement was not made. Some wise people in GAB.

      In Cayman no one should die in prison

      • Anonymous says:

        6:31 am, everyone that plans and commit murder should spend all their lies in prison. Two things that the law should have in place for sentencing this kind of murderers, keep them in jail until they die or the dead one comes back to life

    • Anonymous says:

      7:23 pm, if the Governor is a great man he would lock you up,

  15. Anonymous says:

    Bittersweet feeling via this news report.

    Know him from church and coming up.
    No, really.

    Always greets warmly and asks for the family.

    Live your life Sheldon – and what a life it has been.
    Very sorry to learn of your health situation.

    See you around.

    – Who

  16. Anonymous says:

    It’s good to see all the bible preaching caymanians who quote the good book when in
    It suits them, in regard to same Sex marriage but turn the other way when it comes to forgiveness, this man has served his time, show some compassion of hypocrites

  17. BeaumontZodecloun says:

    I’m okay with his release. Nobody should have to fight cancer — confirmed cancer — in prison. I’m fairly certain he’s a changed man. Let’s give him a chance and hope he survives the cancer.

    You have a chance, Sir, to change your ways and maybe ever be a better role model than you’ve been in the past. Take it.

    • Anonymous says:

      “terminal cancer”

    • Anonymous says:

      So is the Gov’t now going to pay for his medical care?

      • Anonymous says:

        Medical care for prisoners is paid for by government. If that stops when he is released he will simply say he is indigent and so government will still be paying for him. Bingo!

    • Anonymous says:

      4:28 pm, you are fairly sure, well if you are wrong it would only be fair if he harms anyone again it will be you, but i hope he had change and will never harm anyone again, keep the faith.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Glorifying a gad dam murdererous thug that started the whole gang violence. Why give him publicity news media. How come other prisoners not publicized?

    • Anonymous says:

      He could seek further glory by writing a glowing bio of his alleged achievements and honors, and add to it by self promoting his intent to climb Mount Kilimanjaro.

    • Anonymous says:

      True. Aren’t they releasing other convicted murderers?

  19. Anonymous says:

    This is the same Sheldon Brown who threatened to have a Grand Court Judge killed? Let him rot in jail!

  20. Anonymous says:

    I hope his release does not stimulate a rash of violence against him or on behalf of him. A sad situation, really. Bad as he undoubtedly was/is, he is a clever man and but for a hideous home life growing up with totally dysfunctional parents, would have made something of himself. But yes, I know, the same can be said of others who DID make something of themselves.

  21. Nah Tru? says:

    “There are no gangs in the Cayman Islands “

  22. Anonymous says:

    I look forward to reading his books!

  23. Anonymous says:

    He will come out preaching the gospel and six months time he back to himself.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Gunshots soon start.


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