Survey reveals mixed feelings of civil servants

| 12/06/2019 | 22 Comments
Cayman News Service

Cayman Islands Government Administration Building

(CNS): Half of the civil servants who took part in an engagement survey reported feeling anxious in their jobs, and more than 70% said they did not think it is safe to challenge the way things are done. But 95% also said they are interested in their jobs and 87% were proud to be public servants, painting a picture of mixed feelings among government workers. Following a request by CNS, the full 2018 survey results have now been made public and show some significant contradictions in how civil servants feel about their jobs, their bosses, their pay and their own development.

Only a quarter of the 2,811 civil servants who responded said they had regular meaningful conversations with their managers about their development, and 90% said they understood how their job contributes to the organisation’s objectives.

While over 70% of workers want to stay in the public sector for the long term, with only 6% wanting to get out of their job as soon as possible, almost half disagreed that there were opportunities for career development.

The survey, which is only the second of its kind, had greater participation than the one undertaken in 2017, but only 38% said they believed their managers had acted on the results of the last survey.

Only 42% of those who took part agreed that poor performance is dealt with effectively in their teams, while just over half said that senior managers in the organisation demonstrated appropriate leadership behaviour.

While 64% of respondents said they feel valued for the work they do — a six-point improvement on the last survey — only 34% said their pay adequately reflects their performance and 70% did not agree that their pay was reasonable when compared to people doing a similar job in other organisations.

See the full survey in the CNS Library

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Category: Government Administration, Local News, Politics

Comments (22)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    No worse than private sectors results would be.

  2. Anonymous says:

    There are so many civil servants on Cayman Brac that our government is in the process of building two new buildings just north of District Admin. Government also had to lease the old Kirk Freeport Building in order to accommodate a part-time civil service position. One building across from District Admin is in the process of accommodating a government company that is relocating from their previous location.

    The business of Government is BOOMING on Cayman Brac – and for that we got to thank the most honourable Mo$e$ and Juju – keep the civil servant jobs coming – one for every Brac resident!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Cayman civil service is a social welfare network. That is all it is. That is all it ever will be. Expecting more from them is futile. Pretending they are a real work force is ludacris.

    • R-E-S-P-E-C-T says:

      Do not lump all of us in the same gag bag; I have two degrees, two languages and a solid work ethic. I work damn hard, never call in sick and work through my lunch many a day, so you are not paying ME to twiddle my thumbs!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Pay them more and STOP them having second businesses or employment.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Civil Servants have feelings now?

  6. Anonymous says:

    people fed-up….salaries not in line with cost of living and never will be for civil servants…

  7. Anon says:

    Any organization that is so incompetent cannot get worse, so any improvement still leaves a long way to go.

    • Anonymous says:

      1:56. Apparently 225k customers disagree with you. Also Cayman was just named as the easiest place in the world to do business. How did that happen. Stop being jealous of our world class civil service.

      Thank you civil servants.

      • Mystified says:

        9.08am Where do you get all those customers from?. Like all civil servants (i.e Caymanians), you suffer from delusions of grandeur.

  8. nauticalone says:

    Pensions are wholly inadequate too!

  9. Anonymous says:

    ‘Only 34 % said their pay adequately reflects their performance and 70% did not agree that their pay was reasonable when compared to people doing a similar job in other organisations.’ Simple solution – go find jobs in the private sector. I think if they tried that they’d got a big shock because out there you actually have to earn your salary.

    • Anonymous says:

      The 70% are the ones who are earning way to much money for doing squat. Late for or do not show up for work, don’t do crap while at work, call in sick above average…..on and on.

  10. Anonymous says:

    CNS – is there a way for you to get the results for all teachers in all our public schools? In light of the number of failed school inspections, it would be interesting to see what their responses were. Teachers were given a slightly different survey to do but their results were not made public.

    CNS: It does not appear from the results of the survey that the department or area of work was asked, so that data wouldn’t exist.

    • Anonymous says:

      The teachers know where the failings are. That is why Government doesn’t want to talk to them or you to talk to them. Besides they know that it is their own culture that is keeping their own kids from learning. What can they do?

    • Anonymous says:

      Wrong, CNS. All departments receive their individual results. Check it out.

      CNS: I stand corrected. Thanks!

  11. Anonymous says:

    What is missing from this article is that there was improvement in every section of the survey except one. This tell me that the work the DG is doing is working.

    I commend the civil service leadership in conducting the survey and making it public.

    Some very positive and encouraging results.

    I am proud civil servant who has witnessed the great improvement over the years.


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