Police urge people to stop drunk driving

(CNS): After around two dozen road smashes between Sunday and Thursday this week, the police are once again urging drivers not to get behind the wheel when they have been drinking alcohol and to pay more attention even when sober. Three people were arrested for driving under the influence this week and the RCIPS raised concerns about the number of drunk drivers on the road and the levels of intoxication they are seeing.
“The level of inebriation we sometimes encounter when conducting enforcement operations or responding to accidents continues to be a concern,” said Robert Graham, Superintendent of Uniform Operations. “Drunk driving is a danger for all of us. If you see someone getting behind the wheel who shouldn’t be driving, alert someone or call the police. We all have a part to play to reduce dangers on our roads,” he urged.
The RCIPS gave two examples that illustrate the problem of drunk and dangerous driving.
On Tuesday evening, a 21-year-old-woman was arrested on suspicion of DUI, possession and consumption of ganja as well as dangerous driving, driving without a licence or insurance and other traffic-related offences, and for refusing to provide a breath test.
Around 7:30pm, police officers saw her riding a motorbike without lights or licence plates on the Esterley Tibbetts Highway heading into West Bay. She lost control and fell off the motorcycle near Peninsula Drive and was taken into custody. Police said she has since been bailed.
On Thursday a 38-year-old man was involved in a single-vehicle collision at the Yacht Drive roundabout. The officers who attended the scene suspected that he had consumed alcohol and took him into custody. After a breath test was administered with a result of .226% (over double the legal limit), he was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. He has also been bailed while investigations continue.
Category: Local News
Blaming a DUI conviction on the lack of a cost effective and/or reliable taxi or bus solution is passing the blame.
Yes, the absence of such a solution is the reality. But the absence of one does not absolve the driver who gets caught.
Most people DUI because they have no regard for other road users or the law. I have zero love for the taxi industry, but there is a sure fire away of avoiding drink-driving AND being ripped off by a taxi, and that is to not drink if you are driving. I know, far out idea.
Passing the blame, and creating a financial excuse, for what is a personal decision to risk life and limb is laughable.
its not passing blame…..its the reality….we are the ones looking for first world solutions.
Drunk Drivers urge government for UBER and an end to being ripped off by the taxi cartel. Where are those meters by the way?
Seriously…..if you want to see change, you need to enact change! These pleads are a total waste of time, and do not count towards making an effort for change at all.
– prosecute
– get real and serious in stopping drunk drivers – suggestion, for 2 months straight have every cop on the road on Sunday afternoon and after midnight/happy hour on Friday
– have a realistic alternative transportation plan in place for drinkers! – suggestion, late night buses, metered taxis, uber
– partake in an island wide promotion of safe driving/scaremongering of drink driving – do this for one year straight – completely saturate the island with this advertizing
Only when each of the above is done can there possibly be a change in the current drink driving culture.
Enough of the pleading, take some serious course of action to enact change, please.
Stop drunk driving , or what ?
This will happen again
Slap on the wrist
It’s also about time RCIPS introduced roadside tests for cannabis and cocaine. Cops in the UK have been using these since 2015 and reports suggest that those tested have a 50% failure rate – that’s about three times the drink driving fail rate.
While we’re over-doing it, let’s also do night time road blocks for people under the influence of sleeping tablets.
Or we can just all use common sense and promote not driving while under the influence of ANYTHING that hinders your ability to drive.
The lack of alternative transportation is a real contributing factor here. It’s high time the taxi situation was dealt with- either Uber/Lyft or some app based metering system for local taxis which is tied to the fee matrix. The “guesstimate” from taxi drivers has to stop. Even when they refer to the fee rate manual, I’ve been charged $25-$60 for the same route.
Compared to overseas, our taxi/ transportation looks the same as the 1970’s.
The duplicate fare for the same ride has to stop also, it makes no sense and I don’t see how they can justify double the combined fare when sharing a taxi from the airport when headed to same destination.
For any dispute resolution, just store the guides on your phone, or program the rates into one of the zillion free taxi apps. Min fare is KYD$7.00 for first 1.4 miles for 1-3 pass, and KYD$0.60 for each additional 0.2 mile. Each additional pass beyond 3 is another 20% surcharge, and rates are jump 25% higher from 12:00am-6:00am.
Those are van rates for hotels. Taxi rates are here
and don’t forget to add 50% more if you’re getting a taxi after midnight! Such a joke! Same distance, same rate! Should not matter what time of day it is!
There are apps available for download which act as a fare meter – so simple.
The lack of personal responsibility is a genuine contributing factor also. Every single person — including myself — who ever drove intoxicated made a bad choice to do so. I once drove home with one eye closed, and I never let that happen again, and I never will.
I don’t blame anyone else or a lack of this or that system. It’s my responsibility as a grown-ass man to do the right thing. I live on the Brac and we aren’t going to have anything like Uber for decades. You want to play, you have to pay, and that means either a designated driver (very very rare in my experience), a taxi (expensive, but necessary) or just stay at home and do your drinking there.
We have had more than our share of alcohol-related deaths here. It’s a shame, and we don’t seem to learn from it. Only person who seems to get it is Elvis, who leaves his truck parked at the bar instead of driving home drunk.
You can’t change human nature with words. Only with $$$ hitting hard one’s pocket as they do it in Scandinavia.
Taxi drivers has wotes so nothing you can do.
what is a “wotes” ?
8:35 Public transport bus service! Public transport bus service! Full size air conditioned buses with drivers trained and certified in the USA. Bus maintenance facilities with mechanics trained and certified overseas.
Unfortunately, it’s a bit of a hollow appeal because some of the worst drunk drivers I’ve ever met here are police officers and several of them hold quite senior ranks.
The RCIPS can do no Wong.
And people urge CIG to fix the Dump. Dying from cancer is very tragic, as it prolongs one’s suffering.
Now about drunk driving.
Sweden has the lowest rate of alcohol abuse and drunk driving in Europe, but it was not always so. There is no, “I just had one beer” or “I can handle it.” If you have had alcohol, you don’t drive.
The legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit in Sweden is .02 . Drunk Driving laws in Sweden reflect the country’s serious attitude toward the crime. The fine you pay is not set by statute, so a star athlete won’t have a $200 hand-slap. Fines are based upon how much money you have in the bank. That can really hurt, and that makes everyone think twice about getting behind the wheel after drinking.
Repeat offenders have their vehicle impounded and scrapped. Sweden takes is encouraging the use of ignition interlocks in professional transport of all types. Government vehicles generally have the devices, which prevent a vehicle from starting if the driver has been drinking.
Good comment. When I was in Yugoslavia 30 years ago they had zero tolerance. If police caught you in a roadside breath test you simply didn’t drive again. No messing around with court appearances – you had to get your stuff out of the car, give them the keys and make your own arrangements to get where you were going. Unlike these islands they also weren’t afraid of targeting rental cars as quite a few tourists found out to their cost.
Australia and New Zealand also have a range of tough penalties including immediate suspension of driving licences and impounding drunk drivers’ cars.
Unfortunately, I don’t think these drunk/drug drivers will ever learn their lesson. The only deterrent I can see going forward is to confiscate their vehicle. Make them pay hard for this atrocious and thoughtless act with a don’t care less attitude for the safety of other road users. For such a small island there is an horrendous amount of traffic violations. There are far too many vehicles travelling on Cayman’s roads and roads that are not built for the high speed of cars with high litre engines. After all, this island is just 25 miles long. With the high volume of traffic you can’t realistically do more than 50mph tops!!…..and that’s on a good day!
I have known several Cayman drunk drivers that learned the ultimate lesson without any excessive speed or engine displacement. Unfortunately, culturally, it remains a time-honored misdemeanor traffic offense, not criminal act – and that’s the crux of it.
You should see it on the Brac. Waaaaay worse, per capita than what you’re used to.
Little Cayman? DUI accidents, drug busts, never hear of anyone going to court? Unlicensed vehicles, unsecured loads, (construction and landscape).Guess police too busy working from home??
I’ll stop drinking and driving when they fix the damn dump!
Drunk driving isn’t the only danger on our roads. Just as bad is the excessive speeds people are traveling at. When there is no effective and ongoing enforcement it just becomes the norm, which unfortunately is now the case.
Excessive to some can actually be the posted speed limit. I routinely pass clueless texting meandering tailgaters that can’t muster more than 25mph on the bypass, and I’m not speeding! Ask me which party is more hazardous!
Agreed, and these are the morons that sit in the passing lane which is a foreign concept to about 99% of the people on this island.
Public urges police to stop enforcing marijuana prohibition.
Get the taxis metered.
How do our 85 year old taxi drivers keep track of each 0.2mile $0.60 charge without a meter? How are taxi owners recovering 100% of their nightly sales without trip logging and digital payments?
DATT/PTU should roll back the 25% post-midnight surcharge and the 20% fare bump for 4th+ passengers. The rate sheet is pretty easy to understand otherwise. The free Meter Pro app (and others) can be programmed for KYD$7 base rate for 1-3 passengers (first 1.4mi), and KYD$3/each additional mile.
keep up enforcement.
however cig must do the following:
allow uber in cayman
allow buses to run late
deregulate the taxi industry
it is no excuse but most people dui because they do not want to rely on or pay for the the terrible rip-off taxi service here….
it is a disgrace to think that this is the only option for people in terms of getting home.
Taxi meters.
yep…but publication of the taxi fare matrix would help too…
It is: http://www.gov.ky/portal/page/portal/mtehome/publications/Taxi%20rate%20sheets
well done….now its upto people to learn the fare for their route and make sure the taxi driver does not rip them off.
Lower gas prices
What a coincidence, the majority of the public would like the RCIPS to show up to do the same! Though, last we checked, they were the ones with the pepper spray, handcuffs, and being paid to do the job.
Get me Uber or Flex and I’ll stop.
Until then, I hope you don’t kill anyone, including yourself.