New boss for traffic cops unit

(CNS): Inspector Dwayne Jones, who has taken over the leadership of the RCIPS Traffic and Roads Policing Unit, is warning drivers that with increased resources, traffic cops will be clamping down even more. Following three years of work by Inspector Ian Yearwood, who has now rotated to a new uniform management position, Jones will be focusing on increasing island-wide enforcement and pursuing a multi-agency approach to tackle the high level of crashes and DUIs on the roads.
“Last year’s traffic enforcement numbers skyrocketed under Inspector Yearwood’s leadership, thanks to increased operational planning and resources,” Jones said in a release from the RCIPS about his new job, which he started last week.
“I am glad to say that the RCIPS will be increasing these resources even more going forward. It is clear from the numbers of accidents and DUIs continuing to occur across the islands that more enforcement is still needed. I am excited to lead the TRPU as it continues to grow and takes on these bigger goals and challenges.”
Although enforcement will be a priority, he also spoke about other ways of tackling traffic issues on Cayman’s roads.
“What is most important for us now is to make sure increased enforcement is delivered inside of a wider multi-agency approach that includes education and road engineering objectives, while giving due attention to the outer districts and the Sister Islands as well as George Town,” he said. “Doing all of this in collaboration with other departments and community groups is also extremely important.”
Jones has been with the RCIPS since 2003, working in various roles, including as shift inspector in George Town, area commander in Bodden Town, sergeant in the Criminal Investigations Department investigating serious crimes, and sergeant in the Professional Standards Unit investigating potential breaches of conduct by fellow officers.
During this time he also earned his law degree from the Cayman Islands Law School, and is in the process of obtaining his Master of Science in Criminology and Criminal Psychology with the University of Essex.
This Department could be much larger and entirely self-funding if managed properly. Start paying your officers on a commission basis and watch them go into action.
Please start with enforcing active school zone speed limits. Protect our children and serve notice to the ignorant drivers that blast through these zones like they don’t exist.
Congratulations to the New Inspector Jones! I think that he is going to need all of the help and support he can get! Our streets have seemed to improved very little.
The rouge bikers are still seen daily – especially on Sunday evenings coming from the eastern districts performing their stunts in traffic with their facemasks on. Another thing is why do we have 50mph zones? We are a tiny island that has no need for such speed. Cayman is developing fast and those zones are becoming highly residential with more houses being built, people jogging, walking pets, etc. The speed limits need to reduced on the coastal 50mph roads. They did a great job of doing it along East End / Morritts stretch now would be a good time to reduce Rum point drive, Seaview dr and the very busy Spotts Straight/ Shamrock rd which is really a 40mph but is used as an 80mph. Too many lives have been lost and it will only get worse without the neccessary enforcement of the law and changes to the speed limits. You can have hundreds of Laws but the truth is if they are not enforced then they are absolutely worthless.
The RCIPS enforcement lotto continues to be very much rigged in the public outlaw’s favor. That’s what happens when you announce an enforcement “blitz”, but only assign one patrol car, out of staff of 400+. Despite “clear from the numbers” statements acknowledging failing past deterrence, there are no specified goals, performance criteria, or public transparency. We want to see the number of staff dedicated and a weekly performance summary via a public infraction table. RCIPS need to demote senior managers that refuse to take their sworn full-time public duty seriously.
forget the police farce….
a private traffic police service could fix the problem in 3 months at zero cost to government….and would actually make cig money with enforcement of traffic laws and fines
Not here where everyone knows everybody
hence you bring in the private sector….
Great, we can all look forward to another week-long campaign of warnings, finger wagging, and RCIPS’s disappointment commentaries re the public.
Operation: Christmas Cracker.
Glad to hear there will be more enforcement. However, Inspector Jones, please start in-house. It is terrible to see RCIPS cars not following the rules/laws of the road. How can they issue a ticket to me it they cannot properly and consistently use indicators for example.
yep…cannot remember the last time i seen a police car use its indicators….
Huge revenue flow potential here if traffic laws are enforced and money collected. H U G E!
Police attention appears to be focused exclusively on speeding, which is admittedly easy to prove in court, but is only a small part of the problem. A far bigger issue is the widespread prevalence of reckless and dangerous driving – tailgating, undertaking, lane-hopping, ignorance of the rules. Addressing these problems would of course be far more time consuming for the police, but it might be more productive as well. A focus on education would be a good place to start. How many of Cayman’s drivers (police included) know how to drive on dual carriageways? Not many, appears to be the answer.
speed is the biggest killer.
I actually disagree. Yes, speed kills because going faster has its risks but the problem is you have the inexperienced drivers who blatantly disobeyed all traffic laws and that’s the real killer.
nope…speeding kills…along with dui
I am a great speeder when I drink.
The Traffic Regulations (2017 Revision) is a 15 page instruction leaflet, that nobody at the RCIPS seems to have bothered to read:
i gonna call you later dwayne…i had a person driving a foot from back of my car this morning…on linford pierson highway…i was driving 40 mph….then they overtook and cuss at me??? you need to put police catching them on 3 different areas of highway…not just one.. actually there were none there this morning????
i’ve reported similar stuff many times and even gave plate details.
police farce as usual, did nothing.
I hope you get a $500 ticket for encourage this.
Congratulations to the new head, I hope this is an improvement from the previous inspector or should I say figure head.
my dash cam records 100’s of traffic violations every day. why don’t the police use them???
Because our $50mln annual policing budget (equiv to some small NATO military budgets) can’t seem to afford the $100 dash cams. The sergeants don’t even carry smartphones or have email addresses to receive video if you have submissions. Responding Inspectors don’t have flashlights or pads of paper and pens to take reports. Bluetooth? WiFi hotspot? They have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s like they are from another planet.
They are. Jam Rock.
Proper use of smart phones and paper tablets require basic literacy skills. Same goes for writing a ticket. Therein lies the problem.
Until I see them pulling over people for any offense I am not going to believe anything will be done to fix these terrible driving conditions caused by incompetent drivers.
Issue tickets for all them hi beam lights!
Good give tickets to those parked in handicap spots to begin with.
Inspector Jones also needs to focus on speeders, wreckless driving, and crossing on double yellow lines on Shammrock Road!!! I see this happening EVERY DAY on Shammrock. It’s very nerve racking and worrying to say the least!
I think you mean reckless. If not, you mean wreckmore, as the way the idiots drive, they do indeed wreck more.
I’d just like to see the two lanes heading west on shamrock road used correctly. You know, like slower drivers in the left lane, or just generally driving in the left lane unless overtaking. Quite why people want to cruise in the lane nearest to oncoming traffic is beyond me.
Crossing the double yellow lines to turn right is legal. Deal with it.
I hope with all his studies he has time to devote to this important position. With the ever increasing traffic on our roads it is good to hear that the RCIP are putting extra resources into this aspect of policing, and putting an experienced officer like Mr Jones in charge is very encouraging.
You are joking right