Elections Office urges petitioners to come on in

(CNS): With Cabinet set on the Elections Office checking each and every signature on the petition calling for a people-initiated referendum on the cruise berthing project, all of the more than 5,300 people who signed are being urged to go to the office as soon as possible to confirm their signature and help move the verification process ahead. The office has already extended its hours ahead of its plans to go door-to-door to find all of those who put their name to the petition.
The office is also reminding eligible voters who are not registered that the deadline to make the new register, which will be published in October and may be the last chance to take part in the referendum, is just ten days away.
The Elections Office will be publishing the updated roll on 1 July, which it has said will be the register used to measure the necessary 25% of voters needed to trigger the referendum, even though campaigners submitted the petition of 5,300 names based on the current list of 21,000. While the supervisor has said the number of voters has not changed much, it could still impact the petition numbers.
At this point, the Cruise Port Referendum campaign is still collecting signatures but the Elections Office has stated that it will need to impose a cut-off point as it progresses through the verification process. This is despite concerns that some people who signed the petition have left the island for the summer and may not be counted if the elections staff cannot find them and get them to sign for a second time. Voters are urged to go to the office before they leave.
From Monday, 24 June, the Elections Office is extending its opening hours to accommodate people coming in to verify. It will be open during the following hours:
8:30am to 6:30pm on Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs
8:30am to 5:00pm on Fridays
10:00am to 3:00pm for the next two Saturdays (22 and 27 June)
8:30am to 8:00pm on Tuesday, 2 July. This is to allow people to register to vote as well as verify their signatures, since the voter registration deadline for the October list falls on a public holiday.
The office is located at the Smith Road Centre on Smith Road in George Town for verification and registration purposes. People wanting to register on Cayman Brac and Little Cayman or verify their signatures should contact Registering Officer Ellen Lazzari at 948-1707.
More details on voter registration requirements can be found on the Elections Office website or call 949-8047.
Category: Politics
I just came from the elections office. It took me roughly 5 minutes and the lady at the front was very courteous and helpful. I didn’t have my voters card on me but you can use other forms of identification.
Yes, it is a pain in the posterior regarding all of the extra red tape we have to go through but I wont let these hindrances stop me from my legal right of petitioning.
Am I to understand that they will be setting up at grocery stores on Saturdays? That is a great idea!
Sundays, they’ll get the same number of takers.
Every registered Caymanian voter should be able to vote on any issue at any time. Banks have been issuing identity security systems for years now. A smart card secured by fingerprint could mean that a population could be polled in hours.
The reason this has not happened is because the government is afraid of the voice of the majority.
Corruption controlling the innocents.
The science is out there and they hate it.
Mr 1.10 Where is your proof. You obviously know something so bring it forward. Unless you are afraid of incriminating yourself. Or you just made that up.
For starters, my MLA doesn’t publish their email address…not even a general delivery faux intake box to be screened by an underling.
I did it (again) today. They are set up in the lobby and it takes just a couple minutes. No line.
Much has been said of the moral hazard of bedding Chinese contractors…but there are catastrophic structural risks of low-ball bids as well:
Seven-storey building collapses in Cambodia https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-48729072
Chicken little is that you?
If this is how things are going to be done then anyone who wants to start a petition should be able to start a register AT the Elections Office and THAT’s where you should sign, ONCE. This business of having to confirm that yes I did hand over my ID and I knew what I was signing for and my signature is still my signature and I haven’t moved and if I have I have to tell them and all this is just voter suppression! If it isn’t, then hire a vast army stationed all over the island who will accept any ID (elections, drivers, passport), whose availability is advertised, hours are extended, call your phone numbers on file, do everything possible to VERIFY and not DISQUALIFY and are not authorised to ask any questions! Observers too! This is theft of democracy, if we couldn’t run a country by referendum we wouldn’t have put it in our constitution. Idiot corrupt shysters.
I really don’t see the need to verify that it is 25%. In the absence of a law the petition shows that a guarter of the population is concerned enough to sign. Hold the referendum asap.
As someone else said, if you’re not verifying, what happens when I turn up with a petition saying 26% of the population do not want a referendum?
Sorry, I am not COMING INTO ANY OFFICE ! I signed for a Referendum not for a verification process !!!
May I suggest that, if this is the way that CIG wants to run a Referendum, in future the elections office have staff in each district. Better yet provide an online system. This system of signing and then signing again is obstructionist!
Well then your vote might not count….. you really showed them lol
@ Caymanian Voter
Since you are not going to be verified, show your real name and voterer registration card then .
@2.32pm Good news. Hope a lot more feel like you then we will get the port
Where is this “urging”coming from, I have seen nothing in the press.
“in the press”
So what kind of organization did you think CNS was?
3.34pm There is no official notice from the Elections Office in the Compass. Incidentally I was unaware of the demise of CNS.
You’re reading the press right now, are you not?
Now that’s being overly kind I think
will there be food?
That sounds like it will be a total zoo. How about giving some effort and having stations in various districts?
they are coming door to door if you don’t want to go to the office. Jeez.
So I should just make sure I’m home for the next six weeks…that’s reasonable
4:03 you was not home when signed.
Try that in English please
So what happens to the voters who are off island during this time ????
Maybe that’s what Govt is planning on!!
I went to the elections office on Wednesday morning, easy parking, no one else in the office. A very nice lady greeted me, and explained how to complete the verification form. I also needed to fill out a change of address form, easy process and not a zoo at all. One other woman came in to verify while I was there.
Take you voter registration card with you.
Good for you…do you think the other 5,299 will have same experience?
Only way to find out is to go and not think the worst before you even try. Why give up before you experience anything. I bet you’re a joy to be around.
Seems so. Was just as quick and simple for me at 9am on Monday morning.
I went last week with NO voter card. NO problem!!!
I know you mean well Judy but please do not put out fake news.
politicians desperate their arsss on the line! lol
In 2019, there should be a digital option to email an attestation along with a colour scan of your elector’s card to both elections office (referendum@elections.ky?) and CPR (cprcayman@gmail.com) for an electronic receipt.
…and cc your gutless district MLA, if they even have an email address!
Email or website to upload the very voters card and/or Cayman drivers licence that govt has on file for you anyway….
That the Elections Office is professing to have no way of authenticating the names, birth dates, voter Id numbers, voter districts, and signatures on the petition, against their own standard of digital records is genuinely worrisome. Our signature samples were digitally captured and are printed on the bottom righthand of the elector card, meaning the Elections Office already have the corresponding data they purport to seek. Maybe Roper doesn’t understand how it works here.
He’s just a little puppet on a string, dancing to Aldin’s song. If anyone thinks he will step out of line for the voters of Cayman, think Choudry and how fast his ass got sent back to jolly old England.
I tried to tell y’all mr. Roper cant help but you will not listen!
To the poster @ 2.11pm Unfortunately there are a lot of voters who do not have voters id cards; probably including those who recently registered in order to get on the petition.
I don’t have internet or email.
They paying for my gas?
Or just sit in your house and they will come to you. Jeez.
They paying my A/C bill while I sit waiting for them?
Really!!!! And hope you are home and not on holiday???