Road cops to clamp down on unsafe loads

| 10/05/2019 | 56 Comments

Cayman News Service(CNS): The Royal Cayman Islands Police Service has released a gallery of images showing some of the unsafe truck loads officers have spotted on Cayman roads recently ahead of plans to crack down on unsafe vehicles. The Traffic and Roads Policing Unit is urging drivers to ensure that loads are safe and secured in such a manner that prevents them from being dislodged, falling from vehicles or striking other road users or property. The police also said that passengers should be carried safely and should not be in the backs of pickup trucks or similar vehicles.

Carrying unsafe or insecure loads is an offence and the law states it is illegal for any vehicle to carry more passengers than specified by its registration.

“Such practices are not only illegal, but also quite dangerous,” said Chief Inspector Everton Spence, who oversees the TRPU. “Fallen objects can create road hazards and cause major collisions, either by striking other vehicles directly or causing drivers to have to quickly swerve to avoid them. Meanwhile, the danger posed by passengers riding unsecured in the backs of trucks should be obvious. Any sudden movement can send those passengers flying,” he added.

The TRPU is increasing enforcement of these violations this week and throughout the coming weeks. Drivers found breaking this law are liable to a $400 fine or six months in prison.

See more pictures of unsafe truck loads here


Category: Crime, Police

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    Could the TRPU please also go back to ticketing bicyclists for riding without a light at night, riding bicycles against the flow of traffic and riding bicycles on the sidewalk?!

    • Anonymous says:

      Unlicensed too

      • Anonymous says:

        This hasn’t been done for years. It is not an offense. Not a secret and not a bad thing either.

    • Anonymous says:

      2:55 Ticket Bicyclists for not riding in the bicycle lanes when there is one next to them yet they ride in the traffic lanes, confusing drivers and holding up traffic flow. They never look, they just have their heads down and pedal.

      • Anonymous says:

        Doesn’t tend to have the same results as motorists driving in or parking in the bike lanes. No one tickets them.

  2. Anonymous says:

    SO many wrecks this weekend (11May).
    All. Day. Long.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Just another excuse to allow the Govt to place it’s boot heel on the necks of good hard working Caymanians. An absolute disgrace.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is pure harassment on the part of big brother. All the big money operators want us to do all there hard labor but do not want to pay anything for it as they need all there money to maintain there high lifestyle.

    • Anonymous says:

      Just another attack on Caymans pirate culture. Soon everyone will have to be responsible for their own actions in their own country! Not to worry our MLAs will stomp it out.

      • Anonymous says:

        That’s no Caymanians you see driving around like that, and those were not Caymanian police officers or prosecutors that allowed the behavior to become so prevalent.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Glad to hear this! On Friday I felt very uneasy as i was driving behind some truck carrying furniture that was only secured by one strap. There wasnt even a door on the back of the boot… if any of that furniture came loose it could kill someone by going rite through the windscreen. Very dangerous and stupid!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Damn expats

    • Anonymous says:

      Mostly them, but a lot of Caymanians too.

      • Anonymous says:

        The white expats don’t see Jamaicans as expats. They believe Jamaicans are local.

        • Anonymous says:

          Agreed, but it drives me insane. The uneducated minimum wage workers are the least ignorant of all!

          • Anonymous says:

            your comment surely won’t place you with the ‘least ignorant’ at all. you get what you pay for and this Island is addicted to cheap labour.

            • Anonymous says:

              Cheap labour understands they are expatriates. Expensive foreign labour does not understand that they are expatriates too.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Maybe the road cops should make time to read all 5 pages of the Traffic Law if it’s going to be their full time vocation. No special trumpet fanfare required or PR deployment. They can also go ahead and spare the public their contemptuous remarks about the quality of conduct they abide and are tasked with supervising. The S in RCIPS is supposed to be “Service”, not “Slackers”.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Murders, rapes, stabbings and all manner of thievery flourish and instead time and money is spent on adults riding in back of trucks. And some wonder why citizens do not cooperate with police

    • Anonymous says:

      This is just to pick on the poor people who are trying to legitimately work and make a living. The wages paid in construction are very low and the poor workers have to make do. If Honorable Bush was in charge he would make the police stop this and concentrate on real crime. Guess that would be too hard for the RCIP.

      • Anonymous says:

        Indentured servitude is no excuse for willful criminality.

      • Anonymous says:

        It appears that if anyone is “picked upon” it would be Public Works, which seem to have a penchant for not only carrying workers in the back of trucks without seats, but also carrying workers in the bucket of front-end loaders.

        Surely you see the sense of stopping these behaviours. Yes?

    • Anonymous says:

      Please cite all of the murders, rapes and stabbings that are all unsolved? In pretty much every serious incident above, someone is arrested within a day or so.

      Stop the foolish ‘what about-ery’. A murder is not dealt with using the same resources as idiot employers providing insufficient transport for their staff. There’s CID and there’s Traffic.

      If a pickup truck crashes, and there are people in the back… guess what, road closed, traffic tailback, someone being given bad news by a police officer, someone having to pick up body parts from the road, and a costly investigation.

      • Anonymous says:

        You must be one of those foreigners who are getting the work done for you by all the low paid imported workers. We need a real leader like Speaker Bush to straiten all of you trouble makers out.

        • Anonymous says:

          I looked outside for a couple of hours, but I didn’t see a single flying pig.

          Therefore, I must not need Bush’s input.

        • gee says:

          Am sorry to but he the one who created this problem most off all! 4:28

        • Anonymous says:

          You are one of those ignorant locals that still believe only an illiterate fool can lead you because they are the only ones you can understand. We get it. Ignorant people are losing their God given protection all over the world. Maybe you could start a petition?

    • Anonymous says:

      What an asinine statement, that’s like saying with all the heart, lung and organ fixing operations, why are we wasting money on nurse instead of getting more surgeons. They all work for the same place and do different jobs. If they got rid of traffic patrol, you would be the same one bitching about people breaking the law with their vehicles. Stop whining for fuck sake.

      • Anonymous says:

        Pefectly said, including the curse. Just occasionally, that is the perfect word for the statement, as it was in your case. Gratuitous use is tawdry.

        Well done.

  8. Anonymous says:

    The roundabout by Hurleys is often the scene of loads falling off as truck drivers take it at speed with unsecured loads!

  9. Anonymous says:

    I hope large dump truck with unsecured loads of aggregate are in RCIPS’ sights! Starting form when they leave the Government loaded with imported aggregate without installing covers!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Why not just enforce the law all of the time? I don’t get the concept of “this week we will enforce this law we have ignored for the last ten years). Don’t worry, next week we will go back to ignoring it. Just plan Stupidity.

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly. I am a law abiding citizen who actually volunteered with the police for almost a decade. The fact is that the police have not only failed, but have actively refused to do many aspects of their job for a very long time. Law enforcement generally has proved to be haphazard. Sometimes it appears biased, or worse. We are in a mess in direct consequence. It is disgusting and there has been no accountability. Perhaps it will change now, but it will take them a long time to earn back respect.

      Just enforce all the laws, all the time. That is your job. You will have the public’s support when you do it, but the moment you pick and choose what aspects you will enforce, the moment you lose your credibility, and my respect.

      How are those corruption investigations going? When will you treat stealing employee pension money as the thieves they are? When will you treat lying to regulators as the fraud it is? When are you going to spot illegal tint in your own car park?

    • Anonymous says:

      Not stupidity. Just a culture of ignorance and a healthy fear of being held responsible for doing something well ……Stupid. Caymans culture forbids this. The total volume of ignorance here far outweighs the will to follow modern ways. Give it another 4 generations.

  11. Anonymous says:

    This is almost proactive! Usually it needs for a mass casualty accident before something is changed. Please follow through on these words RCIPS.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Actually saw a pickup pulled over for having people riding in the back. Hallelujah. RCIPS are actually enforcing the law? Good to see – let’s hope it keeps up.

  13. Anonymous says:

    I dropped an unsafe load myself this afternoon.

  14. Forever hopeful. says:

    What about the dump trucks. Has any one noticed that many of them have extended the height of the truck’s bed by about 2 feet using wood planks. This means they can carry about a tenth more marl per load .It also means the trucks are severely overloaded and prone to over turning . Hoping the Police realize the huge risk and put a stop to it.

  15. Folly Roger says:

    I invite the Director of the DVLD to drive behind the Trolley Roger along South Church St, and then explain to the public why he licenced this contraption to operate on public roads. Not only is it overloaded for the mini SUV that tows it so that the trailer swings across the central median, but it travels at a walking pace and constitutes a major traffic obstruction on a very busy road.

    • Anonymous says:

      Can it reverse?

    • Anonymous says:

      A Jeep Wrangler TJ has a towing capacity of 2000lbs, largely due to its short wheelbase.

      One might speculate that the fully loaded trolley roger weighs twice that and then some… About time someone filed an FOI with DVLD to see exactly how this is licensed.

  16. Anonymous says:

    And clamp down on the motorists mowing down cyclists ,,,,,, jumping red lights,,,,,,the spikes on wheel lugs,,,,,, and general shit driving. I recently had an altacation with a driver who could not speak English. So clamp,down on the corrupt driving centre

  17. Anonymous says:

    Some of these photos appear to have been taken on a cellphone by the driver of a moving vehicle, which in itself is an offence. RCIPS – answers please.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Like the Trolley Roger?


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