CIG recruits new procurement boss from UK

| 28/11/2018 | 25 Comments
Cayman News Service

Taraq Bashir, Director of Central Procurement Office

(CNS): The finance ministry has recruited a new director for the Central Procurement Office (CPO), which is tasked with saving public money on necessary expenditure and ensuring value for money for the public purse by using appropriate procurement methods. Taraq Bashir is from the UK but came to Cayman from Montserrat, where he was head of government procurement and had helped review, develop and implement key reforms of the British Overseas Territory’s procurement regulations.

Now heading up one of Cayman’s newest departments, which was formally established under legislation implemented in May, Bashir will be expected to improve service and produce considerable savings for the Cayman Islands Government in its purchases of goods and services.

Officials said the new procurement boss, who has worked all over the world, has a track record of making significant savings in public entities, including saving one London authority £46 million by slashing procurement costs and renegotiating contracts.

Financial Secretary Kenneth Jefferson, who is chief officer at the ministry, said he was looking forward to Bashir achieving cost savings while “allowing all bidders a fair opportunity to supply the public sector with the goods and services it requires, and, in so doing, bring about increased public confidence that the procurement process is fair and will result in benefits for the Cayman Islands”.

Bashir has 30 years procurement experience in both the private and public sectors in North America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia and the Caribbean. He has developed professional procurement functions at the national and local government levels, including strategies, laws and regulations.

Already enjoying the beauty of the Cayman Islands and the warmth of its people, Bashir said, “I’m also looking forward to helping my colleagues deliver outstanding customer experiences by the civil service of the Cayman Islands.”

He said that one of the first things on his agenda as the new director is the search for a local degree graduate with a “passion for procurement to complete the government procurement team”, a person whom the department can develop and train to exacting industry standards.

The Cayman government spends well over $100 million dollars per year on the procurement of goods and services in addition to major spending on major capital projects. The Central Procurement Office (CPO) is now responsible for promoting sound procurement management practices, which will result in reducing risk in government expenditures as well as cutting costs.

With tendering often a source of potential fraud or conflict of interest, the government has been attempting to make the process more transparent, accountable and regulated to avoid the loss of public confidence in how the people’s cash is spent.

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Category: Government Administration, Government Finance, Politics

Comments (25)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Let’s start with renegotiating that CUC contract ( franchise agreement). That should save Government as well as the people a lot of money.

  2. No state citizen says:

    So disheartened to read all these negative comments!

    At least they now have a CPO, which is a step in the right direction.
    The last guy set up procurement practices that if followed, should lead to open and transparent tendering process and the opportunity for the Government to obtain value for money instead of all the under the table dealings and contracts being awarded to relatives etcetera.

    Next they need to remove all those chief financial officers and chief officers!

    Splitting the government into multiple Ministries that act as their own business does not make sense.
    How do they benefit from economies of scale or buying in bulk if everyone is allowed to do their own thing?

  3. Peoples says:

    Another one here to fleece govt and push their obsolete and expensive UK agenda and products .How much more employees from overseas are we going to employ in the civil service that is bloated now with political minions

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, UK agendas like fighting corruption, nepotism etc. How unnatural and offensive.

      • Sucka Free Cayman says:

        Fighting Corruption and neocolonialism???? You find Mr Jamal Khashoggi yet since the UK knew three weeks prior to his murder that makes you complicit but the weapons sales money too good eh ?? Yes you little Hypocrite!

  4. Anonymous says:

    He said that one of the first things on his agenda as the new director is the search for a local degree graduate with a “passion for procurement to complete the government procurement team”, a person whom the department can develop and train to exacting industry standards.

    Where would one find more information on this position?

  5. Anonymous says:

    see you in fidels mate!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Where do I apply to be his understudy? I am Caymanian and I want to learn the ropes. I am even willing to do it free for 3 months.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Well Cayman Airways is in the news. How about starting there?

  8. Anonymous says:

    Didnt need him but ok then anything from uk or us

  9. Anonymous says:

    That’s the government spend more to save a little. Way to go.

  10. west bay Champion says:

    Another job loss for a Caymanian.

  11. Anonymous says:

    It sounds like a good job going there guys!

  12. Anonymous says:

    New blood!! Looking forward to goo things from Mr Bashir!
    Welcome to our beautiful shores!

    • Anonymous says:

      A lovely sentiment and welcome. However Mr Bashir will soon learn that Cayman is not for changing. All his expertise will count for nothing in the face of the status quo.

  13. Ron Ebanks says:

    I wonder if the CPO would be starting by looking into all Departments contracts and expenditures . That would be a good place to start the savings . If those results are found to be wasting millions of dollars , and those finding made public , I will then believe in transparency and accountability. I hope that CPO would be better than OFReg . Then the Taxpayers should be very happy .

  14. Anonymous says:

    *cough cough* port project *cough cough*

  15. Anonymous says:

    welcome….don’t take any lip from other civil servants…always remember you are the one with the education and qualifications.

    • Anonymous says:

      Always remember that though you have the expertise, education and qualifications, that will count for nothing when you come up against archaic work practices, nepotism and blockers. Good luck because you will need it. You will be hired for your expertise but kept for your quiescence to the status quo.

      • Anonymous says:

        Pau no attention to 11pm and 5.13am .They represent those misguided outsiders who have failed in their attempts to tame the natives.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Better watch where you step fella as you may be catching a flight back to where you came from if you piss off the right people!

    • Anonymous says:

      That seems to be any job in Cayman. Not just govt. if you’ve worked in the financial services industry for long enough you know you should keep your mouth shut since you will find it difficult to keep your job and potentially get another job.

      Never show senior management or HR that your boss is doing anything illegal. No no no, that will land you unemployed. Whistleblow to the authorities. No no no. That will ensure that you can never get another job in the industry.


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