Conference speaker calls for investment in people

| 28/11/2018 | 15 Comments

Cayman News Service(CNS): Patricia Affonso-Dass, the President of the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA), who is delivering an address tomorrow at the 9th Tourism Human Resources Conference being hosted here in Grand Cayman, will be urging regional countries to invest in the local people that make their tourism products. “It is the creativity and warmth of the people that keep visitors returning,” the tourism expert is due to say in her presentation, according to Caribbean Tourism Organization officials.

Speaking ahead of the conference, which takes place at the Grand Cayman Marriott Beach Resort, Affonso-Dass said regional leaders had to make a greater commitment to investing in education and training, sharing and recognising best practices, and shaping meaningful partnerships between business, education, training institutions, labor unions and governments.

“In spite of our small size, we have produced some of the most creative and talented people in the worlds of music, sports, arts, business and education,” Affonso-Dass said in a release. “A new level of commitment and engagement towards the development of our people must be commensurate with our recognition that our people are our greatest resource and we must challenge ourselves, our businesses, and institutions to recognize and develop not just our general workforce but most especially our young leaders.”

The conference theme is “Building a Resilient, High-performing and Sustainable Caribbean Tourism Workforce for Global Competitiveness”, and the president said it was not the time to be complacent on this issue, but to build on the accomplishments of regional people.

“We are a world-class region with a rich heritage and legacy … so we must continue to embed excellence and innovation within our culture and across our industry to stay ahead of our competition,” she stated.

Cayman Islands Toursim Minister Moses Kirkconnell will also address the conference as well as keynote speaker Claudia Coenjaerts, from the Caribbean International Labour Organization, who will be talking about the future of work and what will become the “New Normal”.

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Category: Business, Tourism

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  1. Tourism Irony says:

    The Dept of Tourism and the Ministry knows this from surveys done many years ago, to invest in the Locals. What have they done? Zilch!! So ironic they are bringing a speaker here with such a message. Its a slap in the face saying, “we know this but we naw doing nuttin to help place locals in the market”!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Disney has an amazing training program for staff. Disney is the happiest place on earth. Implement their training techniques for Cayman front line staff.

    Then hire a professional call center trainer to train all the back office staff on answering and returning phone calls.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Have mandatory hospitality training as part of the high school curriculum. Meaning teach the govt school children how to be ladies and gentlemen just like the Ritz train their staff.

    What would be amazing is if this hospitality training was taught to all government employees. And annual mandatory essential training for all airport workers to undergo the training. The miserable look on the staff faces is terrible it isn’t all and I had a lovely immigration officer today she was lovely. The porters are usually amazing also. But the rest of the staff, it just can’t hurt that much to crack a smile.

  4. Anonymous says:

    It’s a nice sentiment, but, this isn’t like the rest of the Caribbean, or anywhere else. We have an attitude problem. Even our poorest NAU Caymanians have been brought up to look down on independently wealthy, self-made entrepreneur millionaire foreign tourists. They actually believe they are better than them for being a born Caymanian, morally superior, and would only ever serve them begrudgingly. Our kids are taught that these are NOT the “good jobs” of their birthright, and every politician reinforces the fantasy that a little on-the-job-training will bridge the gap to the fabled “good jobs” of the financial sector.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I noticed that Ms. Alfonso-Dass didn’t mentioned anything about building a dock!. Also when MLA Suckoo mentioned investing in our people last week in his debate in the LA he was rediculed by some members on the other side. They are ok with our people just scraping the bottom of the barrels for the the few crumbs. only in Cayman!!

  6. Ron Ebanks says:

    I completely agree with Patricia , that it is the people who are in the Tourism that helps to make a great tourist destination. We have to remember that it’s not the only the hotel that makes a good experience for them to want to return to your Island /destination . Unless you are not concerned about repeat business .

    I have been in the Tourism for 25 years and all the boats that I owned didn’t cost me over $20,000 , but my competition who owned half million dollars boats couldn’t take my repeat customers away by offering them free trips on their fancy yachts.
    I have had people to write in my guest book , and tell me that I mean more to the CI Island than you will ever know , you and your personality will live in their memories as long as they live , and for me to keep up the good work .

    I hope that Ms Patricia is sincerely saying what she is saying . Because it means a lot for the Islands Tourism future . But everyone else have to be able to see it .

  7. Anonymous says:

    All our tourism product is made up of is Aussies and South Africans mate! And the restaurants are all French and Eastern European, guest and visitors as where they can try local food and get told coconut joes! It’s disgusting yet laughable that this is allowed. Try the service at Rackams bar for lunch and you will see the tasteless hungover servers from Canada at their best!

    • Anonymous says:

      So? Americans are the biggest tourists here and they don’t care where you’re from as long as it’s not the US. Satisfies their curiosity. If caymanians want those jobs they need to work hard like the expats do. How do you invest in locals? Start by getting that ‘I deserve’ mentality outta their heads.

      • what a ting says:

        By work hard you mean always smell of alcohol and wear crushed up clothes?

        • Anonymous says:


        • Anonymous says:

          Or by hard work you mean trying to sleep with all the tourists? I have not met one expat industry worker that hasn’t tried to sleep with a tourist. Cayman looks like a sex paradise. These expat workers are either gold diggers (both men and women) or outright just loose (both men and women).

    • Anonymous says:

      Not to mention Germans Austrians and Italians at our leading waterfront restaurants.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Investments are supposed to generate returns, or redemptive social benefit. Here, it’s mostly vote-buying and crony back-scratching, and lately the expenditures are redacted from public scrutiny!

    • Anonymous says:

      Thats how it is globally…Cayman is a spot on the map. Globally leaders are failing my friend – sad but TRUE.

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