CIG to buy central GT park for CI$272,500

| 14/11/2018 | 19 Comments
Cayman News Service

Scranton, from Google Maps

(CNS): Government will be spending more than a quarter of a million dollars on a piece of land in the heart of George Town Central to preserve and expand a public park in the Scranton area. Speaking in the Legislative Assembly Thursday, Premier Alden McLaughlin said Cabinet had approved the purchase of a parcel of land behind the Government Administration Building during the last administration but it had also sought to buy an adjacent plot, known as Scranton Central Park, if the owners ever agreed to sell.

The family that owns the land has for many years allowed it to be used as a public park, which the premier said had made it an oasis for the neighboring community in an area that was becoming more commercial.

McLaughlin said the public purchase of the Scranton Central Park property was important to preserve it for use as a community park. Earlier this year the owners had notified government that it was for sale, and so the process for buying crown land was set in motion, he said.

After obtaining the necessary land valuations, negotiations between the government and the owners began. The premier said that after a protracted period, the owners finally agreed to sell and the deal was concluded last month for CI$272,500.

“This purchase price was based on the valuation done by Lands and Survey and considered fair value for the property,” the premier said. “My government …places a premium on ensuring that open spaces are available to the public, including access to neighborhood parks and play areas. These are not mere words,” he added, as he pointed to the acquisition of  Smith Barcadere, the South Sound Boardwalk and land in the Prospect area that will eventually serve as a public park for the Red Bay and Prospect communities.

“We still plan to utilise the old Government Administration Building site as a public park. God willing, we will get this done over the next budget cycle,” he said, referring to the Glass House, which has been earmarked as a green space for George Town for sometime.

The premier said the purchase of the Scranton property would ensure that it continues to be available for use by the community in the future.

“The ability to improve the condition of the park as well as to expand the current quarter-acre site using the adjacent crown land creates exciting possibilities,” McLaughlin told the Legislative Assembly. “This government …will continue to pursue these types of opportunities to improve the quality of life for the people of George Town Central, and indeed for all of our people across these islands,” he added.

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Category: Local News, Politics

Comments (19)

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  1. Lo-Cal says:

    Does this land tie into Cricket Square which is adjoining scranton? If so then this is just a buffer area for the two areas.

  2. BeaumontZodecloun says:

    So, now we see how rabid some of us have become. Is there anyone out there that believes that this vital property should not have been purchased by the CIG?

    Well, then, what is all the sniping about?? I sometimes wonder if some people’s lives are so difficult that they come here just to complain and raise hell. Give the CIG credit for at least one small good stroke. It’s news. The purchase was necessary, and given the location, a good buy. Perhaps some of you would have preferred Dart buy it and build a mini-mall, instead of the property continuing to be a public park.

    U.S. politics are insane. Let us not mirror that on a microcosm down here. Think about solutions, not whinging (he says with a whinge).

  3. Anonymous says:

    Good spot for a much needed new landfill.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Well done. At least somebody has some foresight. CIG investing in land is a good use of that surplus cash. Prior (UDP) Governments were more interested in selling than buying.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Wha? Expect a pat on the back for buying Caymanian land for a fraction of its value. Still not amazed, even less amused.

  6. Anonymous says:

    272? In Central GT? Cayman? Gah be more to dat. Kenneth?

    • Anonymous says:

      The parcel (14CJ 22) is 0.25 Acres. That equates to $25 dollars per sq.ft. – or $1,089,000.00 per Acre!

  7. Anonymous says:

    CNS will you kindly provide the block and parcel number?

    CNS: I’ve now posted the premier’s address in the CNS Library here, which has that info.

  8. TNB says:

    “the premier said. “My government …places a premium on ensuring that open spaces are available to the public, including access to neighborhood parks and play areas. These are not mere words,” he added, as he pointed to the acquisition of Smith Barcadere, the South Sound Boardwalk and land in the Prospect area that will eventually serve as a public park for the Red Bay and Prospect communities.”

    Really? How about open spaces on the beach for the public? How about preserving our environment?

    Government sells out “prime” areas including beaches and marine parks and then want to boast about ONE lot of land in Central GT, the $1.5 million dollar boardwalk that runs for less than a mile and land in Prospect?

    Why does this Government think that ONE lot of land in GT makes up for the environmental damage of the proposed dock, proposed destruction of Barkers Marine Park, etc..??

    Unless we are willing to pay premium prices for drinks and food and accommodation, we as residents have no where on the beach to enjoy “public places”. Shame on CI Government for selling out our natural resources to the highest bidder and then trying to pacify us with one lot of land in the middle of Town!!

    • Anonymous says:

      ask Kenneth B what he thinks of your comment?

      • Anonymous says:

        Nobody in their right mind cares what he thinks about anything.

        • Anonymous says:

          Pardon me, but if you had watched the LA proceedings on Wednesday night you would have more respect for Kenneth Bryan. He had Moses K in a knot. ” What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive” Moses really cannot tell the truth about the piers. He has told so many Anancy Stories that now he has trouble remembering what he said. A real hot mess.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Nice of Mr Dart to allow that purchase.

  10. Anonymous says:



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