CPA to consider Camana Bay’s residential project

| 09/11/2018 | 78 Comments
Cayman News Service

OLEA development in Camana Bay

(CNS): A planning application for the first ‘for sale’ residential development inside the Camana Bay area will be heard by the Central Planning Authority next week, according to the recently published agenda for the first meeting of the board in November. The proposal for a 124-unit residential development, including 24 duplexes, 44 single-family homes, 56 apartments, 39 pools, a boardwalk-dock and a gym, is being submitted by the NCB Group, which is partnering with the Dart Group on this $37 million development.

Commercial development at Camana Bay continues, with construction of a 60,000 square-foot supermarket for Foster’s Food Fair as well as a new commercial building at 89 Nexus Way, which will become the Dart Group’s headquarters. A pedestrian subway linking Camana Bay and the Cayman International School to the National Gallery of the Cayman Islands and the future home of Cayman Rugby is another planned project, according to the Dart Real Estate website.

But the joint venture development with NCB is the first of the long-promised residential suburbs to the mini-town where homes will be for sale. While there are already apartments inside the centre of Camana Bay, they are rental only.

The waterfront residential community development will be located south of the Camana Bay Town Centre and adjacent to Cayman International School (CIS), which is being expanded to double the student capacity to 1,100 by 2020.

The development has been named OLEA and if it receives planning permission it will break ground early 2019 with Phase 1 scheduled to be completed in August 2020 and Phase 2 in February 2021.

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Category: development, Local News

Comments (78)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    The dump is an obvious hazard to this new OLEA development but has anyone considered the proximity to the sewage treatment plant? The sewage treatment plant emits a significant quantity of hydrogen sulphide gas, which is heavier than air and toxicity akin to cyanide. Long term effects of low level exposure can exasperate lung conditions and cause neurological damage.

    You couldn’t pay me live in OLEA. Nice on paper but not in its intended location.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sounds like the country is on the brink of an environmental catastrophe.
      CIG has deminstrated year after a year its ineptitude in solving environmental problems.
      Yet, life gives us usual. Unfathomable!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    More secured developments are a necessity to protect professionals and their families from the ravages of local criminality.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are going to need a moat but the help and their friends will still get you.

    • No expat criminals in Cayman says:

      Oh thank god we do mot have any expat criminals. Check the cause list before you spit out verbal diarrhea.

  3. says:

    Read about the health and specifically cancer issues associated with living within 3 miles of a landfill….and this a regulated version. Mount Trashmore has no regulation at all.

    • Anonymous says:

      Are there international laws that can stop this madness? EU can enforce environmental laws in Europe and order to close dumps and landfills. What role the UK plays here? It looks like a crime against people’health is being commitment in the Cayman islands. The Dump must stop accepting garbage and waste. Noone should live in the 3 miles radius from it.

      • Anonymous says:

        In a white paper, published in June 2012, the Foreign Office declared: “The protection of the overseas territories and their people is one of the UK government’s most important responsibilities.”
        The UK government recognises its responsibility to support a territory facing a disaster.

        The Cayman islands is facing man-made environmental disaster. Local government is incompetent.

        Where’s the protection?

        • Anonymous says:

          Well, who is lobbying the Governor or the Foreign Office?

        • Anonymous says:

          Why do you expect someone else to deal with your garbage? Your government has got a half billion sitting in the bank.

          • Anonymous says:

            They simply can’t. It is not about money. They have demonstrated over the years they are incompetent. Why do you want/ expect CIG to fix the problem? If they could, wouldn’t they have done it already?
            You can sit and wait, that is your choice, but your children are true victims.
            The UK obligated to step in.

        • BS says:

          Oh where is Nottenham Forrest now.

  4. says:

    You think Dart wants the dump closed? No chance, because he’ll also have a stake in the primary associated health care providers. Isn’t Healty City building a radiation unit? The Dump is a huge pile of carsiogenic cash.

    • Anonymous says:

      Now NRA toxic sludge would be the new addition to the Dump.
      Run as fast as you can from the island of death.
      This is happening under the watchful eye of the mother England. What a mess.

      • Anonymous says:

        Plenty of toxic sludge already in there from Water Authority’s sewage treatment ponds in which was dumped EVERYTHING!

  5. Anonymous says:

    39 swimming pools. REALLY!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Sounds like future health issues coming soon being so close to the dump!! Bracka.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Camana bay is a town planning failure that has ruined that side of the island. The road system around it is an abomination and every time they try to fix it, it makes it worse – urban 6 lane highways running through residential areas have been recognised as a terrible idea since the 70s, the tunnel over west bay road is an absolute disgrace that serves no-one other than Dart (everyone else gets the lungs full of toxic exhaust fumes). Dart’s so called “town planning” revolves around motorised traffic dominating everything, cutting off communities, creating swathes of tarmac, destroying the environment. If you have seen pedestrians trying to cross West Bay road around that tunnel, it ain’t pretty or safe.

    And as for the nauseating 3rd rate cliche-fest that is Kaaboo, yeah, let’s bulldoze the island so a bunch of wannabe “influencers” can pay thousands of bucks to pump their fists to a bunch of z-list has-beens and call it culture. This is where all the money, and all the narcissism, and all the swaggering bullshit leads to.

  8. Anonymous says:

    If anyone is interested in seeing where this is going, just take a look at
    Congress for New Urbanism. It is the blueprint for the future as designated by the United Nations and its think tanks.

    You may like it, dislike it or be indifferent, but do not be ignorant. Educate yourselves.

    The development at Camana Bay courtesy of OLIN, is a regular topic at CNU annual meetings.

    It is amazing how many sci-fi movies of the 60s and 70s predicted this.
    Anyone remember Logan’s Run?

    • Anonymous says:

      Thanks. In Europe they call it a Town. Been doing it for thousand years.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is a 2×4 rock surrounded by water, not a continental Europe. No need for any sort of urbanisation. Besides, none of the European developments has a Dump in the backyard.

      And it is going to get worse. Instead of building garbage sorting and recycling facility, they will continue poisoning you to death with incinerators, aka WTE or garbage in, garbage out.

      Why nobody holds CIG responsible for breaking international environmental law? Why the UK allows this to happen?

      “Dart is in the final stages of contract negotiations over a project to remediate the landfill site and replace it with a modern waste management system including a waste-to-energy plant.
      The resolution to the landfill issue, an unsightly and sometimes foul-smelling neighbor on Camana Bay’s southern border,..”. Compass had a nerve to put a word ” sometime” in the above sentence.

      You cant remediate an open air Dump that has no lining. You just can’t! Nomatter what they’re telling you.

  9. Anonymous says:

    CPA neee to address the toxicity of the dump. That area is not fit for residential purposes. Imagine buying a home so close to an uncapped and unregulated dumping ground anywhere else in the world.

  10. Anonymous says:

    If it receives permission, give me a break! ALT and the rest of the board will fall all over themselves with the flowing praise for this much needed development. Why tie up our overworked boards with this nonsense, rubber stamp and move on Dude!

  11. Anonymous says:

    living next to a dump, and fully reserved?! the worlds gone mad

  12. Anonymous says:

    The nerve of Dart building eco-friendly homes…what’s next a public library, schools, a hospice or even worse a recreation facility.

    I hate this guy sooo much…

    Let’s post a bunch of nonsense to make ourselves feel better for missed opportunities.

    • Anonymous says:

      The Darts are not building the Hospice facility. They generously provided land they didn’t need .
      The funds and services to build the facility have been raised and donated by many kind and socially conscious private citizens, for the common good.

      • Chris Johnson says:

        Why the thumbs down. Derek Haines personally raised $1.5 m through his running and the public the rest. Dart did generously donate the land.

      • Anonymous says:

        No argument here, both him, Derek and many others contributed to a great cause with the hospice. Just pointing out that Dart does a lot of good on this island, more then a lot of other developers.

  13. Anonymous says:

    It scares me that CIS can operate as a school so close to the toxic dump. Now people will actually live there? This wouldn’t be permitted in the first world, especially a school.

  14. Anonymous says:

    yet a high school built here cost $200 million.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Nice! Dump or no dump, $37m 124 unit development means you can buy in there for under $300K I am in!

  16. Anonymous says:

    Agenda 21 in full swing. Soon, we will all be in gated communities.

  17. Anonymous says:

    This is so exciting. It will offer a place to live protected from the risks of local criminality.

  18. Anonymous says:

    I would like to see just one person who would pay 1mil. + to live at the foot of the Dump. Remediated or not.

    Remember, it is not a landfill that is properly lined and monitored and could be capped. It is a timing bomb. A mad scientist’s dream.

    Surprised that they believe there are idiots who would buy it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sold out in a day.

      • Anonymous says:

        To each its own

      • Anonymous says:

        I seriously doubt. Only unsuspecting investors from Russia or China would buy it. Once they learn what exactly they’re buying, they would backout.

        As for the school expansion, I am speechless.

        • Anonymous says:

          Not a problem their as Decco told CHEC they will have housing for all the needed workers for the port and all the other projects they will be tackling.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Do they actually consider anything Dart does or did they just hand Dart a rubber stamp so he can approve everything himself? Thought so!

    • Anonymous says:

      Just wondering. Anyone know who the locally licensed architects and engineers are on these wonderful projects?

      • Anonymous says:

        No, but they obviously have all needed licenses. It is a crime to conduct a trade or business in Cayman without a license.

      • Dart runs his own stable of local architects- whether they are ‘licensed’ or not, can be verified at Dept Trade & Business. There is no requirement that Dart needs a ‘licensed’ architect or engineer to prepare the plans necessary to support a planning application. Anyone in Cayman can make a planning application for any land or parcel- as long as the fees are paid…

        • Anonymous says:

          Thanks. Are you the local architect that did all this work and filed these plans? It looks beautiful. I am am surprised you say architects do not need to be licensed. I thought everyone conducting business in Cayman did.

      • Anonymous says:


  20. C'mon Now! says:

    How does 2/3 of a development get sold to the public without this already happening.

    • Anonymous says:

      Reserved, not sold – doubt purchasing funds will be received until ground is broken. I expect at this point they are just being reserved with proof of funds and/or minimal percentage-based refundable deposits, refundable dependent on CPA approval.

  21. A says:

    “A pedestrian subway”- do you mean a tunnel? Pedestrian subway, pretentiousness.

    • Anonymous says:

      In the UK a subway IS a tunnel underground for use by pedestrians.

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe try google before you post.

      “In the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, Hong Kong and Commonwealth countries such as India, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand, a subway is normally an underpass for pedestrians and/or cyclists beneath a road or railway, allowing them to reach the other side in safety”

    • Anonymous says:

      Learn to speak the Queen’s English. You come across as a fool, posting out of pure ignorance.

  22. Anonymous says:

    this is news???


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