Drivers urged to follow rules around schools

| 02/10/2018 | 30 Comments

Cayman News Service(CNS): The RCIPS is imploring drivers to adhere to the rules of the road, especially when it comes to driving in and around school zones and when close to school buses. Police in the traffic unit said that since the return to school, they have seen a tremendous increase in traffic, especially before and after school hours, and a corresponding increase in dangerous driving from some motorists. Urging drivers to watch out for school buses, police said that when a school bus makes a stop to pick up or drop off students, the law requires vehicles travelling behind the school bus as well as oncoming traffic to stop and allow them to cross.

“Only after the school bus has withdrawn its stop sign and started driving again may other drivers then continue on their way,” an RCIPS spokesperson said in a release raising concerns about the danger being posed to school children by rogue road users.

“Failure to provide ample clearance to a school bus is a ticketing offence under the traffic law with a fine of $150. Officers will be on the lookout for violators of this law, as this is serious public safety risk and poses a danger to children.”

Police reminded motorists that overtaking on the inside or the right side of a school bus is an offence under the law, after a number of drivers were seen doing this over the past few weeks. As this is considered to be careless driving, anyone convicted could face a year-long driving ban and a fine of up to $1,000.

Officers are also concerned about drivers in school zones speeding when they are in full effect before and after school. Motorists are being asked to take care and observe the 15 mile per hour limit, and police said the penalty for violating this law is $40 for every 1 mile over the limit you drive. If the speed exceeds $500 or double the speed limit, violators will be sent to court and face possible disqualification from driving and an appropriate fine for the offence.

Police urged drivers to consider the increase weight of traffic during the school terms and ensure that they leave home with sufficient time to get to their destination.

Anyone with questions about road traffic issues or to submit a tip or information on violators of these road rules can use the link to submit feedback here.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (30)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    If only someone from the Lodge could profit from a contract to supply school buses that were not potential death traps for kids in a nation where one drives on the left.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Subject should be Drivers urged to follow rules

  3. Anonymous says:

    People don’t care.
    More police, more tickets. That’s thevonly thing that helps.
    One officer with a ticket book per school.
    Let offenders park on the side of the road and let them wait untill school is in session.

  4. Anonymous says:

    There is nothing wrong with how the bus picks up and let off the children. You want them to drop them off and someone mow them over while they try cross. If you all cannot wait, just get yourself a helicopter.

  5. Anonymous says:

    It only takes a kinute or two for the kids to get on or off the bus and get going. I don’t understand where these crazy drivers are going at such a mad rush. I also wish they would stop riding on my bumper. Let me tell you, none of you are going to cause me to break the speed limit so if you are behind me just keep yourselves at a respectable distance until it is safe for you to overtake. I will not speed up to please you neither will I pull over so you can pass. I will over pull over for an emergency vehicle.

    • Anonymous says:

      No problem here, as long as you’re not one of those idiots who cruise in the right lane of a dual carriageway.

      • Anonymous says:

        I get your point but it’s simply not common here to have “fast lanes” since we’re such a small country..

      • Anonymous says:

        Only an idiot is in a rush on a 2 mile stretch of 2 lanes.
        You are not gaining any time by driving faster.
        Your need to speed comes from your boss or wife that’s .
        You seem very unhappy.

  6. Anonymous says:

    How bout following the rules all over island.

  7. Anonymous says:

    “Police reminded motorists that overtaking on the inside or the right side of a school bus is an offence under the law, after a number of drivers were seen doing this over the past few weeks. As this is considered to be careless driving, anyone convicted could face a year-long driving ban and a fine of up to $1,000.”

    Does this mean that if a bus is moving (stop lights/sign off) and you overtake on the right as you would normally do with any other vehicle this is an offence? Really? What about a bus driving on a dual carriageway? Is overtaking on the right an offence. This makes absolutely no sense at all.

  8. Anonymous says:

    What about the bus that just stops on the East-West Arterial highway before the roundabout at Prospect Primary School? Is that a proper school bus stop?

  9. Anonymous says:

    Isn’t this common sense…………..

  10. Anonymous says:

    Ridiculous that the RCIPS continues to “urge” and “implore” people instead of just ensuring that traffic laws are being followed. One plate? No plates? Above the speed limit? On the wrong side of the road (cyclists)? Double yellow lines? Crossing solid lines? I still see no enforcement for any of this on a regular basis. Instead of telling people that they need to follow the law and ensuring that they do as they are advised, the police politely ask that people do it and then don’t make any effort to correct the wrong behaviour when it happens. I see it every day and I am fed up of it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Best one is park your 18 wheeler, dump truck or cement truck just before the exit to Fosters at the Strand off the bypass creating an extremely dangerous blind spot. so you can walk in to get your breakfast/lunch. Only in Cayman.

      • Anonymous says:

        Like all the big trucks being parked IN the road on South Sound in rush hour so some other idiot can build a monstrous house and fence into the road?

  11. Anonymous says:

    In other news the RCIP is urged to enforce the law 24/7

  12. Anonymous says:

    One of the big safety problems with most of the school buses is that they were built for the US market where you drive on the right hand side so the exits open out onto the road rather than the sidewalk.

    • Anonymous says:

      But you stop on either side of the road for a school bus so that shouldn’t matter.

      • Anonymous says:

        10:13 That’s assuming the drivers all stop. The kids still have to get out into the middle of the road and it only takes one a’hole ignoring the rules to create carnage.

        • Anonymous says:

          Yes but that’s what you do. You stop. One a hole can run a red light and cause carnage too. Doesn’t mean it’s a safety problem.

          • Anonymous says:

            1:07 I’m assuming you have a financial interest in the school buses? Regardless of which side of the road these things are configured for they’re wrecks that shouldn’t even be on the road.

            • Anonymous says:

              Yes, I have a vested interest in school buses… or… i think it’s just a non issue if you follow the laws while driving.

    • Anonymous says:

      Agreed. A great example of small minded copying of Americanism.

    • Anonymous says:

      And we are not dealing with buses full of 5 year olds. At some point older children and teenagers have to learn how to cross a road sensibly.

      • Anonymous says:

        You are so right 1:16. I dread the day a “child” gets off a regular bus and strolls across the road without looking because they forgot & thought they were getting off a school bus. Teach them properly to wait until the roads is clear both ways before walking across a road.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sorry, that is just not true. The school buses have doors on the left as they should. Please check your facts before posting.

  13. Anonymous says:

    The school bus law is dangerous and a ghastly Americanism. The children are safer waiting to cross. Many do not know about this bizarre law.


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