Cocaine destroyed after washing ashore in South Sound

| 12/10/2018 | 28 Comments
Cayman News Service

Cocaine destroyed 12 October 2018

(CNS): Police destroyed more than five kilos of cocaine on Friday. The RCIPS said the drugs had washed ashore in the vicinity of the South Sound dock. The haul had been reported to the police by members of the public who had discovered the five suspicious packages. After officers recovered the packages, the drugs were forensically examined and they turned out to be 5.2kgs of cocaine, which was all destroyed today.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    How much you sellin’ that weed for, old man?

  2. Anonymous says:

    police need curb the demand.then there will be no incentive for supply…but it same in every country….blah blah blah….

  3. Anonymous says:

    In other news…pram-pushers in the South Sound area have been spotted walking MUCH faster then usual!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Good. Find it all and burn it. Nothing good comes of it. Unlike ganja, it has no medicinal value.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Hondarus is a huge problem for Cayman and no one talks about it…

    Everyone blames Jamaica when Hondarus is just as bad

    Cocaine is produced in South America and heads North……… can we say Hondarus

  6. Anonymous says:

    So these are sent to float in, is that right? Someone involved is on shore waiting.?. Is that how this scenario plays out?

    • Anonymous says:

      No clueless, cocaine that washes up on our shores isn’t meant for here, it actually comes from south or central America and headed further north to feed the sensational appetite they have over there, and the demand is so high for it there that these poor bastards risk their lives on trying to get it to its final destination, when it reaches our shores like that it just proves that it was a failed attempt and lives where probably lost, but still it can cause a great problem reaching our shores if found by the wrong people, thank God the police got to it first.

      • Anonymous says:

        I didn’t realize Cuba was the target destination. I learn something new everytime I log on.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Trouble thinking much?

  8. Brian Bodden says:

    Idiot.. washed ashore.. you are on a island

  9. Boat Captian says:

    We’re have a hardcore drug problem here in Cayman. Forget the weed! Cocaine and herion will destroy families more than anything else! And to sell you need to recruit youngsters! And to convert them, you need to get them addicted! And once they are addicted, they will be foolish enough to feel big with a gun in their hands. And they will use smuggled guns to protect their turf. The professionals drug heads are in the background.

    They are adults and probably business owners, bankers, financial leaders, or high government officials corresponding with Honduras, Nicaragua, Jamaica, or Colomubian mafia. Anything for money and allegiance whom they fear to not dissappoint! They will do anything to get these drugs in our schools and night clubs. Already they have, but they are increasing momentum!

    Ask yourself the question – How many drug mules coming through undetected through our ports? How many youngsters made to be carriers? How many prisoners get out of prison and learn smarter ways to beat the legal system? Note, if this was Philippines, anyone involved with hardcore drugs such as cocaine will be put to death. People complained about Duterte (who I think is shady himself) but drugees raped his daughter. Its not until they get well organized here that we will wish we did more to protect our borders. All the money pumping into the RCIP when they ask for it, what about investing in our borders, customs and immigration?

    Alot of our prisoners leave Northward not reformed, but more smarter. The young mingle with the old, all to become more mixed up in the drug silent Caymanian world! What about the surveillance of our seas? Where has money went to that cause? What about East East waters? We have helicopter and I understand talk about drones now? This is serious people! And something has to be done, or, Cayman will become a haven of young criminals, more crackheads and crime!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Why not take it to the police station evidence room

    • Anonymous says:

      No criminal activity to tie it to so it is not evidence so no need to store it for any length of time.

      • Jotnar says:

        Or because past experience with holding drugs in the evidence locker is not good – which is what the OP was hinting at I suspect. Destroy it before someone “steals” it.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Good. I hope the RCIPS are looking around for more washing ashore.

  12. Anonymous says:

    i heard they found 7kg……

  13. Anonymous says:

    Legalize it all. Use the money to educate people and build a rehab. Take the power from the dealers.

  14. Ron Ebanks says:

    Did anyone see any smoke ? That amount you would’ve seen the smoke all the way to East End .

    • Anonymous says:

      You clearly know nothing. They put it in the landfill incinerator. If the landfill incinerator can’t turn that amount to ash in 5 seconds then we desperately need an upgrade.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Had I found these walking the dog I would have definitely reported the four suspicious packages to the police. White square grouper, so much better than brown square grouper.

  16. Anonymous says:

    bet your not going to arrest anyone …. or find out who it was for or nothing … should have been ganja! christ! it would be an RCIP victory!


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