Cops shut down late-night illegal session

| 06/08/2018 | 66 Comments
Cayman News Service

Poster of illegal party being advertised

(CNS): A late night illegal session, for which the organisers were charging men an admission fee, was closed down by the police in the early hours of Sunday morning. Officers learned about the party from a poster advertising the late-night event after liquor licensing hours on Saturdays at a house in Mahogany Way in Prospect. The poster said that DJ’s would be playing and food and drink would be on sale, which police said was in clear violation of the law. Officers were able to shut down the event without incident at around 12:30am on Sunday morning.

“We would like to remind the public that anyone who holds an event where the general public is invited and asked to pay a cover charge, that does not have a licence for such event, commits an offense,” the police said in a release about the party. “Additionally, playing loud music after 12:00am on a Sunday morning is also against the law. Such illegal events encourage anti-social behaviour and disrupt the community, and the police intend to prevent these activities with positive action.”

The Liquor Licence Law states that anyone concerned in the management of any premises not licensed under the law who sells or allows liquor to be sold there commits an offence and gives the police the right to enter the premises and stop the party.

Anyone with information about illegal parties is asked to share this information with police; neighbours of the address in question are asked to keep police informed of any such activities occurring or planned in this area.


Category: Crime, Police

Comments (66)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    At least 10 people don’t want that.

  2. Anonymous says:

    the real question is why can’t adults drink and dance after midnight on saturday???
    prohibition does not work.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Agreed, they could have worded it better.

  4. John says:

    Where?? I’m asking for a friend.. 🙂

  5. Anon says:

    Now if they could just shut down the strip club in the industrial park.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Not everyone is young and has an interest in partying. No one liked a party more than I. But now that I am older I don’t have the desire anymore. Arthritis pains has set in and I much prefer to be in my cozy bed. However when I partied it was never where folks could be disturbed. Older folks and working people cant handle the noise that comes from the partys. This is being very inconsiderate to the older and the sick folks. We have lost it for sure.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Great Job RCIPS. ! No go deal with that after party business the going on after hours every Saturday night at XXXXX and Industrial park. Those people should not be allowed to carry on. They are selling alcohol and drugs soon and very soon someone is going to get hurt at those places.

  8. Anonymous says:

    This goes to show how inconsiderate some individuals are, to be having such events in a residential area. Great job RCIPS.

  9. Anonymous says:

    You should have called the police!!!!

  10. Anonymous says:

    I understand and know every word you are saying. I also have to put up with this even it’s a sign posted no parking, they turn in your driveways, block the driveway to the garage. It is no manners or respect. I have tried calling the police but no luck.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Excellent job RCIPS. This type of activity should never be allowed in residential communities.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Why did you never call the popo on this situation????? Your fault for allowing it to continued unreported.
    That’s my downvote.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh I called the Police every time. They would show up and for some strange reason, nothing was done. Now this RCIPS are under new management it seems things are being done.

      • Anonymous says:

        Ah. I get that. I used to live behind a big name in South Sound. House on stilts. Had huge parties that went on into the wee hours. My bedroom backed up to their backyard. I always had to sleep on the sofa. Popo NEVER came! Can you imagine?

  13. Anonymous says:

    I’m all for allowing people to party past 12am on a Saturday if they want to without DUI and as long as it isn’t done in a residential area where other people are trying to sleep.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Could a discrimination case be brought against promoters and establishments who charge different fees based on gender? I’m not sure how it’s fair or appropriate to discriminate against men by charging them an entrance fee but not charging the women. We wouldn’t charge white people entrance fees and not black people. We wouldn’t charge Muslims and not Christians.

    Yes, yes, we all understand the logic, that by allowing women free entrance, more will theoretically show up, and then more men would theoretically show as well. But the principles of discrimination should still apply. Factor in that these women will probably then complain about being objectified after the fact despite reaping the benefits of freebies.

    Just a thought, probably unpopular with the cns crowds, but just a thought

    • Anonymous says:

      Women free is common in most night hangouts. Sorry you have lived such a boring life.

      • Anonymous says:

        12:41 pm you may have missed the point. Yes, nobody is disagreeing that this is common. The question is whether it is discrimination. It appears you are all for equality, so long as discriminating against men still persists.

        • Anonymous says:

          It’s not discrimination it’s a choice by the promoter. If they said dogs welcome would you complain that cat’s were left out too?

        • Anonymous says:

          The men don’t mind, and the ladies don’t mind, so why do you mind?

    • Anonymous says:

      What an interesting question. We could charge Christians to come to the church picnic / Christmas pageant / Tent Revival / whatever and Muslims and agnostics and other potential converts for free. But would it be right/legal? Hmmm.

    • SSM345 says:

      Sweet baby Jesus, maybe it’s discrimatory too that people over 60 pay less than me to see a movie, or that kids under 6 get in free to most events or that we charge foreigners to work here unless they married to a local. I would prefer that women are charged to get into the club, the majority spend nothing because every Tom, Dick and Harry buys their drinks all night!

    • Anonymous says:

      @9:24 Don’t bring that shyte here you SJW. If you have to bring a gender issue into this other than the fact that the parties are ILLEGAL you have bigger issues. I’m 50 years old and from the time I was a teenage I remember parties and events letting women in free. It’s a marketing tactic to draw the men because of the anticipated large number of women. Why does everything for you have to be about gender, do you not have a life or interests in anything else?

  15. #ifromyah says:

    wow I will miss the Prospect after parties I would stay home and pre game all night for these, they go till morning and the drinks don’t stop. pay $5.00 you mussa mad just jump the people dem fence and you bling. #ifromyah

    • Anonymous says:

      Stay home and drink alone and then drive to the party to hop the fence. You sound like a busy man…

  16. Anonymous says:

    no way should be allowed
    ……great job RCIP!! also keep up good work on Linford highway… all doing a great job!???????? from a concerned native….

  17. Anonymous says:

    So many people here commenting on “a party being anti-social”. A party is NOT anti-social but supporting an ILLEGAL party is anti-social. F’n morons.

    • Anonymous says:

      This term “anti-social” is exhausted now.

      Tell me why anyone should tell me OR you, who to socialize with, when to do it and where!

      That goes against basic human nature.

      Moving on, this issue will not last forever, they will change the laws soon and it will no longer be illegal to dance AND socialize after midnight on Saturday!

      • Anonymous says:

        But it will always be illegal to charge for services without licences, in inappropriate areas, and for services that disturb others lawful enjoyment of their homes, etc. – Which is what the story & supportive-of-the-police comments are about.

      • Anonymous says:

        @ 1:23 No one is telling you who or where to socialize. I’m all for a good party but all I am saying is you are supporting an ILLEGAL activity fck nugget. That’s my point but I’m sure you could care less about that right? I’m sure you see nothing wrong with it and that is one of the reason our society is in the shitter.

  18. Richard Wadd says:

    These ‘Promoters’ also need to be charged & fined under the Anti-Litter Law for posting their flyers on buildings, lamp-poles and private vehicles. Certain areas in GT look like down-town Jamaica with these ‘Bills & flyers’ stuck & strewn all over.

  19. Cheese Face says:

    I saw this on ecay trade. I know our police force are not MI5 but cumon! This was always going to get shut down.

  20. Tootie Eldemire says:

    As far as I know, our Town and Country law states that it is illegal for ANYONE who plays loud music that can be heard outside their premises can be warned by tbe police to turn their music down. If they do not then the police have the right to confiscate their music equipment.

  21. Double Standards says:

    Right, gathering together playing music and eating food encourages “anti-social behaviour”. I can’t even believe what I just read. Maybe if it was some christian cult humming jesus loves the children while everybody is shaking with the holy ghost it would have been perfectly fine.

    • Anonymous says:

      @4:34 No it’s about going at it legally, if you can’t see the issue then you are part of the problem.

      • Anonymous says:

        How does partying encourage anti-social behavior? Maybe the RCIPS could have said, “This type of behavior encourages others to break laws.

    • SSM345 says:

      There’s Barkers, Queens Highway and behind CUC to hold parties in the wee hours hits of the morning to name a few places. Theres also a way for them to sell alcohol legally. Of all the nights they pick Saturday when they know full well Sunday the day of the Lord and the whole island shut down 1145pm. Do it legally and it’s golden; set yourself up to get busted and shut the f up when it happens. #legalizecommonsense

    • Anonymous says:

      @4:34 Won’t happen because the “christian cult humming jesus loves the children while everybody is shaking with the holy ghost” would have done it legally.

  22. Anonymous says:

    We are a society of laws and when people are allowed to ignore the laws anarchy will become the new norm. Well done RCIPS!

  23. Anonymous says:

    Was the sexy bartender advertised in the flyer for sale too?

  24. Anonymous says:

    Someone trying create something always get shutdown because envious & bad minded people, why do they turn it into retirement home or church!

  25. Anonymous says:

    Go DART!

  26. PJD says:

    What is an example of antisocial behavior?
    Here are some examples of things that could be classed as antisocial behaviour under the law: noisy neighbours. graffiti. drinking or drug use which leads to people being rowdy and causing trouble. large groups hanging about in the street (if they are causing, or likely to cause, alarm and distress)

  27. Anonymous says:

    The simple fact the organizer was promoting the event reflects the total disregard for the law. I think our laws need clearly the overhaul into the 21st century but until this is done you respect the current. Always someone who thinks they get away with anything.Sure there is no fine…

    • PJD says:

      i don’t think the laws need to be updated, they are fine, the problem is accountability and enforcement of our current laws, something that always seems to skip everyone when doing crap but you’re right… people who always try to get away with any and everything

    • R Wee Cee Ree Us? says:

      Could it be a person here on a work permit with no work?????

      • Anonymous says:

        Could very well be….. They stopped with the Fish Fry now and on to the late night parties again ! The majority of these events are in fact held by persons here on work permits.

  28. Anonymous says:

    How Tf is going to a party Anti social activity ? Cayman is so retarded XD


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