West Bay MLA to undergo heart surgery

Bernie Bush at Health City Cayman Islands with Chris Saunders (left), HCCI Marketing Director Shomari Scott and a doctor at HCCI
(CNS): Bernie Bush, the Unity government back-bench representative for West Bay North, is currently in the Health City Cayman Islands hospital in East End awaiting a heart bypass operation on Wednesday. After feeling under the weather, Bush paid a visit to the doctors, where a minor blockage was picked up during medical tests. Bush has enjoyed some visitors ahead of his surgery, including from his colleague on the opposition bench, Chris Saunders. His friends, family and constituents have also been sending their best wishes for the speedy recovery of their MLA on social media.
Category: Health, Local News
The caption for the photo reads “…..and a doctor at HCCI”
I am pretty sure his name is Dr Binoy Chattuparambil and he is an extremely talented but humble man. He and his team saved my wife’s life a few months back and I will be forever thankful he came to the Cayman Islands to practice medicine. In particular bringing not only his experience but the technology to institute Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (“ECMO”) to critically ill patients, both young and old. While my wife was recovering at HCCI I had privilege to witness Dr Binoy, his team and the other very talented Doctors at HCCI save many, many lives. I suspect CNS was not given his name therefore I can not expect you to print information you do not have/know. However given the profound respect I have for this man and the impact he has had on so many families in our community, perhaps he deserves to be mentioned by name!
I could continue to gush with respect to Dr Binoy and frankly the many medical professionals and practitioners across our various hospitals who worked tireless and seamlessly to save not only the life of my wife, but the Mother of two young children. That story however is far too long, winding and detailed to address in any meaningful way using the comment section for this article.
MLA Bernie Bush, it is my wish that you fully recover from your procedure and that your quality of life is in no way impaired as a result of your illness. In my humble opinion you are in extremely capable hands. Get well soon!!
CNS: If someone can confirm that the doctor in the picture is indeed Dr Binoy Chattuparambil, we will certainly name him.
My prayer that you will have a safe and successful surgery
Hope you have a successful surgery Bernie, best wishes and a speedy recovery.
Good luck Bernie.
Good health to you Bernie , al the best for a speedy recovery .
Here’s wishing you all success and a speedy recovery Bernie.
Anonymous 6 :38 pm , you are completely right , and I hope that not only Bernie see the importance of having good medical Hospitals on the Island, and keep working to improving them .
I wish Bernie a successful and a speedy recovery.
Bernie, all the best in your upcoming surgery and get well soon. You are one of the early supporters of bringing Health City to Cayman, unlike some of your colleagues in the House, including Hon. Premier McLaughlin!!
Health City is a blessing to Cayman!
Here’s wishing you all success in your surgical procedure and post op recovery Bernie. Glad it was caught early!
Why 8.04 am would anyone be negative (thumbs down) re. Bernie having bypass surgery? Weird, nasty, negative. Your turn might well come too!
Hey, is that thumbs down feedback “Cayman kind”?
So THAT’S what Bernie Bush looks like!
Nice to have free 100% health insurance, isn’t it!? Nothing against Bernie, but how many Caymanians are living with sickness and can’t afford the hospital and medical bills?
I agree. I also wish Bernie a speedy recovery.
As regards health care in Cayman it is ludicrous that senior citizens can only get comprehensive health care if they have an employer.
I am retired and have been denied complete cover by all Insurance companies and can purchase only basic cover from Cinico. This causes me a great deal of stress wondering what would happen if I needed expensive treatments like chemotherapy, etc.
Is the government ever going to address the inadequate health care for senior citizens who did not work for them?
8.13pm You forget that our army of civil servants and MLA’s 98% Caymanian, all have 100% free medical treatment and don’t have a care in the world or in their pocket when they get ill.
This shows the value of having specialized surgeons and facilities in Cayman (for all the Health City detractors).
Im sure Bernie and his family are happy not be alone in Miami awaiting this surgery. And it will be welcome by Bernie to have these specialists here for post-operative care.