Jersey’s former AG and UK appeal court judge join CICA

| 04/06/2018 | 1 Comment
Cayman News Service

Sir Jack Beatson

(CNS): Following an open recruitment process earlier this year, the Judicial and Legal Services Commission identified two leading judges to join the Cayman Islands Court of Appeal. Governor Anwar Choudhury recently confirmed the appointment of Sir Michael Birt and Sir Jack Beatson, who will join the top court bench this November. The men were two of five people who were shortlisted and then interviewed for the jobs. With no shortage of candidates, Cayman continues to attract international legal talent to the judiciary. 

Welcoming the two new appeal court judges, the governor said, “The expertise and calibre of the Court of Appeal, and indeed our judiciary, continues to flourish with the appointment of highly qualified individuals such as these.”

Cayman News Service

Sir Michael Birt

Sir Michael Birt was called to the English Bar in 197o and practiced law in the UK and his native Jersey before he was made attorney general for the island in 1994. He has continue to hold prestigious legal appointments since and currently sits as a commissioner (judge) of the Royal Court of Jersey and is a member of the Courts of Appeal in Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man.

Sir Jack Beatson was a member of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales between January 2013 and February 2018. He, too, has held numerous senior judicial posts after a long career in law in Britain. Called to the Bar in 1973, he was appointed Queen’s Counsel in 1998. He has authored and edited a long list of leading legal texts. More recently he has become an arbitrator and a judge of the Astana International Financial Centre’s Court in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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Category: Courts, Crime

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Super, so what’s the pay scale?

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