Archive for June 7th, 2018

Lecturer jailed for 3½ yrs for child porn images
(CNS): Pierre Michel Pavlov Rameau (49), a former maths professor at University College of the Cayman Islands, has been jailed for three and a half years. However, the judge made it clear that were it not for the sentencing guidelines and principles relating to this particular crime, he would have liked to have doubled it, […]

Men not worth fighting over, judge advises
(CNS): Justice Carlisle Greaves told a defendant that men are like buses, “one goes, another one comes”, and advised her that they are not worth women fighting over as he handed down a 12-month sentence for the conviction for wounding. Amil Regina Cotes-Incinosa (40) from West Bay was charged with stabbing Darla Ebanks twice in one […]

Bermuda court rules same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional
(CNS): Bermuda’s Supreme Court has ruled that elements of the recent ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional. The recently enacted Domestic Partnership Act barred same-sex couples from marrying, despite the findings of the court in a decision in May last year where they upheld the right of a Bermudian man and his Canadian partner who had […]

CNS readers vote Eden most ‘useless’ MLA
(CNS): A readers’ survey by CNS on the performance of all 19 of the current Members of the Legislative Assembly found that veteran politician and the opposition member for Savannah, Anthony Eden, is the most useless MLA. Asked to grade the job of current representatives from useless to excellent, well over half of the more […]

Lawyers scrutinize fraud trial outcome
Walkers Cayman Islands partners Colette Wilkins and Shelley White write: After a trial lasting a little over a year, the Chief Justice of the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands has handed down judgment in the case of AHAB v SICL & Others, the most significant fraud trial, both in terms of value and length, […]