Premier says Cayman is part of ‘Global Britain’

| 18/04/2018 | 27 Comments
Cayman News Service

Premier Alden McLaughlin and Eric Bush, head of the Cayman Islands London Office, at the Business Forum in London

(CNS): Cayman Islands Premier Alden McLaughlin has said that Cayman is a “very important part of Global Britain”. As he began attending events in London this week in connection with the Commonwealth Heads of Government Conference, McLaughlin, who was invited to the international event on behalf of all the British Overseas Territories, kicked off his trip at the Business Forum, which was opened by UK Prime Minister Theresa May and attended by various UK and Commonwealth politicians as well as business leaders.

“Attending the Commonwealth Business Forum is part of our ongoing relationship building with the United Kingdom as it seeks to leave the European Union,” McLaughlin said. “The Cayman Islands, as well as all of the UK Overseas Territories, see ourselves as a very important part of Global Britain.”

Later that morning the premier attended a panel session with the theme ‘Delivering a Prosperous Commonwealth for All’ with a panel that included International Trade Minister Liam Fox.

He also joined sessions on ‘Developing the Digital Economy’ and on ‘Economic
and Climate volatility – Innovation and Resilience for Small Island States’, which he described as “very interesting sessions for the Cayman Islands as well as the other British Overseas Territories”.

Over the next few days McLaughlin will be talking about healthcare, the maritime industry,  economic empowerment of women, investing in infrastructure, fintech and innovations in financial services as well as making business easier between Commonwealth countries.

According to his office, McLaughlin is also planning to meet with United Kingdom Government officials to discuss issues and concerns that are common to Britain, the overseas territories and the Cayman Islands in particular during his time in the UK.


Category: Politics, UK

Comments (27)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    The educated Brits apologise profusely for the backwards poorly-educated mediocre provincials that caused Brexit. If there a few bad winters hopefully the balance will be tipped away from narrow-minded bigotry.

    • Anonymous says:

      Brexit was the last stand of the proud Brits that I know and love.
      You sleazebags gave them a choice and they damned-well called you out.
      Come back in 10 more years when they are dead and try again.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Shame we don’t actually live on a “globe”. Once you realize this, everything else will make sense.

    • Anonymous says:

      Flat Earth, really? Got proof?

      • Anonymous says:

        I can walk outside at night and see constellations which have remained unchanged in the sky for 5,000 years. The great pyramid lines up with Orions’s belt, doesn’t it?

        How in hell would this be possible if everything in the universe was moving at 720,000 KM away from the center of the “Big Bang”.


  3. Anonymous says:

    Rubbish. Cayman is just doing what it has always done…..exploit Britain for its own need and somehow, inexplicably, some how feel that the UK owes it something when in fact the UK gains absolutely nothing from Cayman whatsoever. Just a load of paper Britain’s who should never have been given UK passports. Hypocrites them all.

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t recall Cayman exploiting Britain for anything. I think you got that ass- backward.

    • Caymanite says:

      Many many Brits came here with nothing and are now Millionaires. Yet not one Caymanian who went to Britain can claim the same.

    • Anonymous says:

      Britain only takes, never gives, remember when Cayman had nothing they gave nothing and would not even look this way, now Cayman has become something on its own, they wants some of it. After the hurricanes they gave us nothing, but sent millions to the far East for the disasters there.

  4. Anonymous says:

    We might consider being part of a global Britain if the UK practice what they preach and set the example by opening up their beneficial ownership details to the general public and the world at large instead of expecting us to lead the way to lunacy.

  5. Anonymous says:

    If we try to establish we’re part of GB, they’ll make us pay their taxes.

  6. Useless. says:

    Global Britain ? Really ? More like nowereians

  7. Anonymous says:

    Maybe Prime Minister Theresa May would sit Alden down and discuss human rights and same sex marriage. Maybe suggest that Cayman join the rest of the 21st century. When I say suggest I really mean force the issue.

    • Claudia says:

      The traditional families in the Cayman Islands love to live in one of the best place of the world with our tradition, if five person don’t like how we are ,they can live the Islands when they want . Cayman Islands is not for everyone…

      • David says:

        Damned straight. Stop riding roughshod over the people who were born and raised here.
        For those of you that washed up for the money and the sun, enjoy what you came for and please be quiet or go home.
        Cayman belongs to Caymanians, not arrogant expats.
        I would never think of working in Dubai, UAE, Saudi and tell these people how to live.
        You are such HYPOCRITES and BULLIES!!!!
        Stop bullying ffs.

  8. Anonymous says:

    They managed to pickup the garbage yet ?

  9. Anonymous says:

    OMG someone call Who!

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you again for all your constant working hard for us Honorable Premier and the rest of the Unity Team. Please change the constitution to allow you to stay our Premier as long as you will do it as you are the best!

      • Caymanian Voter says:

        Yes Alden please keep it up so we don’t get confused the next time we have to vote because we seem to keeping voting you A$$#0!@ in every time because we same to get confused about your Caymanian values at the polls so feel free to be yourselves and stop deceiving the Caymanian People.

  10. Anonymous says:

    What’s with this new term “Global Britain” ?

    • SSM345 says:

      He pinched it from the new Governor……..

      • Caymanian Voter says:

        Yes that is because Alden and the PPM could not come with an original idea even if you subjected them to torture.

        • Anonymous says:

          Simpletons…Global Britain is the in vogue term which the UK is focusing on now that they are exiting Europe.

          They are so worried they are hugging up the OT’s, the Commonwealth, China, basically everyone outside of Europe to ensure they have strong trade, a voice and influence around the globe, and most importantly remain relevant.

          So neither this term has been around long before the Governor’s speech. Clearly you get your news from the comments section of CNS…

    • Anonymous says:

      Simple, when in Rome, do as the Romans do. He is no longer Caymanian this week, he is British.

  11. Code name: Warlock says:

    Your Premier Alden McLaughlin confirms yet again that he is a harlot for the UK who prop him up. He is compromised yet crucial in order to carry out our agenda. He shall be given his just rewards and Knighthood in due course.


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