Motorbike crashed early Saturday morning

| 25/03/2018 | 9 Comments

(CNS): Just before 6:00 Saturday morning, a man riding a motorbike along Shedden Road, George Town, crashed. Police and other emergency services who were dispatched to the scene by 911 Communication Center found the rider unresponsive and the bike badly damaged, with motorbike debris on the roadway. The rider was taken to the Cayman Islands Hospital, where he received treatment for serious lacerations to the face and arms, and a broken femur.

Police said the matter is currently under full police investigation.


Category: Local News

Comments (9)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Same here, no action whatsoever! With clear video and easy identification still nothing is done! Why do we even bother?

  2. Anonymous says:

    There are several of these scofflaws running up and down Rev Blackman road daily, in plain view of WB police station. NOTHING DONE! What are we paying these officers for?

  3. Cor Blimey! says:

    I can’t wait to see the DVDL roadtesting these bikes to check their stability whilst doing wheelies.

  4. Anonymous says:

    What is going to happen when this east end dirt bike course opens? All these people on illegal bikes are going to be riding from West Bay to East End. How do the RCIPS plan to tackle that? I hope they set up something like a bike garage where everyone can keep their dirt bikes on the premises at this course. And these people are going to have to get another mode of transportation back and forth. Anyway that’s all the pipe dream, that won’t happen, these people will still be out on the roads running amok whether we like it or not and our RCIPS will never do anything about it.

  5. Anonymous says:

    The government has mandate to ignore this behavior. It sows fear into the hearts of the people and a fearful populace is easier to control.
    God forbid that the hard-working taxpayers of Cayman would try and hold the government accountable for their inaction on law and order.
    They want more police for what? To pry into our lives and intimidate us while letting criminals run rampant.
    This place is a disgrace.

  6. Anonymous says:

    RCIPS- Heads up: Harley Davidson rider with no helmet , nor license plates,on L.P.H Saturday , accompanied by a second equally illegal rider,on another bike.

    • Royal says:

      You might as well say “heads down”. I stopped reporting them. Never any action taken!

      • Anonymous says:

        Ha, I offered beautiful dashcam footage… that 345 solid and clear, pulling wheelies, friend driving one handed taking video…

        they drive right by the WB police station…


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