Governor bids reluctant farewell

Cayman Islands Governor Helen Kilpatrick’s farewell, with Speaker McKeeva Bush and Premier Alden McLaughlin
(CNS): Helen Kilpatrick left the Cayman Islands Monday after four and a half years in the office of governor. Not only was she the first woman to serve in the job and the first not to come from a diplomatic background, she was also the longest-serving UK official and probably the most reluctant to leave, having thoroughly enjoyed her time here. Kilpatrick had developed very successful and close working relationships with both Premier Alden McLaughlin and Deputy Governor Franz Manderson.
The deputy governor will be acting in the post for the next three weeks until the arrival later this month of the new governor, Anwar Choudhury, who, unlike Kilpatrick, is from the Foreign Office and has been a diplomat for the last fourteen years.
As Kilpatrick prepared to leave, Manderson said that he was going to miss her. He said Cayman was a better place for having her in the post and she had achieved much since she arrived.
“It’s been a pleasure and a privilege to work with her. She has been a great boss and she has inspired and motivated me and held me accountable when necessary,” he stated. “We have improved in so many key areas,” Manderson added, as he pointed in particular to the improvement in the reporting on public finances.
The deputy governor said he was expecting a smooth transition when the new governor arrives and he expected that Choudhury would pick up on the “fantastic work” Kilpatrick has been doing, including promoting good governance and human rights.
Kilpatrick has been popular with the elected government, especially Premier McLaughlin, who was elected as leader of the last PPM-led government just a few months before she arrived and has served as the leader of the Cayman Islands throughout her time here. During the reception at Government House on Friday, McLaughlin described her as the “best governor that Cayman has ever had”.
Much less hands-on when it came to politics than her two predecessors, Duncan Taylor and Stuart Jack, Kilpatrick was clearly very sad to be leaving the Cayman Islands behind.
Taylor and Jack, on the other hand, were both rather less reluctant to bid farewell as a result of the various political scandals that they were both involved in during their time here. While Jack’s legacy was marked by the Operation Tempura debacle, Taylor will forever be associated with former premier McKeeva Bush’s fall from office because of his part in the controversial charges against Bush relating to the misuse of his government credit card, for which he was eventually acquitted.
By contrast Kilpatrick, the first non-FCO representative to serve as governor, will be remembered for her diplomacy, an absence of scandal and a relatively uneventful tenure.
Category: Local News
All the misogynist are out. Don’t mind them, they belong to the old boy’s club, you know the ones that drink and touch up women’s behinds.
You were excellent. I wish that you could have stayed longer.
You really need to take your baggage with you.
But isn’t the U.K. listing not being subject to the rulings of the European court as a “red line”? So why did Mrs.(Former) Governor make reference to it in her remarks about the rights of the LMGBGTQ individuals?
Well, dufus, you need to understand the difference between the ECtHr and the ECJ.
Good job Governor, thanks.
Any Governor who tries to stand up to politicians will be disliked intensely. Previous ones had to contend with the likes of McKeeva at his worst and of course he and his ignorant followers trashed them. Ms Kilpatrick seems to have come here with FCO instructions to “ leave the buggers alone and let them create their own mess so long as the UK doesn’t have to pay for it. Oh, and stir them up a bit about their idiotic Old Testament views about gays”. She did that, pleased the politicians by doing nothing controversial like saying no to them and even on the gay thing didn’t go overboard too much. Franz’s gushing about her was nauseating.
Good to see that good ol’ Caymankind welcome is alive and well on CNS comments..Can’t wait for the hatred to start with the next Governor…A Muslim as Governor of Cayman? The Churches and their flocks will have a field day with their good ‘ol Christian values……I for one say Welcome to Mr. Choudhury for when he arrives, and would happily walk with him down any street. You are just going to have to take my word for it that he does not have two heads and is not a son of satan.
2.05 and 2.00 pm appear to have a very bigoted view of the Caymanian people. I can only assume that a. the rascals don’t live here or b. they do and don’t know much about Caymanians as a people. And 2.00 pm ‘s eagerly awaiting “hatred” is truly sickening. He/she needs help!
Thank you CNS for providing a platform to showcase the loving warmth of the Caymanian people. Paradise indeed.
Man, I love reading all the negative posts, she was probably one of the best governors we’ve ever had.. Definitely not part of the boys club!
What I am now REALLY looking forward too is the new Muslim Governor! Lmao all you God loving people gonna suffer now. LMAO! No more booze parties at the government house, Indian vegetarian meals. The load arubic music coming from government house 2 a day!
I really can’t wait for all the bitchin by the fake news Facebook page news blogs about him and his wife.
Oh and the burka he wife wears… Lol, all women have to wear one who work for government….. LMAO!
I love the FCO for messing with us!
If she really had our best interests at heart, she’d take Franz and Alden with her. So long, farewell no need to say goodbye.
Lollllllllllll. It’s such a beautiful night out…:) #takethemaway
What do governors do when they come here anyway besides drive around in a fancy car? I’ve always wondered…
Why is that Franz always goes out of his way to use these archine colonial platitudes as the ‘best boss’, ‘holds me accountable’, ‘mentor’. You are the second most powerful person next to the governor aside from the Premier – act like it. We are living in an enlightened age even the British could care less for these colonial vestiges unless you allow it. Remember his glowing emotional remarks when Duncan was leaving, who was so happy to leave these islands and couldn’t care less if we all drown? Check the origin of the word boss and you and others might use it less. Even their secretaries call them on a first-name basis and they insist. Why should we act any differently. I am not saying that you should call the governors by their first name in public but Boss – give me a break.
The definition of semantics
She was by definition his boss, he was subservient and accountable to her, whether you decide you like the word “boss” or not it has multiple meanings
This is such a nonissue, that in true Caymanian fashion will be treated like some huge scandal by persons like you,
Straight from the constitution:
“Under the authority of the Governor, the Deputy Governor shall be head of the civil service”
Get over it
Chill man…you getting hot under the collar about a friendly Cayman farewell?
Did you mean to say arcane?
Did you mean old fashioned and out of date… dweeby as the millenials would say?
Street smart fa sure!!! Yep. The UK should not send a Muslim governor. It is over the top. The culture is too different. Never mind. It will not work.
Remember he and his mum loved dear old Thomas Russell, a dinosaur from Britains colonial days though a nice enough man. A firm believer in the if it’s not broke don’t fix it philosophy which means that we should still be using horse and cart because they work just fine.
She was the deputy governor’s boss? Really? Is that what the constitution says?
Fran’s that is the problem with this place. You belong here, you should have been the one keeping her motivated and accountable!! As for you, dear premier please list some of the things that made her “the best governor” the Cayman is,ands has ever had. All these nonsensical platitudes is making me sick to my stomach. I will just go outside for some fresh air now. Oops forgot, I now live on the west bay road, near to the tunnel.
Cayman Islands Constitution Part II, Section 34 (5):
“Under the authority of the Governor, the Deputy Governor shall be head of the civil service”
Oh dear 8.08, if Helen was the Governor and Franz the deputy Governor, the titles kind of give you a clue as to the hierarchy….
Alden praising the governor is simply one failure praising the next add mckeeva franz and the PPM you get a big ole ClusterF%#@ Thanks for F#@%ing up Cayman for good! Anyone ever doubts your Legend in you own mind status. Just be yourselves .who cares about these fools.
I think they were all dazzled because she was the first female governor. Try big up your own Caymanian females in high position!!
Like who? Julianna?
What does Alden or Mckeeva know about best or decent for that matter. Anyone who allows these two no use political pariahs and their corrupt followers to disenfranchise and displace Caymanians in their own island, with their hollow and deceptive ideas and agendas. Should not be allowed to return to our shores plain and simple. As for DG Manderson time and history will not be a very kind judge to him at all. This bunch will go down as the folks who sold Cayman and Caymanians out.
7:34. DG Manderson has achieved in 5 years what no other DG has achieved in the past 50 years. The fact that he is disliked actually proves he is doing his job. In fact he probably held you accountable.
She could have redeemed herself by taking the two of them with her. Cayman would truly have been blessed.
You got that dead right CNS her like many here never had it so Friggin good? yet crying down the place and complaining about not being able to change certain things. Look at that picture its a real pity we couldn’t get Kid & play to leave wid her too. Sir Thomas Russell Alden would know about because he was one of the most decent people and the finest gentleman who ever set foot on these shores.
You definitely need more pain killers..
As a brit I still wonder what’s the need for a governor? And the purpose it serves other than keeping face and bottles of wine by the sea. We live in a digital age, the world is getting smaller etc. Good luck to her
As a Caymanian I often wondered why myself. A proper waste of space and money of course. They normally send them out for their last go around before retirement. Thank goodness they don’t run around with the plumed hat and khaki outfits anymore. However I do wish her a happy and well fulfilled life.
Quite simple. British Overseas Territory. Want to remain as that? Have a governor who watches what your own elected politicians do and stops them doing the really naughty stuff. Think yourself lucky, the French territories have full blown members of Parliament sitting in Paris.
I have similar thoughts, as a Brit, as to why there is a need for an LA of 19 members all taking home a fortune, when there is a Governor.
Indisputable? I dare say not. That would belong to Governor Lloyd 1982-87. While Gov. Russell governed with a leaning to the local political favour of the day, Governor Lloyd oversaw the very financially successful 1980s with the public “neutrality” demanded of the post. He and Mrs. Lloyd were “people of the people”. On Sundays it was a pleasure to see them driving around the island in Mrs. Lloyd’s little personal car and greeting “us folks” – no limo except for official purposes!
Professionally and personally Gov. Lloyd was the best and Mrs. Lloyd our best “first lady”.
Correct, 6:09. Peter Lloyd refused to accept some of the absurd and racist views of people in the government like the public service commission who wanted to prevent foreigners in the civil service who got status from becoming fully Caymanian and becoming pensionable. His ruling that once you are a Caymanian by Status you are a Caymanian entitled to all the rights and benefits of indigenous Caymanians was very unpopular and of course to this day we have hordes of people who consider what they call “ paper Caymanians” inferior. But, like it or not, they are equal under the law.
Modern Governors have been disliked by one group or another by virtue of them being the Governor, compared to her predecessors she was a breath of fresh air. though you won’t find many who will admit that. Especially because once or twice she articulated sentiments of sympathy and her opinion towards a specific minority group and their regard and treatment on these islands (and elsewhere).
There is no pleasing some, and in all honesty it isn’t worth your time or effort trying.
I say again Ms Kilpatrick if you happen for some reason to be in the CNS comments section, I wish nothing but the best on your future endeavors.
I agree! Some people wish that she would have been wheeled onto the bye bye plane in a straight jacket and told to piss off! Very weird that people dislike her so much.
Reluctant to leave!!!! It’s called the best life one has ever had.
You really don’t know anything
She will miss all the parties
and the Premier – I am sure
Good riddance. She was also the first governor to call for censorship of the press. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
Of course the press should be censored. It would prevent all of the ridiculous comments on CNS or social media.
Get your facts right CNS: Thomas Russell served as governor from 1974 to 1981: seven years.
Alden is wrong too; Tom Russell was indisputably the best governor these islands have ever had.
It was a subjective assertion, likely just made to flatter her
Read between the lines
Russell was only considered great because he allowed his drinking companion Jim Bodden to do what he wanted. And how did that work out for us all?
Scribes. And. Pharises.
Can’t sees and won’t sees.
I have just read every single post so far, and all I can say is it is sad that our Cayman is so awash with so much negativity and bile. Come on folks, a more positive attitude would be healthier for all. Gov Kilpatrick came here as a financial management specialist, which is what was much needed to clean up our ministerial accounting. To the best of my knowledge, job done. Franz is not a financial manager, so I am sure he benefited from working under her guidance, and is now better equipped to continue as D.G. She did not get too involved in our politics and that was a welcome change. I thank her for what she did, and for how she did it. NOW THAT IS POSITIVITY.