Victim hides from half-naked intruder

| 05/02/2018 | 27 Comments

(CNS): A West Bay woman locked herself in her bedroom in the early hours of Sunday morning to hide from a half-naked intruder who broke into her home. The woman was not physically harmed during the incident and nothing was taken, but police investigating the incident are urging all residents to exercise caution and ensure that all doors and windows are locked, especially at night and when leaving home. The intruder, who was wearing only green shorts, was described as being short with a dark complexion.

The woman reported the intruder to police around 3:00am on Sunday after she had locked herself in her bedroom. The man reportedly departed after a few minutes.

Anyone with information regarding this incident is encouraged to call the West Bay Police Station at 949-3999. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777, the Miami-based call centre of Crime Stoppers at 800-8477(TIPS), or online here.


Category: Crime, Police

Comments (27)

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  1. S345 says:

    OMG! I had to make a report because my daughters were playing outside and were approached by a man with that same description, just a shorts on, tried to lure my daughter to the other side of the road. We reside in the Pappagallo area. Please be very aware of your surroundings.

  2. Cayman's Sunset says:

    Why bother this idiot when our Cabinet is keeping others here who are convicted for more serious offences attempted murder and molesting our children No law order and no order in law. Sad times Cayman sad times Those who voted for this PPM government should be a shame of themselves.

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s just the thing – nobody voted for the govt we have now! Thank you for raising the issue about the lack of deportation on the molester coach. Totally unacceptable.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Deviation from normal behaviour is rampant. When and why an innocent child becomes a pervert, a thief, a killer? Whose influence on child’ development is considered to be the most authoritative? Parents? School? Churches?

  4. Anonymous says:

    At least this time it was his top half naked and not his bottom half!!!

  5. Anonymous says:

    We had at least two separate intrusions in our complex over the holidays. Both were accessed via the “fixed” panel sides of the sliding door that aren’t normally sliding. Make sure those panels are anchored securely into the frame or masonry and install door bolts on the sliders if you don’t already have them.

  6. Anonymous says:

    If a prominent christian politician can grab a woman by the ass or another jerk off in front of a young girl, then what can you expect ?
    This is were the root of the problem is.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Unity Government’s Cayman.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Police forgot to report a break in North Side (a condo), guy scaled to the second floor, went into the apartment, unlocked glass door and just walked into apartment and robbed it..luckily no one was hurt!!!

  9. Anonymous says:


  10. Anonymous says:

    What does churches have to do with this? Stop trying to blame the church. Each church have scheduled times for service/worship/prayer meeting etc., and anyone is welcome even a thief, rapist etc., but it’s up to that individual to want to attend and want to change. Should they beat them over the head to get them to go to church? Didn’t think so! It’s by choice! So stop blaming churches!

  11. Hombre Cay says:

    Stop letting out repeat offenders to roaming our streets. Start screening and vetting all work permit holders and residents for criminal convictions overseas. Stop hiring fool fool police from overseas to make up numbers in the RCIPS

  12. Big Dubbya says:

    Stop paroling sickooos out of Northward Prison and stop increasing the amount of work permits Cayman. Reduce Crime now Alden!

  13. Anonymous says:

    We must have the most sicko’s per capita in the world!

    • Anonymous says:

      What churches are for in the Cayman Islands? Just curious.

      • Anonymous says:

        Washing dough… you know anonymous donations and all that 😉

      • Anonymous says:

        If you have to ask that question then you like him should attend one sometime. Are you saying that church members/ pastors should become detectives or snoopers to see who goes and comes to someone’s house around 3:00 in the mornings?

      • Anonymous says:

        To make money to send back home from where them so called preachers come from.

      • Anonymous says:

        It would appear that our “christian” population and our over abundance of churches has no effect on the “sicko” population, or maybe they are the origin of the issue

        Suppressing all those less than pious feelings for so long can drive you up the wall half naked into someone’s house I guess

      • Anonymous says:

        Curious and totally irrelevant question. Sh*t stirring one thinks. And some people biting I see.

    • Anonymous says:

      8:50 am, that’s what drugs can cause. How many drug free people are here? The numbers increase daily. In other parts of the world you read about it and you can see how it destroys them physically and mentally.


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