Auditor invites public opinion on oversight

| 20/02/2018 | 18 Comments
Cayman News Service

Sue Winspear, Cayman Islands Auditor General

(CNS): With plans to undertake five performance audits this year, looking at education, diversifying the economy, efficiency of the court system, improving financial accountability and transparency, and government’s use of outsourced services, the Office of the Auditor General is asking the public for their thoughts on the planned agenda. Auditor General Sue Winspear said the outline plan would provide the public, Legislative Assembly, government and public sector with clarity about the 2018 audits and an indication of potential audits over the next four years.

“I believe that members of the public are in an excellent position to provide input to our programme of work,” she said in a release. “We are very interested in users’ views about the public services provided and I welcome the public’s comments on areas where they think my office could add value by looking at how well government and public services are delivered.”

The OAG said it plans to publish a programme of potential performance audits for the next five years and update it on an annual basis. The office has already consulted with members of the Public Accounts Committee and senior officials in the government as it developed the programme. But now it is the turn of the people.

The consultation will run until 20 March, when the input will be considered and a final programme published by the end of the month.

The full list of potential performance audits for the period 2018 to 2022 can be found on the OAG website.

Feedback on the proposed programme of performance audits can be provided to the Auditor General by email at or in writing at PO Box 2583, Grand Cayman, KY1-1103, CAYMAN ISLANDS.

More information about the PA programme can be obtained by contacting Sue Winspear at (345) 244-3201 or Angela Cullen, Director of Performance Audit, at (345) 244-3220.

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Category: Local News

Comments (18)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    please audit the Immigration system and find out how many decisions by the boards were changed by immigration staff. look way back mam.

  2. Anonymous says:

    You will discover a lot of irregularities and red flags of rampant cronyism and corruption. You will be ignored.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Don’t bother with the Courts. Since the Govt. has made it clear they don’t care (enough to build a new court house) there’s no point in wasting time on that one since the Govt. will just continue to ignore any recommended changes. Want to make some progress? Pick something dear to their hearts. Like the GT Port and the various reports (so-called updated business plans, counter-EIA study, change of plans to a cargo/cruise port justification from a cruise port redevelopment, change of Port design, etc.) that have never been made public in the determination to build the dock.

  4. Anonymous says:

    absolutely flutterous!?


    Thank you Ms. Winspear for your request to inform you about what is not working properly with the various government departments, besides just the financial side of the audit…

    Civil servants are supposed to provide a service to the public at large in an efficient and courteous manner, which is seldom actually provided. For instance, try to call Planning or Lands & Survey and get someone live on the phone in less than one hour of trying…

    It’s really hard to believe that all civil servants are busy all the time and can’t answer the phone: “Please, leave a message and I’ll call you back” is the normal modus operandi, but they rarely do so…

    Actually, Ms. Winspear is a model to follow in this regard, as she often responds personally to phone calls made to her department’s line and always returns calls…

    The idea is to streamline the operations of the various government departments to be more efficient and better service the general public and we should all be for it…

    • Anonymous says:

      Here is the list of issues:

      The rampant cronyism in education favouring Seventh Day Adventists. Add to that the protection of Caymanians and/or Masons. The inability to have a performance management that is meaningful. The appointment of mediocre people to the top who then go on to interview and hire equally mediocre people to new positions. Your failure to severe peoples contracts who are clearly blockers to change because they are status holders. The value for money principal just does not seem to mean a jot in these isles. I could go on and on. You will change nothing because the powers that by are very happy with the status quo.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Audit Cayman Airways and Ministry of Tourism before Moses K leaves office in 2021

    • Anonymous says:

      And CIAA receivables – all an interlinked whitewash.

    • Diogenes says:

      You think he is going to step down?
      The man is next in line for his turn at playing king

      He ain’t going nowhere
      and don’t be surprised if Alden stays on too
      PPM saw this election they need recognizable names if they want to avoid another slaughter


  7. Anonymous says:

    please audit the license plate fiasco…or..linford pierson road extension……

  8. Anonymous says:

    audit anything the civil service does….you will find a rats nest of failure/incompetence…

    • Tut alors!. says:

      4.24am Obviously it’s so bad it keeps you awake at nights, however I have to admit you have it exactly right.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Here we go, persons who knows absolutely nothing about how audit goes, will be commenting. Get ready for the b.s. on a site near you.


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