Musician angered by release of suspect shooter

| 25/01/2018 | 66 Comments
Cayman News Service

Dexter Bodden

(CNS): Dexter Bodden has said he is angry and disappointed that the man he believes shot him has not been charged after he made it clear to the police that he is willing to give evidence in court about what happened and who his attacker was. The popular local musician said that he knows the young man who tried to kill him and said he was grateful that he failed. But Bodden said it was probably only because the attacker didn’t have enough bullets and had missed his heart with the only shot he had that he was alive and ready to perform another day.

Bodden, who turned 60 just days before he was shot outside his home on Eastern Avenue, is making a rapid recovery and he will be performing at the Ritz-Carlton this weekend. Already taking a philosophical approach to what happened to him, he said it has inspired some new music and some ideas for an album. Nevertheless, Bodden told CNS that he was concerned about how the whole case was being handled by the police.

The RCIPS confirmed that a man had been arrested in connection with the shooting but he had been released because there was not, at this point, sufficient evidence to charge the suspect — despite Bodden’s positive identification.

Describing the attack, Bodden said that he arrived home on the evening of 15 January and was reversing his truck into its parking space when the young shooter, who he believes had laid in wait for him, fired one shot through the vehicle window. Although he was wounded, Bodden jumped from the vehicle and pursued the gunman, who turned and appeared to fire again, before he ran from the scene. Bodden then called the emergency services and was taken to hospital in critical condition.

Despite his serious injury and still having a slug somewhere inside his torso, he was able to go home about a week after the shooting and appears to be making an impressive recovery. But he said he is keen to see justice take its course.

Bodden admitted that he had been involved in an altercation with his assailant almost a year ago after he caught the young man trying to steal his truck, which at the time had his guitars and other musical equipment aboard. Angered by such an assault on his means of making a living, Bodden admitted injuring the man as he fought to protect his property, particularly his precious guitars.

Sometime later he learned that the would-be thief was telling people he intended to shoot Bodden in revenge for the assault. Bodden said he had reported that to the police but the officers were very dismissive and did not seem to take the threats seriously. But his shooting, he said, demonstrated that these were not empty threats and despite the sudden confrontation, he recognised his assailant. However, the police had apparently decided that his identification and willingness to testify was not enough

The police have often complained that one of the greatest barriers to solving many of their open cases, especially in relation to shootings, is securing witnesses. A police spokesperson said there are certain elements required for an identification to reach the standards of prosecution. However, the RCIPS confirmed that they appreciated Bodden’s willingness to give evidence.

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Category: Crime

Comments (66)

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  1. SSM345 says:

    Something tells me the shooter was wearing a mask; and whilst the victim might be right on who shot him (because of previous encounters and threats); the fact that a mask was used, he could not positively id the guy……coupled with the fact that by the time they arrested him he done removed any residue etc with some bleach and burned his clothes…..

  2. M says:

    Don’t blame the police here as we are yet to hear their side of the story and may never hear it until someone is convicted. The victim need to shut is mouth up as he may be wrong in respect to the person he is accusing.

    The fact that someone threaten to shoot him and that he was actually shot does not mean it is the suspect that shot him. Furthermore, he is inclined to believe so and that may have given way to his bias for this guy he had beat the hell out of.

    Factors that the police would need to corroborate the victim’s alleged positive identity are:
    1) Any trace of GSR on the accused hands if the victim say he was not wearing a gloves?
    2) Was the accused proven to be in another location at the time of the incident? maybe a gas station’s CCTV in East End placed the accused at the gas station at the time of the incident.
    3) Could it be that the victim had traces of alcohol in his system at the time; hence his alleged positive ID cannot be accepted because of a possible impaired state of mind?

    Several hundreds more simple issues could render the victims positive ID useless. He need to shut up and speak with his lawyer or the police only at this time if he want to see this solved.

  3. Zombie Jesus says:

    The cops still have to actually prove that the suspect actually committed the crime, they also need evidence that would get a conviction in court and as it stands, one eye witness account/accusation doesn’t really hold water. You also wouldn’t want to live in society where the mere accusation of a crime would render you guilty.

  4. Sinbad says:

    What about these million dollar CCTV that we paid for and still paying for?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Move to the UK like the rest

  6. Anonymous says:

    This is really a strange we live in. Whenever the police catch a perpetrator or shoots someone who threatens their life everybody is lining up to congratulate them and rightly do, when they are unable to make an arrest so many are scandalling them. Sometimes it only take someone who knows or saw something to come forward to the police. So many times the public turns a blind eye leaving the police with out any clear direction to take their investigation.

  7. Watching this Play Out says:

    Meanwhile not a blimp about their fellow countryman who was coldblooded murdered just down the road from this one with a million other countrymen nearby. Of course none saw anything as that is their MO; hence, Jamaica is being destroyed with thousand of people MURDERED every year with a 6% rate for prosecution for these crimes. It is damaging to justice, evil and their culture of silence is to blame. If left to continue here we will be going down a similar road.

    No stone should be left unchecked with both these incidents. Start kicking in some doors, turning over the known gambling tables in that area and apply so much heat in that area and you are sure to get something to work with. The message must be loud and clear: this is the Cayman Islands and NOT their homeland and you do not just get to walk away after committing murder. I say if you interrupt and frustrate that numbers selling and drug pushing area evryday, someone will help. After all “money hafi-make” and the “numba people nah gine wan all da bawderation” . However, I will not hold my breath on them bringing someone to justice for any of these as that require work and they are just here for the money.

    My hope is in our Caymanians at the helm of the Police Service, namely: Walton and Enis making it clear that they want results. We are counting on you gentlemen to keep the culture of the organization with the message: In Cayman we relentlessly go after the murderer. Say what you want about David Baines, the former commissioner (who I was NOT a fan of), the one crime he did not mess around with was murder. He worked hard to assure the public he would interrupt the criminals when they interrupted society especially with murder.

    • Shhhhhhhhhh. says:

      Baines focus was on manipulating the media, not fighting crime. He called it “Crime management” NOT fighting. Sorry to say, but, under Britain’s “Queensbury rules” approach, Cayman will never solve it’s crime problem. Softly, softly does not cut the mustard in the Caribbean, with the dominant gun culture prevailing. Haitian guns are flooding Jamaica, and spilling over into Cayman. We need crime fighting, not rhetoric!

      • Anonymous says:

        He may have manipulated the media but he sure got many involved with the guns and murder in northward too. Credit where it is due.

        • Anonymous says:

          Who pray tell where those individuals???

          • Jotnar says:

            Off the top of my head Jeffers, Anglin, Manderson, Douglas and Ramoon all convicted for murder or firearms during Barnes tenure. Sure there are others with a bit more thought, but fact that I can think of those straightaway and you cannot means you are either living in a cave or letting your bias blind you to the facts.

            • Anonymous says:

              What you failed to mention is every single one of those was also released for a previous murder charge and then killed again.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I wish Dexter a speedy and full recovery. On local talent, it would be an improvement if visitors to our island (and affluent residents) could scroll through our musical menu and easily book a Cayman-based musician, band, or DJ for their wedding, party, or special event. None of our local talent should want for gigs. There should be live music happening every night. Yet, there isn’t a single local band registered on any mainstream online gig booking service (Gigmasters, BookaBand, Encore, Fyre, GigFairy or other). Apparently every foreigner with cash is supposed to know to call Vicki Wheaton to line something up. We really need to get better organized. CMA/DOT/CITA should pay the nominal annual registration fee to get all of our musical people living their dream – esp since it is so hard to bring in talent from elsewhere. This is easy.

  9. Caymanian facts says:

    Got to love how everyone blames the police.
    Lets be honest, whose to blame for this? The police for trying to do their job? There has to be some sort of beef going on between the two parties. Maybe it was the argument with some kid two weeks ago,not who he thinks it is.
    On national TV the victim came out and said ” I beat the hell out of the person a year ago” (words to that effect)
    Now is there enough evidence to arrest this person? Just by saying that this person shot me doesn’t mean this is the person who did!

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes and we are only hearing his side of the story. I am sure the cops would tell us a lot more about why the situation is a bit more complex than he paints it, but cops and prosecutors can’t just do the media circuit like those looking to cash in on a little unexpected attention. They can’t take actions that could prejudice the matter, something that Mr Bodden should think about. He sure seems willing and anxious to get his version of the facts out there. Watch when it gets to court and defense counsel has a go at him on the stand. Then you’ll see what is really going on here.

    • Anonymous says:

      How about the victim witness? Why doesn’t he count?!?

  10. Anonymous says:

    Hello, the police don’t charge people, I thought the Dpp office does that? Just saying.

  11. Anonymous says:

    what about if you kill somebody outside your house you will get arrested or you can walk free lol just asking?

  12. Anonymous says:

    I swear you could commit murder in lobby of the police headquarters and they would still not have sufficient evidence! Pure SLACKNESS!!!

  13. Anon says:

    Why is it that gun controlled jurisdictions always seem to be coupled with limp, ineffective policing (and left wing political governments)? Cayman is looking more like the south side of Chicago every day!

    • Anonymous says:

      What’s with the left wing comment? Kind of came out of left field. Calm down and shrilly squeal “fake news” if you want to make your point.

      • Anonymous says:

        Trump will find you people out.
        He is winning and destroying your left wing garbage day by day.
        He is not interested in your “fake news” narrative.
        In February there will be so many high profile arrests of dishonest left wing politicians who have abused their positions.
        I hope that truth descends to the Cayman Islands, because it is served very sparingly right now.

        • Anonymous says:

          You are stupid or insane or stupid or a troll. February is when they will start the procedures to lock Donnie Whoppers (and maybe some of his interbreeding family) up.
          Also you are stupid or insane.

        • Anonymous says:

          Oh hey, just read a story about what you are probably referring to. It stems from more idiotic actions from your evil moron king, Donnie Whoppers. If anything comes of it, it will be that the world will get to see one more stupid move from the man that time will forget.

    • Anonymous says:

      Because the police need these guys out here so their behinds can stay in our beautiful jurisdiction that’s why

      • To the haters says:

        Why are you and your entire family and friends not signing up to join the force seeing as you know what makes a good officer.

    • Anonymous says:



      Please point me to the left wing leaders, or left wing parties
      or the left wing policies enacted

      I’ll wait

      • Anonymous says:

        What language wouid you like to see it in? Wait a second you must be blind and deaf, guess you will have to read it in brail, but trust me your little island is top heavy with liberals, and left wingers. Not to mention socialists .

  14. Anonymous says:

    The victim survived and gave the culprit up on a platter to the police. How in the #%*! is this not sufficient evidence??

    • Anonymous says:

      How would you like it if, after being asulted/shot, I reported that you did it but there was no other evidence? Would you like to go to jail for many, many years based only on my say so????

    • Eat your heart out says:

      Don’t blame the police! They have law and order that they have to abide with. HELLOOOOOO.. Dig a little deeper and you will see who is to be blamed!

    • Fred the Piemaker says:

      Remember the Jeremiah Barnes case? Uncorroborated eye witness testimony from those shot at is problematic for a court because of the stress the victim is under, and when the victim identifies someone that they know and have reason to believe means them harm, the defence can have a field day arguing that even an honest witness’ testimony would be clouded by that presumption. I assume the RCIPS are working on other evidence to determine the guilt or otherwise of the suspect – gun shot residue, alibi, CCTV or other witnesses or informants – and we should all withhold judgment giving them time to complete that process.

    • Anon says:

      Not sufficient evidence because the bullet is still in his torso and there were no other witnesses. Or is the police not capable of making a case, because the alleged shooter has such a good watertight alibi, despite the motive and opportunity. I do not understand what other evidence would be required from other witnesses.

      • To the haters says:

        That’s why you are not in law enforcement and the reason why there are solicitors a judge and jury.

    • Anonymous says:

      Because he could have said it was you. Many americans are in jail innocent based on just one witness testimony.

  15. Anonymous says:

    He should not accuse this nice young man of such a heinous act. Our professional police felt them man should go free and that is what they did. They know best. Stop the witch hunts please.

  16. Anonymous says:

    The incompetence of the police surfaces once again, no doubt now they will chastize the victim for going public and ‘compromising’ the case they can’t seem to put together. The police are far too busy setting up road blocks to check license coupons.

    • To the haters says:

      If people obeyed the drink driving law and stopped running into people and property, this would free them up to do other work.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Isn’t his life still in danger though?

  18. Anonymous says:

    So reading between the lines, the person who was released is the assailant identified by the victim but police cannot detain him because of lack of witnesses. So when he goes to finish the job…. he will get away with it because no witnesses come forward ??? A bit like the raped Muslim woman in Sharia court – she has to produce something like 4 male witnesses – what…did they have to be spectating at the time ?? – Laughable !

    • To the haters says:

      If I said that YOU shot me and there was no other witness or evidence does that mean you are guilty.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Shot in his car that is yard style , and the bredren will not prosecute their youth. Of course not.
    Call in Scotland Yard again.
    Now the flawed reasoning of not wanting locals on the force as they will defend their own has come full circle.
    They all have family to fear back a yard so they catch n release.

  20. Bennysitto says:

    No worries Dexta they have demonstrated they need 75 more police to solve your case. Your shooting came at just the right time to justify the unity government handing them yet again another huge or enormous amount money. So they can waste on absolute rubbish for 2018. What a sick little game is being played on these islands the sickest part is that our political imbeciles do not care to even question what why or how this money is being spent. We do not need anymore foreign police here in Cayman it is a complete waste of money,time and resources. Haven’t we spent enough on them???

    • Eat your heart out says:

      As a Caymanian, I would like to see all the lazy @$$ locals join the police force. We will be doomed! The majority of Caymanians are NEVER satisfied with anything and are soooo UNGRATEFUL!

      • Anonymous says:

        They will just make lazy ^** cops don’t need any more of them.

      • To the haters says:

        Too right, always complaining yet too lazy, dunce or incompetent to actively take up the positions.

        Pure talk and no action from the likes of them is what is mashing up the island.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Only in Cayman would threats to commit murder not be taken seriously
    What else does the RCIPS need? A signed affidavit declaring intent to commit murder?
    A public declaration on the Radio or Social Media?

    In relation to the person who was arrested and then released:
    has a weapon been found?
    discharged shell casings (potentially with evidence for the case)?
    DNA evidence?
    has the RCIPS searched the accused’s house?
    Have the cameras that the CIG set up been used at all in this case?

    According to the RCIPS statement in the article I guess anyone can get away with attempted murder as long as there are no witnesses to identify them (seeing as the victim seems insufficient)

    • Anonymous2 says:

      You don’t get it do you. The problem is sending the accused person to court, and he gets off because the court requires a deal of evidence to convict him. That’s the problem. He gets off, police look like jokers, and he is exonerated. Then he can sue for money as well.

      • Anonymous says:

        You don’t seem to get it,

        If someone goes to the police and says “So and so threatened to kill me”
        the police are meant to investigate the situation not shrug it off and then act surprised when he gets shot

        Real Legal eagles we got on Cayman
        Try so stay out of the court room Sherlock, you might get confused

        • To the haters says:

          So from what your saying every time someone shouts off their mouth and makes a threat the police must talk to the person and this will prevent them from shooting or harming the person in the future?

          • Anonymous says:

            No what I am saying is that threatening to harm someone or threatening to kill someone is illegal
            and yes that the police have a duty to investigate

            I’m sure you’d be fine if the police didn’t take threats against you seriously

            And the penal code is quite clear though clearly you haven’t read it

            “88C. (1) A person who without lawful excuse makes to another person a threat,
            intending that person would fear it would be carried out, to –
            (a) kill; or
            (b) cause serious harm to,
            that person or a third person commits an offence and is liable to imprisonment for
            ten years.
            (2) A threat may be committed in a public place or a private place.
            (3) A constable may arrest, without a warrant, anyone he reasonably
            suspects is committing an offence under this section.”

    • Anonymous says:

      “According to the RCIPS statement in the article I guess anyone can get away with attempted murder as long as there are no witnesses to identify them (seeing as the victim seems insufficient)” – yes that is true in any country.

      • Anonymous says:


        So you are honestly saying that without a witness, there is NO other way to convict someone for murder?

        That’s how you think a trial works

        “Ohhh well, I guess cause no one else saw you shoot him, I’ll just ignore any other potential evidence that links you to the crime you are free to go”

        While witnesses would be great, there are other ways to convict someone for attempted murder

        Unless you are claiming that someone who attacks someone alone in an isolated area with no witnesses will NEVER be convicted, because that seems like a pretty big oversight in the law

        • Anonymous says:

          I was only responding to the comment I had quoted. You obviously need more evidence than one person’s claim to convict someone and yes, this is true in any country.

        • Hot at says:

          The point being that they need additional evidence and don’t have it yet. Need to relax before you have a crack at the original poster.

      • Anonymous says:

        No!!! only in Chicago where the Obamites are at the helm.

        • To the haters says:

          Your an idiot, I’m off down to the police station to have you arrested for threatening to kill me.


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