Jamaican LGBT activist calls for hate-speech pastor’s ban

| 03/01/2018 | 86 Comments
Cayman News Service

Pastor Steven Anderson

(CNS): A Jamaican LGBT activist is calling on that country’s government to ban Pastor Steven Anderson, an American hate preacher who is planning to visit the island later this month. Anderson was banned from several countries, such as Canada, UK, Botswana and South Africa, after calling for gay people to be stoned to death and praising the mass shooting at an Orlando nightclub. His hate-filled sermons include calling for women to be removed from the workplace, banned from voting or reading books of their choice. Anderson, who leads the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona, has also called medical doctors sorcerers.

It is not clear who has invited the controversial pastor to Jamaica but Anderson and a small delegation are planning what they call a “missions trip” to the country on 29 January for several days.

However, Jay John, a local activist for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, has started a petition calling on the Jamaican government to stop the trip. Jamaica continues to court controversy because of the discrimination that many LGBT people face in the country and the retention of outdated British buggery laws. But despite the culture of homophobia, some Christians in Jamaica are calling for change and Bishop Howard Gregory, the head of the Anglican Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, has spoken against the colonial-era sodomy laws.

Another prominent LGBT activist, Maurice Tomlinson, filed a constitutional challenge against the buggery laws last year, which is proceeding through the Jamaican courts. This comes at a time in Jamaica when the local press and human rights advocates are beginning to push for the advancement of LGBT rights and better treatment for these minority groups.

In his petition John notes that Anderson is not just bringing anti-gay hate speech to Jamaica but that he is an individual who approves of terrorism, given his support for the Orlando Massacre.

“Clearly the pastor has no respect for humanity and his messages go against our democratic ideals and our motto, ‘Out of many, one people’, the activist stated. “Pastor Anderson’s messages attack and demean women, seeing women as second class citizens, unequal to men, discrediting them as holistic beings who are workers, academics and leaders. The pastor refers to women as ‘home keepers and not office keepers’ and sees women who work as having loose morals.”

He said the Jamaican people are asking the government to show leadership and stand as an example to fellow Caribbean countries to denounce terrorism and violence against marginalised groups.

See the petition here.

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Category: Caribbean, World News

Comments (86)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I was pleased to read that this holocaust-denying, anti-Semite, was bloodied and tazed by US-Mexico Border Police for (again) being an idiot.

    • Anonymous says:

      Was it on Youtube? Oh Lord, please let it be on Youtube.

    • Anonymous says:


      I’m sure you’d also be the first to condem Jamaican dancehall artists for lyrics calling for violence against “battyman”.

      Hypocrisy much?

      But keep on talking…much is being exposed in this thread alone.

      (The above also applies to those hopeful to witness said violence online.)

      Seems like people have a lot more in common despite claiming to be on opposing sides of the issue – some smugly so.

      • Anonymous says:

        How are you comparing law enforcement steps and violence incited by bigots? I’d say you are a less intelligent mini-Who. But then Who’s posts have been so weak in recent years, it is probably Who having a skull.

  2. Anonymous says:

    sheep in wolf clothing?????

  3. Anonymous says:

    After reading the CNS version of Jamaica religious politics I still Am not informed as to what this “preacher” has advocated or preached that is hateful. How about starting with the facts and let your readers make up their own minds.

    • Anonymous says:

      And who is to say he doesn’t preach hate in Jamaica?

    • Anonymous says:

      Take a look at the wiki on this wonderful child of god.

    • Mikey says:

      As a Jamaican and a preacher of the gospel and after just hearing a short interview with him on radio. I have no issue with him speaking the truth based on God’s word..but I disagree with his lack of wisdom in doing so. Especially what he said about the killings at the night club, God doesn’t gloat when sinners die. Also on the otter hand it’s interesting who is calling for his ban..not the average Jamaican..but persons who are pushing the homosexual agenda. Speaking truth is not hate, sadly this is now the perception. Anderson needs to be more balanced and wise in presenting the gospel without compromising the truth but I see no legal reason for banning him.

  4. Anonymous says:

    If Tony “War Criminal” Blair can be welcomed here to the most exclusive of audiences, at the highest price, under the tightest security – then this pastor can be allowed as well.

    Unfortunately, more people are offended by this pastor’s alleged theoretical dislike for homosexuals than Blair’s actual legacy of blatant lies, cold-blooded murder of hundreds of thousands (albeit non-white, non-Christian people), and ultimate personal financial enrichment at the end of the process.

    People really need to get their sh!t together nowadays.

    • Anonymous says:

      A simple, “huh” is all I can say to this post….

    • Jotnar says:

      Passing lightly over the fact that no one is actually inviting him to Cayman, I love the way you say the pastors “dislike” is alleged or theoretical, versus Blair’s “actual” legacy. Here is an excerpt from his interview with the BBC:

      “LIVINGSTON: What do you think homosexuals should do, then?

      ANDERSON: Kill themselves, as far as I’m concerned, because they’re horrible, wicked people. They’re just gonna keep molesting and destroying people. So I don’t have any advice for homosexuals, except to put a bullet in your own head so that you don’t molest my kids or anyone else’s kids.”

      And that’s a direct quote from him, on camera – no allegation there, unlike your assertions about Blair – and as for “dislike” – really? Horrible, wicked people who should shot themselves. Hate to think what you characterize actual hatred as.

      As you say, people should get their sh*t together – perhaps starting with you learning that you can’t go around justifying one persons immoral actions by reference to another’s worse behaviour. Try reading up on moral equivalence fallacies – it’s going to be painful for your world view, but it will make you a better person – or at least equip you for reasoned argumet rather than those my teenageer usually employs.

      Bennett, Bo (2012). “Relative Privation”. Logically Fallacious: The Ultimate Collection of Over 300 Logical Fallacies.

      • Anonymous says:

        …and again, you have more condemnation for a man with words than an actual murderous and profiteering war criminal – one whose profiteering was enhanced by Cayman residents.

        Personally, I wouldn’t attend either’s event nor am I justifying anyone, but I am far more disgusted by previously welcomed guests than the Jamaica-bound preacher man.

        Gotta love these selective morals and convenient SJW’s of today.

        • Anonymous says:

          I have double standards. Get over it.

        • Anonymous says:

          Being anti Hate speech is not SJ and it certainly doesn’t make you an SJW, but you just lump it all in with your anti PC views.

          Being against hatred and racism isn’t Politically correct it’s just correct

          • Anonymous says:

            Blah blah blah.

            No, what you are is just another hypocrite hell-bent on creating a set of universal morals according to your fickle whims.

            The jig is up. We see you.


            • Anonymous says:

              Where is the hypocrisy? Speaking of universal morals, that seems like Christianity’s bread and butter, arbitrary morals that are forced upon all peoples

              We see you

              • Anonymous says:

                Yes, the very same (Christian) morals that founded and formed your society for generations and continue to shape it – despite your insolence.

                Of course, you also made exceptions to enslave, genocide, rape and dispossess people as you saw fit – but you get the point.

    • Anonymous says:

      You can hide Who, but you cannot run…? 😉

  5. Rick says:

    Caymanians can pretend they have free speech. In fact, they do not. The Bill of Rights do not ‘give rights’, it merely limits rights given to us by our Creator.

    I do not know the subject of this article, but I have listened to several of his speeches and interviews. It could be that I have not heard his hate speeches yet, but he said nothing hateful or that I would disagree with. This might be someone who the gay lobby is simply trying to silence by labeling him as a hater. That is the game plan of the LGBT crew anyway.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Just read his wiki. He’s nuts. Screw him.

  7. Bradley says:

    Well, at least this notorious pastor is right about one thing – the Bible does teach homosexuals should be put to death in Leviticus 20:13.

    However, the pastor wouldn’t be thinking Christian if he denies that Jesus came and fulfilled the Law of Moses (Matthew 5:17).

    The punishments mentioned in the Old Testament were enforced at that time to show the gravity of sin and point us to Jesus for salvation, says Apostle Paul, “Wherefore the Law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith .. (see Galatians 3:24)”

    • Anonymous says:

      Still this loving “God” decided to kill 42 boys by having them rip apart by bears because they insulted him for being bald. Sweet.

      • Anonymous says:

        If you don’t understand the book but cherry pick Bible passages to support your view, how do you expect to learn anything?

        • Anonymous says:

          I read the book as part of a comparative anthropology class. It was truly turgid. Still, I notice you are not explain why this “loving” God summonsed bears to maul 42 children to death.

          • Anonymous says:

            Silence from the fundamentalist fringe when they realise you have read their magical fairy storybook.

        • Anonymous says:

          You guys cherry pick bible extracts at will to justify your own madness, but that doesn’t work the other way round? Tell me how that’s going for you?

    • Anonymous says:

      The Bible also says: Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ. Ephesians 6:5 NLT. I guess you are saying slavery is ok also? At some point, human dignity, respect and love should outweigh reading quotes literally from the bible.

      • Shem64 says:

        Thats just from the wicked NLT-bible a ‘new bible translation’ inspired by the devil.

        King James bible talkes about ‘Servants’ not ‘Slaves’, makes more sense and doesn’t corrupt the word of God.

    • Anonymous says:

      And Hell for anyone that has 2 shirts! “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.” Luke 3:11

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t modern Christians disregard the OT anyway

      Mixed fabrics
      Cutting your hair and shaving
      all mentioned as things to avoid

      Etc etc

      The arbitrary list of sins goes on and on
      It’s almost as if the lists are man made and filled with things that specific people didn’t like, things that would be inconsequential to an omnipotent, omniscient “God”

      • Anonymous says:

        The whole book is essentially a bronze age moral code and health and safety manual coupled with a few myths to explain scientific processes which were not understood at the time. The NT was grafted on to use the leverage of the OT’s market penetration to push the spiritual self-help elements of the teachings of the Jewish sub-cult of which Jesus was a member.

  8. Fair and Balanced says:

    And CNS … Can you not also list the many Christian denominations in Jamaica that oppose this man’s doctrines. It seems like always praising what the LGBT do … like its “us versus them.”

    CNS, I am sure it is worthy of note that many Christians whilst they abhor the sin of homosexuality, oppose hate speech as well ? Don’t you agree??

    CNS: Yes, I agree that many Christians strongly oppose hate speech. However, “abhor the sin of homosexuality” is hate speech. Luckily, many Christians are more enlightened than that.

    • Anonymous says:

      CNS, that is the problem Christians are reluctant to admit that their rhetoric is hateful and that they are discriminating against these persons, that is why they claim that there is no discrimination and that Gay people have a secret agenda.

      CNS: Although Christianity is a very diverse religion and not all Christians believe that homosexuality is a sin. Here is a List of Christian denominations affirming LGBT on Wikipedia.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Everyone deserves a right to speak!

    • Anonymous says:

      Not when you are a foreign visitor.

    • Anonymous says:

      To yourself.. .sure

    • Anonymous says:

      Even tho Aderson’s remarks are horrible and totally unChristian (as Christian believe every sin can be forgiven including the sin of homosexuality), you will see clearly by the comments here that leftists only believe in “free speech” if they approve of it, and as long as it doesn’t offend their sense of man-made Godless morality…

  10. Anonymous says:

    What a mess that would be for all the Caymanians who like to bash Jamaica and Jamaicans. Imagine Jamaica leading the way in Human Rights while Cayman languishes in hypocritical stillwaters.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I looked up the preacher last night and I liked what he had to say.

    • West bay Premier says:

      I think that some people are failing to understand how certain kind of hate speech are destroying the world and we would never have a peaceful to live in if hate speech is allowed to continue. Love is better than hate .
      We have to remember that in the world today that not everyone can see right from wrong. So that’s why we should limit / ban certain kind of speech from being published publicly.
      Remember the saying, monkey see monkey do .

      • Anonymous says:

        I love how people refuse to treat gay people equally, and then are surprised when people are anti gay publicly

    • Anonymous says:

      Poor you.

  12. Anonymous says:

    we have enough problems to deal with here.. why worry about jamaica problems….duh!

  13. Anonymous says:

    Christian morales 101

  14. Anonymous says:

    We should be going after the jerk(s) that invited him in the first place. I fully respect the right to worship whomever you want, but concerned to note this and worry what other radicalistic religious freaks are being invited and allowed on-island to try twist and influence the minds of our good people?

  15. Diogenes says:

    As much as I disagree with the anti-LGBT and conservatives and speakers, they should be allowed to speak at events and universities if invited
    They have a right to have their voices heard but at the same time it hate speech can be very dangerous especially when in regard to a an already dislike minority
    As long as there is no incited violence or conflict by the speaker I think it is within their rights to express their ideas publicly

    If this is someone that the people of Jamaica (or Cayman) want to embrace then I say let all who want to listen to him and support him do so, let them display their ignorance publicly

    Don’t act shocked, I’m sure there are some here who are ecstatic that he is going to be in our neck of the woods

    • West bay Premier says:

      @ Diogenes , would you allow this scumbag pastor to come into your home/ Country and say what he said in the above article about other humans? Isis and the believers has no place in this world because they are terrorist criminals and hateful to all human beings .

      • Diogenes says:

        Don’t take it the wrong way, I do not in any way support what they are saying or the message they carry but they do have the right of free speech even if I disagree with what they are saying (In this case I do vehemently disagree with this rhetoric). Therefore like I said if he is invited to speak at an event or occasion ( where people understand what his point of view is and what his intent is) then yes he should be allowed to speak, unless he is inciting, commiting or encouraging violence, threatening, specific persons or break other laws related to protecting the public from dangerous and purposefully inflammatory speech (ISIS falls into most these categories)

        I cannot sit here and demand that my side of the argument is heard while silencing the opposition that would make me a hypocrite, as much as I disagree with what he says if a church or institution invited him to speak it would be fully within his rights for him to do so. The appropriate action is not getting him banned from speaking or entering the jurisdiction, the war against bigotry will not be won by silencing people, each time it is brought up we need to counter the hatred with ration and compassion.
        That is my take


        • Anonymous says:

          Residents and visitors to the Cayman Islands are not protected by the US Constitution, nor do they enjoy the full privileges of the First Amendment, or anything close to that.

          The right to Freedom of Expression in the Cayman Islands is a limited right with qualifications. Section 11(2)(a), (b) and (c) of the Constitution 2009, lists broad instances in which the Government has the ability to restrict the right to Freedom of Expression of any resident of, or visitor to, the Cayman Islands.

          The “Reasonably Justifiable” qualifier is deliberately broad and subjective, ie. allowing censorship: in the interests of defence, public safety, public order, public morality or public health; for the purpose of protecting the rights, reputations and freedoms of other persons or the private lives of persons concerned in legal proceedings, etc.

          • Diogenes says:

            I’m quite familiar with that, but are we going to pretend that the government is going to stand up to anti-LGBT hate speech?
            You forgetting that little government sanctioned rally they had here a couple years back. For “Caymanian Family values” (Ironically led by a non-Caymanian)
            We have already seen clearly that Christianity is above the law on these islands, the NYE concert clearly contravening the laws of the island.

            This man and his hatred would fit right in on Cayman

          • Anonymous says:

            You say that like its a good thing. Its too bad your free speech is so limited.

    • Anonymous says:

      The day cannot come too soon, for all literature, on all religion, to be placed in the ‘Mythology’ section of book stores.

      • Anonymous says:

        I do enjoy going into book stores and putting the Bible into the fiction section. It is the book stores that have sections of Christian fiction that astound me. Even among Christians, who reads that stuff?

      • Cheese Face says:


    • Anonymous says:

      The right to freedom of speech does not protect speech which incites violence against anyone. So, given the preacher’s track record, he should be banned from entering the country. Why is it that other countries are so willing to take in the garbage that the US has thrown away.

  16. Henry says:

    Isn’t ironic the LGBT community are seeking to ban this gentleman to visit jamaica whilst protesting their human rights and unfair treatment by those that do not subscribe to their way of life. What about this man’s rights? His choice of his way of Life? Seems a lot of hate and discrimination when on the other foot.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, let’s invite some White Supremacists down too. Their rights to spout equally abhorrent views are being infringed at the moment also.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well Henry, you irretrievable moron, perhaps because, for a start, he’s calling for all gay people to be killed, whereas no gay people are calling for him to be killed.

      Think how you might feel if I incited the public to stone to death all people called Henry with an IQ of less than 50 – you might want to complain too.

    • .... says:

      This is the dumbest comment LOL.

      You’re trying to tell me… that someone who spits hate to other humans with no remorse, a man who says lgbt people should be stoned to death, a man who thinks women shouldn’t work or be allowed to vote… you’re trying to tell me that people should be okay with it because it’s his ‘way of life’? and one step further you are comparing this said ‘way of life’ to people of the lgbt community ‘way of life’???
      This pastors ‘way of life’ is hatred. It cant compare and the fact that you even went to make this point is crazy.

      Please stop commenting if you gunna say things like this. -_-

  17. West bay Premier says:

    One question for Howard Gregory, does he only see that the sodomy Law is wrong and nothing is wrong with terrorist bastard ?

  18. West bay Premier says:

    How can the Jamaican Government not see that Anderson is a terrorist and not a pastor . This bastard and his opinion should be kicked out of the world not only Jamaica , because people like him don’t and shouldn’t have any place on earth not even under the earth . His name should be evil wicked scumbag terrorist.

  19. Anonymous says:

    He would fit right in here in sunny Cayman.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Who is inviting this jerk to the Cayman Islands? Maybe we need a petition here as well…we’d gladly sign that. TSA and FBI should have him on the no-fly list.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Oh no! Here we go. One radical nut who has lost his way will now bring the entire Christian community into disrepute. We know right from wrong but we also know we are ALL sinners. We therefore believe in not judging others and loving our neighbors. Its a sound rule of thumb for us as Christians. If you want to stone someone join ISIS.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Shiiiet, he sounds like fun. I’d quicker buy a ticket for him to entertain me than some lame new blockbuster.


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