RCIPS sends more cops to BVI

| 03/10/2017 | 6 Comments

(CNS): Sixteen RCIPS officers deployed to the British Virgin Islands last month returned to Cayman on Monday and another 16 officers left to replace them. The second group will take over the duties their colleagues were doing to support the BVI police in providing security during the continued period of clean-up and rebuilding following Hurricane Irma. Police Commissioner Derek Byrne said Cayman was sticking with its commitment to BVI until next month.

“The communities on BVI are at the beginning of a difficult process of reconstruction on their devastated islands, and they need our continued support as they gather the resources required for the task before them,” he said, in a release about the latest deployment of officers.

“We committed to providing policing reinforcements for approximately ten weeks, and we are extremely proud of the superb job our officers have been doing in rugged conditions. I am certain that the second contingent of officers will continue to carry out policing duties at the same high standard that their colleagues have set, which reflects on the professionalism of the RCIPS,” Byrne added.

The commissioner said he was happy to welcome back home the first group sent out on 9 September at the conclusion of a job very well done.

“We thank their family and friends for supporting their participation in this important and, at times, dangerous mission, which was necessary to stabilise the situation on BVI at a critical juncture,” Byrne added.

Cayman News Service

Second deployment of RCIPS officers to BVI

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Category: Local News, Police

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Commissioner Byrne should also be thankful for indulging in the patience of the victims of crime in Cayman, whose files have been sitting unactioned on the desks of absent cops for the last month.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Good luck guys! Stay safe.

  3. La Cucaracha says:

    Grateful that our Government extended their hands to our fellow Caribbean islands and honored to know we have upstanding men and women to send overseas. Keep up the good work all!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Well done guys, but the COP needs to send more into our unruly and riotous schools if the scenes at John Grey last Thursday and this Monday are anything to go by. Mass brawls, armed police and kids running around out of control.
    This island is in need of serious control, the so called parents and the children themselves need to be subjected to the rigours of the law and schools need to impose strong, fair and even handed discipline.
    We have our own disaster happening right here on Cayman, and it’s our future that’s at stake.

  5. Anonymous says:

    You have to be brave to go help another country rattled by a hurricane police or no police.

    • 8:19 says:

      I understand we must help each other! But my question is how can we send so many Police to help when all we can hear from the police chief is that we need more police to be able to take care of their duty at home???


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