Developer rips up slice of North Side coast

| 17/08/2017 | 227 Comments

Cayman News Service(CNS): A developer has been ripping up the ironshore along a stretch of coast in North Side without the requisite permission, according to officials. A concerned CNS reader sent pictures of a digger on the coast tearing up the natural rock formation, which the Department of Environment (DoE) has said is a major threat to the stability of the shore and nearby beaches where turtles are nesting. The Department of Planning has also stated that it became aware of the work Wednesday and, as a result, an Enforcement Notice and a Stop Notice were issued to the landowner Thursday.

But it appears the damage has already been done.

Ezzard Miller, the opposition leader and constituency representative, told CNS that he has had major concerns about what is going on at the site near the Retreat Condos at Rum Point for several weeks and said he has been struggling to get the authorities to act. The land in question belongs to long-time local developer, Joe Imparato, who, Miller believes, was granted planning permission several years ago for some kind of hotel development on the site. But, the MLA said, no one has been given any authority to tear up the coast.

Concerned that the developer has also blocked access to the area, including a fire easement, Miller expressed his frustration that nothing is being done to address the issue.

“No one should ever be allowed to block access to emergency services,” Miller said, referring to a fence that has been erected on the site. “Fire trucks cannot drive over fences.”

Miller said he had been trying to get to the bottom of what was going on and how the developer was able to tear up ironshore without permission, but he was getting nowhere, as he pointed the finger of blame directly at the Central Planning Authority.

Pictures of the backhoe were sent to CNS just hours after the Public Accounts Committee had met on Wednesday. Under the chairmanship of Miller, the director of planning and the chief officer in the ministry responsible were grilled about the lack of enforcement regarding planning laws and the culture of people carrying on development work in the complete absence of the relevant permission but without consequence.

The damage to the ironshore is also of particular concern to the DoE who responded to CNS enquiries pointing out that they were not consulted “on any planned excavation activity in this area”.

Officers have visited the site, a DoE spokesperson said, raising concerns that before they were alerted the ironshore had been removed with a backhoe and that the developer continues to grind down the remaining rock to create a sandy beach. The DoE explained the last time it was asked to review construction activity in the area was in January 2015 and there was no reference to any work regarding the removal of ironshore along the coast.

“The DoE would have recommended strongly against any such activity for the obvious reasons relating to beach stability in this area,” the spokesperson told CNS. “With respect to this application, the department has long had concerns about the position of the Registered High Water Mark (HWM) for this property, which were raised with the Planning Department and Central Planning Authority during the reviews, because as surveyed the HWM extends a considerable distance into the water, which coincidently is a Marine Park and as such a protected area under the National Conservation Legislation.”

The environment expert added that the area is also an active sea turtle nesting beach with nests being reported this year. They also explained that work seaward of the HWM would be on the seabed and would require a Coastal Works Permit to be issued by Cabinet. “The DoE is not aware of any application  to remove ironshore in the area being submitted. The DoE notified the Planning Department who informed us that they had dispatched planning officers to investigate the matter,” the spokesperson added.

Following CNS inquiries to the planning department, the director confirmed that the notices had been issued Thursday. “The Department of Planning became aware of works along the shoreline on Block 33B 266 on 16th August 2017. An investigation was conducted by our compliance team resulting in the issuance of an Enforcement Notice and a Stop Notice to the landowner,” Haroon Pandohie stated via email.

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Category: Local News, Marine Environment, Science & Nature

Comments (227)

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  1. satirony says:

    The laws should be changed here to allow for powerful and aggressive sanctions in cases where the planning laws are flouted and manipulated in this cynical and arrogant way. I believe in Spain, where fires used to be set deliberately to destroy protected forests, situated where developers wanted to build, the government responded with a law to prohibit the grant of planning permission for 25 years, on any burned land parcels. That sure got the rogue developers’ attention! The way Cayman deals with these situations has been so sickeningly feeble, I think it’s time to grow a pair of those things you often see dangling from the tow-bars of trucks. For once, I’m fully behind Ezzard on this issue.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Was this story in the Compass? I didn’t see it. It’s kind of an important story and someone should let them know this is going on. I’m sure they’d like to run it cuz you know, the good of the island.

    • Sharkey says:

      6:53pm . They don’t think it’s important to the Islands, they think it’s more important to hide it and Joe . Sad and pathetic .

    • Anonymous says:

      It was, but it slipped off the front page very quickly. If CNS will permit me, I will repost the last part of the story which includes direct quotes from Imparato where he is asking for an apology, and even with the picture of the equipment almost in the sea, the compass does not dispute Joe’s statements. See below.

      The ironshore that was removed cannot be restored to its previous condition. Mr. Imparato plans on using the beach rocks as part of the landscaping in his condominium project.

      He said he is unsure what regulation his workers have violated, and he wants an opportunity to sit down with the Planning Department and come to some sort of understanding on how to move forward.

      “It’s a tempest in a teapot,” he said. “I’ve reached out to the director and said, ‘Please show me what section of the law I have violated by moving the rocks on the beach to another part of the beach. And if I have, I’m sorry and I’ll apply for whatever I have to apply for. But if I am right, you owe me an apology.’

      “If I’m operating above the high water mark where there’s no water, how am I modifying the shoreline? It’s not the shoreline at all,” he said. “It’s like if you went in the back yard of your house and you found a stump and you say, ‘Well, I don’t want this stump here. I want to pull it out and I want to make a fireplace of it, but I don’t want it in the middle of my yard.’ That’s the same thing as what we’re doing.”

      • Anonymous says:

        Just Joe talkin’ stumps.

      • Raymond says:

        It is interesting that Imparato refers to the high water mark because it has been brought to everyone’s attention that the survey showed the MHWM way out in the water right from the get go of the application to build. CPA, DOE all know this and have ignored it.

  3. Anonymous from Rum Point says:

    The Rum Point Club Condominiums has a storied history…and the story is always poor. With apologies for length…

    1) Initial request for 5 storeys declined; developer told to submit plans for three storeys. Developer ignores CPA request and resubmits 5 storey plan indicating “economically unfeasible” at 3 storeys (which should not be of concern to CPA); application approved at meeting held without knowledge of many Objectors;
    2) As ground is broken, three independent surveys (including CI government Lands and Surveys) indicate setbacks are being violated – significantly; CPA told by Attorney General it may not consider the setback issue as part of Objections to development (no reason given to Objectors by AG’s office who indicates this is a matter for Appeal…BEFORE a decision has been made, BEFORE! How can one known an appeal will be required BEFORE one knows the outcome of an Application?);
    3) Developer is reported several times to be dumping foreign materials into Marine Park; is prohibited from continuing by Department of Environment;
    4) Developer provides plans for Modification which show violation of registered easements; Modification approved subject to easements;
    5) Plans never provided that indicate easements are not being violated – currently those easement are being ignored and site plans show they will be ignored;
    6) Developer places fence in the middle of fire/emergency lane, is forced by Fire Department to remove and replace where required;
    7) Developer excavates property and moves sand to create a 25’-30’ high mound, 100’+ long, hampering views of neighbours and making seaside land almost unwalkable. Mounds remain for over two years within the setbacks;
    8) Developer has now destroyed significant amounts of protective ironshore without approval or license (presumably asking for forgiveness rather than permission) on land claimed to be, in real estate advertisements, 500’ of pristine beach (mysteriously increased from prior claims of 300’). Once again, developer is forced to stop illegal or unapproved actions. By the way, a similar attempt to destroy this same ironshore was stopped dead in its tracks several years ago.
    So, what now? Of course, heavy fines should ensue. Complete and utter disregard of rules/regulations/laws – both written and natural – call for severest of penalties; to do less continues the mockery of Developer and his attitude towards the people of the Cayman Islands. Thank you.

    • Anonymous says:

      Is the guy’s name Joe, or is it dick?

    • Sharkey says:

      Anonymous from Rum Point , I believe and agree that that’s how he did everything all because of his disregard for Laws and everyone .

      First time this developer has said anything about this issue since it has come to light , he sounds like he didn’t know that there is Laws against doing something without CPA permission .
      Making a scenario of a stump in the back yard , comparing that to a protective barrier between the ocean and land . He is talking like he is incompetent , and CPA and DOE is responding in the same capacity, about a thousands dollars fine , DOE saying after they seen that the iron shore was above the high water mark they turned it over to CPA .

      Does anyone know how to determine the high water mark of iron shore parts of the Islands ? I think that CPA and DOE should answers that question .

    • Chris Johnson says:

      Thanks for the detailed history. No surprises. The CPA need be proactive, not retroactive like the developer.

    • Anonymous says:

      Get over it as CPA and the developer know whats best for that land.

    • Anonymous says:

      Anonymous from Rum Point: If all this is true, then this developer should be placed on some sort of prohibited list and not allowed to do any further development in the Cayman Is. for at least 25 years.He has shown a total disregard for our laws and should pay the price.The long term result of his action is likely to be devastating, with the possible disappearance of the actual Rum Point ( the point visible in the background of the CNS photo above). Resulting wave action is likely to cause this historical site to be separated from the mainland. What a disgrace.This man is not a novice , but a very experienced developer who knows exactly what he is doing but has exhibited a total disregard for our laws . I believe he was also behind the planned port development at Half Moon Bay that would have cut East End road in two forcing East Enders to avoid the scenic view and to use an interior road.Looks like he feels entitled to ignore current laws because of his past investments. Not so.

  4. anonymous says:

    Well, guess I shouldn’t have referenced the “hanging (being bankrupted by huge fines) concentrates (makes shady developers think really hard) the mind” adage to CNS for publication (unless it was, and I can’t see it!).

  5. Nunya says:

    This is an outrage. They should be fined so much that it will be years before they could even think about building. It’s not like the rock can grow back. These developers have no regard for anything culturally unique to this islands. They come here to make big money at the expense of the country and the nationals. AND we encourage it because we are tax-free, because we have no vision, because we want economic growth and because we have political leaders that do not have the testicular fortitude to stand up for what we hold dear.

  6. Anonymous says:

    When politicians can pave private drive ways with public funds without any legal action, they can hardly prosecute people with millions, because we all know how this works.

  7. Right ya so says:

    in damaging the environment. I wonder what has caused this change in Imparato’s attitude.

  8. Right ya so says:

    I’m very much against the destruction of our ironshore and a very substantial monetary fine and some form of environmental replenishment mandate, whether at this property or elsewhere, should be imposed immediately and this development should be continuously monitored. I’m surprised at the actions taken by the Imparato family as they have, up until recent years, been relatively conservative in

  9. Above The Law? says:

    This situation is shown as a willfull disregard for the enviroment and the laws of these Islands.

    What now needs to happen is that the developer needs to lose his licenses and fined, the owner to be fined and this development stopped completely, the subcontractor (heavy equipment) to lose his bussiness license and fined.

    Any future licenses and developments by any of these entities to undergo extreme vetting and scrutiny in order to uncover any and all possible breaches, seeing how none of them have any issue with not following tbe laws.

    As for the fines I would say that this was a blatant act of destruction of the Marine Enviroment and Pollution of the surrounding area (NO silt bouys or screens in place). Under the Enviromental law each entity can be fined the maximum allowed ($50,000.00 and up) and sentences as such.

    Also make them pay in order to repair the damage done just as it was done in the harbour. Any deviation from this will set presidence and cause issues with other past and future court actions.

  10. Sicktomystomach says:

    He did the same thing along the once ‘Scenic Coastline’, opposite the Shetty Hospital. Now everyone driving up that way has to look at a vast heap of white rocks, excavated before planning permission was granted, instead of a once beautiful forest. The only reason they are there now is because Joe was prevented from shipping them off-island to be processed into calcium for cattle feed. The whole crock of whatever just makes you sick. This present vandalism of the ironshore should not be taken lightly. There have to be consequences. This is just pure piracy that we all have to pay for.

  11. Once again this has been allowed to happen to our pristine coast-line(or whats left of it) and I wonder if Joe Imparato will be heavily fined for doing this or will there be some sort of “wiggle”space that will allow nothing to happen?I remember when the mangroves were removed from the site of where the Ritz now sits and nothing was done at least not to my knowledge and one could write a book on what has been allowed to happen to the natural environment of these beautiful Islands.Does anyone in any of our past and present govt really care?I guess not from all that I have seen in my 53 years living here and it sickens me to see how fast our island is being destroyed and this in turn will leave nothing for our furture generations..As the saying goes kids lives count and so lets save whats left for them.I have forgotten which “Don’t stop the Carnival”i have gotten to but probably around 6 at least and this is so so sad.

  12. WhatTheHeckIsHappeningToOur Island says:

    After reading this article and the comments, for the first time I understand why foreigners are so hated by Caymanian people. I now understand their dislike and distrust.

    Thanks to Joe Imparato, CIREBA, those realtors who are helping sell the units, and of course the spineless government just looking for a quick buck, I am rethinking my investment in Cayman. Perhaps it is time to rethink my decision to live here. It might be time to think of a better place. How sad.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are not alone. I love the island and it’s genuine TRUE Caymanian people, but I’m having issue taking up the investment.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Should one really be suprised

  14. Anonymous says:

    The person who owns/operates the equipment is not without blame either. They should not have done this work without making sure the proper permits were in place.

    • anonymous says:

      Yes, but clearly this developer couldn’t care less and had no fear of any possibly consequences. And the fault for this lies 100% with Planning. Might I suggest government introduces legislation with fines for this sort of thing big enough to cause bankruptcy?

    • Sharkey says:

      Mr Miller you said in the above article that you had major concerns about what is going on at this property near the Retreat at Rum Point , and you was struggling to get the Authorities to act . That sounds like you have reported to the Authorities something that was going on at this property .

      You as a Government Official and the constituency rep .
      Can you say what you reported to the Authorities and what time and date you made these reports ?

      I think that you have that responsibility to come publicly forward with these answers , not only for your constituency but for the whole.Islands . If you cares about the future of the Islands and what happens to the Islands .

      Because I think that what just happened at this property sets a bad precedent for the Government and the Islands Environmentally .

      • Anonymous says:

        I think there was another article on CNS several weeks earlier of Mr. Miller bringing to the authorities the situation with the wall at the road that blocks people seeing oncoming cars at the intersection.
        The wall was due to earlier planning permission I think.

      • Anonymous says:

        Sharkey, not likely to be your real name too coward to use your name, but quite willing to call me out. I don’t where you have been living as most of my objections and concerns about this project have been done in the public domain. Like my grand mother said none so blind as those who don’t want to see.
        This project who’s high water mark as submitted on survey drawings accepted by CPA for approval is in five feet of water, led to me fighting Government to change the regulations for developments with beach frontage to have their high water marks authenticated by Lands and Survey within six moths of planning submission. My concerns with this project have been on TV, in the news papers, on the floor of the Legislative Assembly, and on the radio; non of which Sharkey noticed.
        Here is my cell phone number 327 7575 call me and I will explain in fine detail what I have done about my concerns with this project.
        D. Ezzard Miller

        • Sharkey says:

          Mr . Miller , really what difference would it make if you knew my real name , are you trying to intimidate me . You should know who Shark is .

          But to be honest about what i know about anything that you did or said about the subject , is what I referred in my above comment , and everything else that you have tried to do was voted down .
          Captain Ron Ebanks .

        • Chris Johnson says:

          Well put Ezzard.

        • Anonymous says:

          What about the dredging you did at old man bay dock dis year? No silt skirts, sand taken and dumped across the road in the old pond instead of along beach, machine in water. You think we are blind to your ways?

        • Anonymous says:

          Will you be looking at the duty breaks Imparato apparently utilized to bring in his heavy equipment to build Health City. And do they still apply to the use of the same equipment to destroy the rest of the island?

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly, simple solution: if your equipment is used to do work that is illegal, you forfeit the equipment. That should cut down on some of the illegal work.

  15. Anonymous says:

    CPA is never going to stop approving construction. Just look at it’s membership. Shame on the PPM for the make up of the CPA.

    • Anonymous says:

      A general disdain for successful entrepreneurs seems to be getting in the way of rational thought.
      Why not allow the facts to be revealed…high water mark…? Loose boulders being relocated on private land does not necessarily constitute digging up the Island.

      • Anonymous says:

        ‘Loose boulders’? How do you go from ironshore to ‘loose boulders’? (A: Apply a backhoe to it.)

    • Anonymous says:

      Same leadership of the CPA board throughout the last 3 administrations, why blame just the PPM. This is how it go in Cayman. There is more behind the scenes as to why the current CPA status quo exists. Open your eyes people!

    • Anonymous says:

      In fairness they didn’t approve this.

    • Anonymous says:

      We need AL Thompson!

  16. Flatrock says:

    This is ridiculous. There should be a public inquiry into all that went on to arrive at this point. The developer should be charged and brought to court for this blatant disregard for the environment and government process. He wouldn’t be happy if someone starting digging up his backyard.

    How can this how gone on without notice? It doesn’t make sense. If the governmental stewards of the island are not going to do their duty to protect the island for the good of the people then the common folk should. There needs to be more public engagement in development work to ensure development is sustainable and protects the environment for the next generations. If we continue to destroy our natural environment what is left ‘crap’ and no one wants to pay to see crap.

  17. frangipani says:

    Our Government should pass regulations that prohibit the destruction of our natural resources and start prosecuting or levying fines on the heavy equipment operators for going ahead with the destruction of natural resources unless the proper permission has been given by Government.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Do you really think Joe is worried about this? He has been around the block many times and knows how to play these politicians.. What’s the worst that can happen? He pays a fine but at the end of the day that is the price of doing business and he gets his beach in the end…Joe can run his hand in his back pocket and pull out enough cash to pay the fine on the spot..Do you think this really concerns him?…In fact, the first deposit on a condo will more than pay the fine. Anything after that is pure profit…

    What needs to happen is a little jail time…We will send a man to jail for years for smoking a spliff of ganja but we will allow another to destroy our environment which will effect generations but it is simply an administrative fine and when you have the money, why not break the law..

    • P&L says:

      AMEN! and so it go… again and again. Alden… what say you? Are you going to just let this go down like this? We do send people to jail for FAR less. What is the value of the iron shore just stolen from us? They should convert it to a cash value and take him to court for stealing from the country… lol.. yeah… I know… not likely but that sure would catch some attention.

      Hmph… everybody knows Alden is not going to do anything significant about this. How sad that the expectations are so low… Maybe he will prove us wrong… but… I doubt it. Cayman’s reality gets sadder by the day. IFHTP.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Ironic how an east ender takes a turtle and the shrill torch burners are screaming ‘immoral scum’, but when the big boys want to monatize the beach it’s all ‘well ya gotta admit when they do it , they do it right’
    Just stay in yer freaking happy homes to get drunk and leave what’s left of the world for people with a smaller destructive swath.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your smaller destructive wave has resulted in the virtual collapse of the green turtle population in Cayman waters, the destruction of domestic fish stocks, the sale of much of your own ancestral land for profit, a total failure to embrace green energy and re-cycling and a business model based upon family cartels who artificially keep the cost of living high.
      But most of all you have an addiction to the mighty dollar, one which is fast promoting the destruction of this island by unscrupulous local developers, architects and those too greedy to see what they have done.
      Taking the turtle in that manner was cruel and unnecessary in a civilised society, and the eastender concerned should pay a heavy price for his self entitled barbarity. But he is just as guilty of destroying the environment as those who sold their land for personal enrichment or who rip up land and beaches for the same.
      The law is the law, turtle or ironshore makes no difference, both are abhorrent and both lay at the feet of Caymanians first and foremost.

    • Anonymous says:

      Looking at the number of comments on this thread I think you need to check your thinking regarding people not caring about this sort of activity.

  20. Anonymous says:

    My house is a little to the east and I know this spot well. There has been a half-done foundation and mountain of sand there for several years while the guy tried to get his plans going. Imparato’s property front was all high ironshore with water 4-5 deep in front (I’m coming down Thursday and hate to see what I’m going to find). This ironshore plus the iron shore at the Retreat is the only reason that there is a Rum Point at all. In other words it IS Rum Point.

    He obviously thinks a beach would help presell the condo he is promoting there (see CIREBA). Problem is the waves hit this area hard almost all the time. That’s why it’s 5 feet deep. Without the rock it’s going to eat him up, and next thing he will want will be a seawall in the water to hold his property line and keep his sand from washing away. Meanwhile, if we get a good blow it’s going to wash straight through the waterfront of the Retreat and cut off the point.

    Joe, I’d like to see you at the place Friday if you’re available. Maybe around lunch? I’ll introduce myself when you get there. You can tell me why you think this is a good idea.

  21. Henry says:

    I wonder how many units Cireba have sold in this development! The buyers should be asking for their deposits back!

    • Anonymous says:

      CIREBA are shills for the paving of your island

    • Sharkey says:

      I think that we should not be asking that he pays fines , because if he’s fined the Government would give it right back to him in the way of. IMPORTATION TAX BREAKS on all building materials and work permits .

      The only punishment that fits this kind of disrespectful actions to the Laws and Environment , is deportation after prison term . Then everyone else would learn that no one is above the Law and everyone live by the same Laws . That’s what would happen if it was someone else .

    • Anonymous says:

      So if I pick a wilk with my hand I get fined or jailed? but if I pick wilks plus the iron shore with a backhoe THAT IS OK?

  22. Anonymous says:

    Please do not expect Alden and his minions to do anything about this. They erre all prepared to seee off every little piece of undeveloped land that Government own until Ezzard spoke out on it. Imagine they say there is a huge surplus but they are frantic to sell off the land. I wonder why.? Leave the land alone, no one is feeding it. I wish this government would formulate a decent policy on things like selling off our land, people ripping up the iron shore and putting up buildings without planning permission and stick to it no matter who the culprit is.

  23. Caroline says:

    I will go one step further and demand changes at CPA! This is no different from a drug dealer destroying our youths. You destroy our envorinment you destroy everything. JUSTICE FOR CAYMAN! where are the national trust folks? Where are the national conservationists committee? Your silences are deafening!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Hi Caroline,

      Considering that this information has been made public only this morning, don’t you think that it is perhaps a bit premature to be berating the National Trust and the Conservation Council for not having made a public statement?

      In the first instance, this is a matter for Planning and DOE. If this is in violation of existing laws and regulations, they have employees charged with monitoring these situations as they happen, and enforcement powers.The NT and NCL do not.

      The Conservation Council is composed primarily of volunteer members, and would need to call a meeting to discuss an issue and vote, before releasing a public statement.

      The National Trust is a membership organization, open to the public. If you are not already a NT member, then I suggest you become one, so you can be part of the solution rather than simply posting criticism.

      • Sharkey says:

        But would you ever make a public statement about Anonymous 9:36 pm ?

        • Anonymous says:

          Hi Sharkey, I didn’t quite understand your comment about “ever making a public statement” I am 9:36 pm. Would I give a statement? I do not have the authority to speak for the National Trust. If I did, I would want to look into the matter a bit deeper than to take at face value, Ezzard Miller’s position.

          The National Trust makes lots of position statements on lots of matters, for example, the Smith Cove purchase, and proposed George Town Port come to mind. Perhaps not enough from your perspective?

          The Compass article this morning paints a different picture than the one in the NewsService article. Is that one correct? I am only interested in the truth. To be blunt, if this development is in fact a violation of Planning laws, needed coastal Works Licences etc. then shut it down. I just don’t know, Do you? And if not,I suggest that you keep your skepticism, but save your condemnation of the National Trust, Planning Board, DOE, etc for deserving targets when you fully understand the situation. Perhaps you do already, I am short of information.

          Kind regards,


  24. Anonymous says:

    The RCIPs financial crimes unit needs to be looking at the board, the developers and other interested parties to see who is living above their means in terms of income/jobs etc…always follow the money, it tells more tales than Enid Blyton.

  25. anonymous says:

    Good luck Mr. Miller, Heard it before “Central planning issuing Enforcement notice, Stop notice, so claimed by Haroone Pandohie, what a joke, heard that before. Next you will hear – that once the work is completed you will receive a notice in the mail and you can then “object”. Talk about corruption.

  26. Anonymous says:

    After all the outrage over DART digging up Seven Mile how did he think we would be okay with this! Joe Imperato you ain’t welcome here anymore! Pack your bags take your billions and piss off!

    • Anonymous says:

      Again the rape of the environment is alowed to go on. The absence of a silt boom in those pictures shows complete and utter disregard for the environment. does anyone in the DOE do their job?
      When the reef is destroyed by ships the fines and suits are flying left and right.I dont see any difference between what is being done in this partricular case. That ironshore is within the high water demarcation zone and is the lawful heritage of all Caymanians.
      Elect and install people with the guts to put a stop to this madness once and for all.
      Every body who cares should call the DOE and their elected officials twenty times a day and bug the hell out of them, untill it is stoped. Remember the squeeky wheels gets the oil.

      • Anonymous says:

        Listen stupid, it’s NOT the DOE’s responsibility, its Planning!

        • Anonymous says:

          OK know it all, the DOE and the Planning board are both a part of the problem, and so are people like you. You call me stupid? Dont be a simpleton, you are not a part of the solution therefore YOU are a part of the PROBLEM.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Land seizures.

    Such individuals will only understand this type of penalty.
    A fine is no deterrent – they’ll just overcharge their millionaire guests to make it up.

    A prison sentence is unlikely because … you know where this is going.

    These people speak the language of wealth. We have to answer in kind.

    Real Estate = Wealth

    – Who

    • Thin Lizzy says:

      It all belongs to HRH, yours included.

      • Anonymous says:

        Tell her to try come and grab it then – she’ll go back home clutching a bloody stump.

        The year is 2017 and we are still upholding concepts of “monarchy” and “royalty” owning complete regions of the earth?

        Yet so many are quick to mock the spiritual and religious people of the world.

        We may as well also expect and accept Alladin as her flying-carpet-riding enforcer – floating from parcel to parcel dropping off deeds of ultimate royal ownership at every stop.

        The empire needs to wake up and quit playing Disney World games if it expects to remain relevant.

        – Who

        *The English Royal Family is the equivalent of the sting rays out by the sand bar – a lucrative tourist attraction. End of.

        • Datisme says:

          How did that work out for your friends in Chagos?

          • Anonymous says:

            Not very good.

            But rather than sovereign land rights, their fate was sealed primarily because the British government regards non-White people as disposable sub-humans and or “Man-Fridays”.

            You really ought to get a better understanding of the inherent prejudices of British culture.

            That was a sloppy mistake on your part, wasn’t it?
            Better luck next time. You are better than this.

            – Who

            • Anonymous says:

              The Irish were slaves too, or have you conveniently forgotten?

              • Anonymous says:

                Good on you for attempting to find a method to the madness of hate.

                Bear in mind, the deeper you go the more of their inherent evil you will discover … so not sure what is your aim here.

  28. NOTABIGIOT25 says:


    Where fines are given out to poachers removing an individual lobster why is nothing being done about large scale damage.

    Removing a section of ironshore, known to foreigners as karst, does far more then provide a ‘pretty beach’. Yes, the removal of this ironshore will minimise the potential space for turtle nesting as well as habitats for marine life but it also ‘removes’ an ancient method of storm protection. Ironshore, like mangroves, came a very long time before developers did to protect the island from ecological disruption caused by storms. Removing sections of ironshore disrupts the watersheds we are lucky to have on a small island. When a piece of the rock is removed it facilitates seawater intrusion into the aquifers which has knock on effects for pollution via wastewater discharge and the integrity of the land behind the ironshore. Removing this section will have knock on effects for the movement of water/sand along this beach are there forward. The ecological disruption will ultimately lead to a loss of life whether immediately with turtle deaths or in the long run when excavation comes a free for all and we deplete our freshwater reserves.

    It is time to start taking environmental protection seriously if we plan to inhabit this island for generations to come. We have laws in place and we, caymanians/expats/whoever, are supposed to act when they are broken in the same way you would if you saw an act of human violence. If anyone thinks they can surpass laws that are in place to uphold the very purpose of life itself, one in paradise surrounded by amazing wild life we are very very lucky to have, then an example should be set to avoid this happening again.

    We need to view the natural world like that of a human community where every member has their purpose and works together to avoid unnecessary ruckus and rumble.

    Read this as you will, but in the natural world one bigot action leads to twenty consequences and an example needs to be set.

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      Very true. Does anybody remember the devastation caused by Ivan’s tidal surge at the Retreat in 2004?
      Removing the foundations that holds the island together is very, very dangerous and this particular action is going beyond stupid. This is reckless and a direct threat to the entire area of Rum Point which will see certain destruction if the main natural breakwaters are removed.

    • Anonymous says:

      Are all folks aware that the latest potential transgression is the Application to build a dock at this site…which is in the Marine Preserve? What a precedent that sets for all along the North Side coast! How could others be denied? By the way, this dock has been a part of the marketing of the condo complex…well before the Application was ever made! Tells you how confident (?) Developer must be for approval OR how truth just doesn’t matter (again). Let your voice be heard about destruction of yet another part of the North Side environment…the ironshore cannot be replaced, but the dock can be stopped. Anonymous from Rum Point…June 2018

  29. Anonymous says:

    Lock him up?

    Oh quiet down simpletons. That man alone has invested more money and infrastructure than 25000 “natives”. Without people like that cayman would still be a backwater 3rd world island dependant on hand outs.

    • Anonymous says:

      So the rich are above the law? Get outta here…or go back to you buttlicking day job

    • Anonymous says:

      You could do with a good ripping up!

    • Anonymous says:

      so are you suggesting that only certain people should face criminal sanction if they break the law?

    • Anonymous says:

      Its time for you to go. If that was happening in your country you would be shouting from the rooftops. If the developer knows that he shouldn’t be doing that and breaking the LAW then he is in the wrong.

    • Anonymous says:

      Surely you mean “legally” cheated the locals out of millions

    • Anonymous says:

      Ezzard please confer with Arden and pull together the Caymanians and people who love and respect Cayman and storm this area like we did a few yesrs ago at “Lovers Wall”? Why Does things like this continue to be tolerated? Are there any laws against this? Why aren’t the laws being obeyed? Why the hell does planning sit back and watch this going on, then grant them permit after the fact? Does anyone care, does the Premier, Minister of Tourism, Minister of Planning really give a dam? Every one is bitting a piece out of Cayman and all we seem to be able to do is post about it, let us get together and kick some butts!!!!

      • Anonymous says:

        Why just Caymanians? Many of us expats are for saving the environment, and against the port plan for same reason

        • Anonymous says:

          Read the post again. It says Caymanians and people who love and respect Cayman.

        • Anonymous says:

          Pardon me I said ” Caymanians and people who love and respect Cayman” that also includes expats, just did not want others to try to hijack my comments and turn it into a Cayman vs expat issue. I acknowledge that when we march on Lovers Wall there were many many expats in the group. Let’s do it again. Incidentally it is the same developer who can only see the dollar bills. How dare he go and do this. I hope I run into him so I can give him a piece of my mind.

      • Anonymous says:

        It does say that, my apology, I misread initial comment. Still with you though!! Law breakers need to be stopped. Nature has enough enemies, pretty much all of them human.

      • Anonymous says:

        Ezzard won’t do anything because few Caymanians live in the Rum Point area. That is why Water Cay Road is a potholed disaster, lunatic locals are allowed to speed drunk on Rum Point Drive at weekends and holidays, it’s why drink and drugs are abused by boaters at Rum Point on a Sunday. It’s also why poachers are raping our Marine Parks, fishermen are destroying our fish stocks, people drown because of ill thought out, man made cuts in the reef, and why burglaries have been spiralling out of control in the area for years.
        No sir, Ezzard won’t do a thing but make lots of noise to make himself look important.

    • Anonymous says:

      Still doesn’t make it OK or the right thing to do. Your statement suggests the more money invested, the more rules you can bend or brake.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hey frat boy, they just opened another keg.

    • Anonymous says:

      In other words invest and you are allowed to break the law…money talks!

    • Yo Yard, My Yard. says:

      Investors and developers who care for the long term health and welfare of those they develop for are most welcome here. Those that only exploit the ground, the environment, and those they sell the development too should be shown the door.

      How about concessions for developers, or even the scale of planning fees become tied to the end product. lower fees for environmentally friendly design. Want to build high density with no energy saving features then you pay higher fees.

    • Anonymous says:


  30. WhatTheHeckIsHappeningToOur Island says:

    Clearly this project is no secret. CRB News reported in December 2016 about the project.

    …..”Joe Imparato, a Cayman Islands-based developer, is designing and building a 100-room clubhouse and lodge as part of Ironwood, an Arnold Palmer Design-branded golf resort to be built in the islands’ eastern districts, the Cayman Compass reported.

    Imparato, an equity partner in the project, plans to build a luxury hotel and condominiums at the property, the Compass reported, that will be similar in style to the Caribbean Club, which he developed on Seven Mile Beach.”…..

    The project should be shut down immediately, the property owner jailed, and a hearing take place to determine the extent of environmental damage. The court should determine whether or not to seize the property, which should be a real consideration.

  31. Anonymous says:

    The wall at Frank sound is still there a year after “notice” was given and a promise from planning to get it fixed. What does that tell you?

  32. Michel Lemay says:

    This is a real shame and Imparato knows better. Money is the rule of the land.

  33. Brian Tomlinson says:

    If the developer wants a sandy beach he will most likely have to install groins. If he doesn’t install them now, since everything is torn up, whatever uncemented material is left on the site will probably wash away. Groins will intercept the sand that moves to leeward along the north coast between the shore and the reef.

    If the sand that moves along the north coast to leeward is intercepted at this site, the beach at Rum Point will eventually be depleted. One can easily deduce such a conclusion with a simple study of the aerial photography of this area.

    • Anonymous says:

      A well thought out response from a qualified engineer, well done Brian. However, your co-respondent at 8:56, (who I suspect you may know quite well) used personal accusations, inaccurate statements and the familiar bluster of an embittered coward to make a point which is totally unconnected with the article.
      As you would know, this is a planning issue as it is clearly above the high water mark. DOE officers have no power to intervene in this particular case because it is doesn’t come under the National Conservation Law. The DOE spokesperson makes the case quite eloquently that as soon as their staff knew of the rock removal, they reported it to the proper department, who should have been on top of the issue in the first place.
      It is also a fact that many people pass this site everyday, (including Ezzard Miller) and have seen the increase in activity and the moving of heavy equipment. Why didn’t they undertake their civic duty and complain to planning instead of jumping on the bandwagon after the event?
      Let’s hope there are more intelligent responses such as yours, instead of the poisonous rhetoric of the serial whiners.

    • Remember what happened when that channel was opened east of Rum Point?The beach at Rum Point practically dis-appeared.Does anyone remember which MLA made that happen?My memory is still “Bang on”folks

  34. Anonymous says:

    Yet, if a born Caymanian takes conch or lobster out of season to feed their family, they are thrown in jail. Why has no arrests been made!? This goes to show that we are definitely a minority in our own country. This damage is irreversible and someone needs to pay for making such a stupid decision. What is this place coming to?

    • EARTHLAWYER52 says:

      environmental damage regardless of your nationality is both illegal and immoral….

      however the fact that fines and persecution is so easily handed out over removal of an individual in a group of species yet nothing is done when there is mass destruction is absolutely appaling

      • Anonymous says:

        Fines and prosecutions for poaching are still few and far between. Also, witness the ranting for more enforcement every time a poacher is exposed.

    • Anonymous says:

      Get an education and a job, then go to the supermarket like everyone else.
      Taking a lobster or conch out of season, or in industrial quantities in season is a criminal offence. These are your laws made by your people. Perhaps you should be more careful who you put into power if you don’t like it.

    • Veritas says:

      9.29am they must have very large families. Taking hundreds of conch and lobsters often out of season, do you take us for idiots -they are selling to the restaurants to feed themselves – on drugs!.

      • Anonymous says:

        You may want to have a read at the comment again. Never did I mention hundreds. There are people that are conscious and take what they need rather than go and rob places. The point to my comment is that Caymanians, the lower class ones, are put into jail for doing far less than the paper Caymanian investor, in other words, double standards. It is all about who has money and who knows you.

        12:19pm & 9:29pm – I am educated and have a job FYI. but if the laws are blatantly only enforced for Caymanians and the youth are constantly put in jail, then we wont have much of a choice to elect anyone that is Caymanian for office in the future.

        • Anonymous says:

          The vast majority of poachers are overwhelmingly Caymanian? True.
          Many of them are uneducated youths who come from Caymanian, disfunctional families with a drink or drug abuse history? True.
          The laws that put these individuals in jail are devised and passed by Caymanians? True.

          So what part of your premise is accurate and mine not?

  35. Anonymous says:

    Before the fines they should fire every environment officer up there. Though I appreciate it the same officers who got all the praise for rescuing the poached turtle in East End should be the first on the list. But I guess they missed the big excavators while they were on patrol in the area. Too busy checking on houses they manage in the area in and off the CIG clock or harrassing someone for walking on Turtle Grass.

    Just imagine a local clearing a patch of rock or turtle grass. They would have probably got pepper sprayed, stun gunned or beaten with a baton before being sent to jail for a decade.

    Believe me I am not against this with proper approvals but it annoys me to think what would happen to a local with no money if they did this.

    Let’s see what our big mouthed politicians will do now. I would tighten that DOE and Police budget until someone started looking like they been on Jenny Craig for about 5years.

    • Anonymous says:

      Except its not a DOE issue, or did you not bother to read the article before spewing made-up stuff.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh we can guess where that line of poisonous bile came from.
      So you believe that the DOE is responsible for planning enforcement do you, you idiot?
      It is precisely that kind of non-sensical crap that feeds the attitude of self entitlement and in turn feeds the excuse for poaching and other environmental vandalism by a few local idiots.
      You know full well that this development has been on the cards for a long period of time, but what did YOU do to stop it? Nothing I suspect, but now you jump on the snivelling bandwagon to use an unrelated issue to vent your personal hatred of others.
      I suspect you will probably be looking to make money from this project when it’s finished, so spare us the bleeding heart of indignation and personal vilification, crawl back under your stone and keep quiet.
      I do not know the officers personally, but I can say this. I have had cause to call upon their presence on several occasions over the past year, mainly because of a well known local conch poacher. From my experience of dealing with the various officers I have met, they have been professional, courteous and very effective in combatting this pest and his associates. I was much encouraged to learn of the excellent work they did on our behalf when a large breeding turtle was rescued, treated and returned to the wild. I am also reminded by my family that it was one of the same officers who rescued a party of swimmers and tried to save the life of another earlier this year. Both incidents demonstrating courage and determination to do what is right for Cayman and her people, what have you done recently, apart from feather your own nest at the expense of others?
      Cheap shots at individuals you have a personal vendetta against is the lowest form of cowardice. Come out from behind your cloak of anonymity and put your claims to the appropriate authority. Until then, be very careful what you say in public because I also suspect your views are well known and that you have few friends.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Typical. This developer will get a slap on the wrist as all the others do. While on topic – please can the DoE, Dept of Planning, & the RCIPS go and see what’s really going on at the back of Buddy’s Way in Savannah, off Shamrock Road. Also, it might be good to check out a certain known “drug house” on that road where the trucks can be seen stopping off quite often as well. Lots of suspicious dump truck activity in and out of that road and yard late at night. Thanks! (And no – I don’t want to make a formal report, as information gets leaked from Government departments in Cayman all the time, and I don’t need to end up on any dump truck drivers’ / drug house hit list.)

  37. Anonymous says:

    Fine him a couple million take his Cayman papers away and deport him and his billions. We don’t need people like him destroying our beautiful island!

  38. Greg says:

    For total disregard to the envorinment, the animals, the people and the laws, Mr. Imparator must serve jail time. No fines no slap on the wrist will be acceptable to the people of the Cayman Islands. The compass is very quiet, no news and no pictures – their silence is amazing? Yet they will report a elderly man taking conch out of season to feed his family (see why Caymanians are getting frustrated). Where are all the animal and bird rights people now? Where are the floral and fauna people now? Let that be me wanting to clear my property to build my home. They are so quiet when it is conevenient to them and their special interest.

    I believe this crime deserves jail time! This is a clear cut. Any less is injustice to the envorinment, the animals, the people and the children of this island.

    It’s time now. We call on all to demand justice!

  39. Anonymous says:

    only the beginning and all his architects are in it full on too.

  40. Anonymous says:

    Why does Gov not pull Cayman status from those who are constantly found ignoring the laws and regulations. Let me guess, money involved?

    • Anonymous says:

      Many got Cayman status as a result of us ignoring laws and regulations in the first place. It is only fair that we keep ignoring the same laws and regulations. If we didn’t some of them would not be able to get money from social services, or front, or get lots of work permits for their kin.

    • Anonymous says:

      Status has been granted to so many self serving alcoholics and mindless money grabbers, I wouldn’t know where to start.

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