Driver loses control and lands in ocean

| 20/07/2017 | 35 Comments
Cayman News Service

Car crashed into the ocean (Photo by Sasha Espeut)

(CNS): A car ended up in the ocean Thursday morning after its driver lost control along North Church Street, George Town, police said. Other witnesses suggested the driver was confused over the gas and brake pedals, but either way the vehicle wound up in the sea just behind Mr Arthur’s grocery store in shallow water off the iron shore. Police assisted with the car’s removal and confirmed the driver was not hurt.


Category: Local News

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I believe the explanation du jour is that it was “a cultural misunderstanding”.

    • Anonymous says:

      Land is land and sea is sea, and n’er the twain shall meet.

    • Sharkey says:

      Car ended up in Arthur Bodden cove , did we know that this was Mr Bodden favourite swimming spot .
      But from the time I heard him say the words he said when he saw the water coming , he has to be Jamaican .

  2. Anonymous says:

    Which ocean did he land in?

  3. Anonymous says:

    It’s the sea, not an ocean

  4. Veritas says:

    Fortunately this only happened once to our national airline, but in the current case on North Church St, no doubt it was due to a rusted bolt in the steering linkage.

  5. A. Brown says:

    Just remember everyone to not try and land any of Cayman Airways jets in the North Sound or try a low fly tour down the Mastic Trail. No tricks with jumping off the Bluff at the Brac either! Just stick to alcohol and stop smoking the new ganga!!!

  6. Anonymous says:

    It’s a Mitsubishi evolution… this one is evolving into a fish!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Thank goodness nobody was fishing on the iron shore!

  8. bobby darren says:

    The car must have been too hot and decided to cool it down.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Expensive way to get the car washed…

  10. Veritas says:

    We really must have the worst drivers in the world. They manage to do this on dry roads, just imagine if we had snow and ice or steep hills to contend with!. Almost every day someone hits a tree, a lightpole or another car, but mostly one car accidents. These maniacs are putting up the cost of insurance for everyone and it’s time they were jailed for careless driving.

    • Chris Johnson says:

      The most disturbing thing to me was in spite of the police two large empty tourist buses parked at the scene. The drivers went to gwark the scene whilst their buses slowed down the traffic. Numerous other cars stopped as well. Can these people just grow up.
      We have enough problems with the Seminole Tribe without creating problems on home turf.

      • Anonymous says:

        I saw that. They are the same buses that sit outside the Waterfront building on North Church Street. My Thompson closes off government property with his road cones and let’s the buses crowd the road. NRA need do something about it. But they have no clue as to what happens in that area. Next time you drive there you will know what I mean.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes you do, and the reason is the lack of enforcing the law and absence of driving schools.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your only jail is already over full with ganja smokers and domestic violence. Better to just take the license then arrest them for crashing without a license.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Wait a minute, was this driver the captain who drove his boat onto land a few weeks ago?
    And for his next trick watch him jump off a building and try to fly


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