Archive for July 26th, 2017

Auto-mechanic found guilty over unlawful gun
(CNS): A jury has found local auto-mechanic, Michael Fernandez Jefferson (24), guilty of possessing an unlicensed firearm and ammunition, in connection with a gun found at his house under a bed. Jefferson has no criminal record, no known gang associations and the gun had not been used in a crime, nor was it in full […]

Cayman loses mozzie guru to Miami
(CNS): After more than three decades battling pesky mosquitoes in Cayman, Dr Bill Petrie, the director of the Mosquito Control and Research Unit (MRCU), is leaving the island to head up the Miami-Dade Mosquito Control Division in Florida. Petrie has worked at MRCU since 1984, when he joined as a research assistant after graduating from Dundee […]

Crown pursues case against immigration official
(CNS): The crown has confirmed it will be pressing ahead with its case against Assistant Chief Immigration Officer Jeannie Lewis (58). The senior immigration official has pleaded not guilty to assisting a person to land illegally and permitting premises to be used for consumption of drugs. She and four other people were arrested at her […]

64% of CNS readers call for Bush to step down
(CNS): A straw poll posted by CNS on Friday found that 64% of readers who took part want Speaker of the Legislative Assembly McKeeva Bush to resign immediately, following his embarrassing arrest in Florida for allegedly groping a casino waitress. Almost 62% of those who said he should resign at some point (now, if he […]