UK’s Peru ambassador to succeed Kilpatrick

| 26/06/2017 | 115 Comments
Cayman News Service

Anwar Choudhury, the next Governor of the Cayman Islands

(CNS): The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has appointed Anwar Bokth Choudhury as the next governor of the Cayman Islands. Choudhury (58), who is currently based in Lima as Britain’s ambassador to Peru, will take up his appointment in March 2018, according to a release from the FCO. The next governor was born in Bangladesh and is Muslim. He served in the RAF before joining the ministry of defence, and was head-hunted to the FCO ranks from the Cabinet office.

Choudhury joined the Foreign Office in 2003 and became high commissioner to his native Bangladesh in 2004, where he was injured in a bomb attack that year at the Hazrat Shahjalal shrine in a terrorist attack.

In 2008 he served as Director International Institutions responsible for multilateral policy. He has also worked on initiatives to improve the FCO, where he was presented the Institute of Government award for ‘Inspiration in Government’ for his work on Diplomatic Excellence.

He is married to Momina Choudhury and has three children.

Helen Kilpatrick, who has been a relatively low-key representative is expected to leave the Cayman Islands early next year.

Anwar Choudhury Curriculum Vitae:       

2013 – present Lima, Her Majesty’s Ambassador
2012 – 2013 FCO, Director, Diplomatic Excellence
2008 – 2011 FCO, Director, International Institutions
2004 – 2008 Dhaka, British High Commissioner
2000 – 2004 Cabinet Office, Director, E-Government
1995 – 1999 Ministry of Defence, Assistant Director
1993 – 1995 Royal Air Force, Strategist
1986 – 1992 Siemens Plessey plc, Consultant

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Category: Local News, Politics

Comments (115)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I think it is time that we have a local Governor. Lemuel Hurlston, Donnie Ebanks, George McCarthy, would all be great candidates for that position.

  2. Anonymous says:

    If he was the target of a terrorist attack before shouldn’t we be concerned, certainly I am.Cayman is certainly a ‘soft’ target if there ever was one.Will he not need extra protection. How much will that cost and who will be paying for it.Caymanians of course.

  3. mr A.T. says:

    Like many I never heard if tis man until now. Its disgraceful how many are throwing him to the dogs based on his religion without even having done any research on his past. This is what’s wrong with a lot of us jumping to conclusions listening to others without questioning, are you really a f@cking numb sheep??

    And you call yourself a real ”Christian” do me a favour and take a good look at yourself in the mirror, from the brief research I see this man is very much about helping others especially people in need, he as done a lot of charity work and to boost education and the youths.

    every religion fundamentals are about respect, love and helping each other, lets stop the assumptions of every Muslim being a radical since not every Christian is a pedophile.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Will Keevie get to tell him, “You’re in MY territory now”?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Posters! it is what it is. We are a British Overseas Territory/Colony. The UK has sent us a Governor as it is their right to do so under our current constitution.

    It amazes me that most of you pick on the Appointee, from his colour to his religion, to his wife’s mode of dress. What about the Appointer? If you truly have the future of this country at heart, then lets decide our destiny together. Where do you want to be in twenty five years? Set a date, make a plan, work on you plan.

    Caymanians, please:
    Ensure that you get a good education;
    strive to gain quality experience;
    exercise the community spirit from our grandparents.. its takes a village;
    have more than two kids….if you have the support;
    stop selling your land…lease it;
    car pool;
    practice your Christian faith without judgment of others;
    encourage your kids to be entrepreneurs;
    join a local charity to benefit you Caymanians;
    enjoy your environment, people pay big to come here;and
    don’t let anyone steal your laughter.

    Visitors and residents:
    be respectful of what attracted you here in the first place;
    become our friend before you think you know us;
    check you attitude at the airport before you get on CAL;
    enjoy our culture, yes we do have one;
    This is our country, and we have invited you to visit or work/stay with us…that’s a good thing;
    some of us have given you references for WP, PR, Status, created businesses with you, married you, promoted you, trained you, and even thought you better than us; and
    This is still paradise on earth.. don’t spoil it …help us keep it that way.

    Residents and those seeking PR:

    Do something for this country that is not for personal gain; be selfless, just once.

    • Anonymous says:

      Very, very well said.

    • R. U. Kidden says:

      Selfless? Caymanian? H-m-m-m-m-m-m-m.

    • Cay Woman says:

      How are you going to get a good education when you need money for it?! How are you going to get money when you need a decent job!

      The system is rigged! Start talking about free education, a competitive business market that creates decent jobs, and tackling corruption.

      Then I can sit you down and pour you a glass of tea ?

      • rollin says:

        free education? how can you have a competitive business market when you giving services away? remember – we are a tax free nation.

        Here is a free lesson: Nothing is free !

    • Anonymous says:

      You spoil it yourselves. This is no paradise. It a self serving tax avoidance colony that cares less about its own poor and even less about the poor in other countries denied services because of tax avoidance.

  6. Anonymous says:

    And after Mr Choudhury, I hope they send an openly gay Governor, preferably one of color, as a further nudge of this territory into the 21st century prior to us getting independence.

    • Slacker says:

      And an avowed atheist…

    • Anonymous says:

      Still won’t do much to quell and address the racist and prejudiced tendencies and culture of many in our expat / immigrant community though.

      Unless of course that is still acceptable in the 21st century?

      • Anonymous says:

        I’d just like a governor who would carry out his/her responsibility for crime and border security.

        • Anonymous says:

          I’m concerned about the racism and prejudice.

          3 guesses as to why you are not.

          Whatever your view, we have seen that ugly spirit completely destroy nations. Must be nice to not have that concern though.

      • Anonymous says:

        10.11am You forget that many of your racist/prejudiced expats appointed this gentleman to high office in the British Govt and he is but one of many immigrants in Britain to achieve similar high honours.Compare this to Cayman where your narrow minded xenophobic sons of the soil will not allow any expatriate/immigrant to run for election.

        • Anonymous says:

          The British people also voted for Brexit. The areas that were LEAST “British” voted against the Brexit.

          Interestingly, those areas also happened to makeup the economic powerhouse of the country.

          There is a reason why Cameron was so warned against his ill-conceived referendum – those in the know KNEW the true heart and soul of their people.

          I understood early on the great divide between the British government and the British people.

          Therefore, please spare me the crap about immigrant-loving Brits. It is a fantasy supported by nothing but hollow rhetoric.

          The proof is in the booth – and the pudding is setting.

          Lastly, we cannot apply typical practices to this tremendously unique jurisdiction – sorry.

          • Robert says:

            Mrs. Thatcher knew that belonging to the E U and other things now called Brexit were more taxes on the overburdened government caring for leeches that dont work or contribute to their system.

    • Anonymous says:

      All good things must come to an end….pity.

    • get real! says:

      Independence?????…lol what a reality check that will be if it happens.

      You people are ignorant to the ways of the world . Lil hard times lately and you all going insane with crime and xenophobia, i cant even trust to leave my windows open to enjoy the sea breeze anymore – imagine the chaos if we ever move away from the queen .

      *currency will go to shit
      *global credibility will dip
      *no big brother to support our economy
      *loss of jobs and industry
      *dip in infrastructure including health care and education.

    • Anonymous says:

      9.16am I thought this one had the gay thing covered with her daughter promoting gay rights and bringing down a professor to address law school students.

  7. Anonymous says:

    This will either set Caymanians at odds and fighting with each other, make them demand Independence, have them read if their Constitution gives any grounds for rejection of this man or all of the above.
    People please educate yourselves by reading about the Muslim culture. When you do you will endure ridicule from the left, be accused of hate speech and be labeled a racists and phobia this and that.
    Please google what Winston Churchill had to say about this culture.
    This is not hate speech to reject a culture. Some cultures do not want to be British. We are British and believe in certain truths.

    • Anonymous says:

      You seem to be mixing up the word “British” and “bigot”. you meant to say “We are bigots…” Please do not mix up your narrow-minded fake-news inspired prejudice with British values.

    • Anonymous says:

      So if you are so British, then why do you follow American in all things American?

  8. Anonymous says:

    So our first non-white Governor and a Muslim at that. There goes all the booze parties at Government House. Also this Governor had an attempted assassination on his life so he will definitely want to see security at Government House beefed up.

    His wife is covered so that will be quite an interesting site and can bet you curry will become duty free lol.

    Now I am actually loving all this because the big boys don’t have a friend to join the boys club anymore in Cayman so looking forward to him putting foot to ass on Government!!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Now this is going to be funny. An immigrant who made good in his host country, gaining naturalisation and citizenship, serving in HM Forces, then obtaining high diplomatic office.
    Oh the bigots will be getting into a hell of a state over this interloper who dared to challenge their stereotype image of people from the Indian sub-continent.
    I can just see Ezzard and Ardens faces now, scowling at the very thought of addressing a Muslim immigrant fureigner as His Excellency.
    Cant wait to listen to the uneducated retards on radio talk shows, I’m sure they will be at their racist and nationalistic best, oh this is going to be hilarious.

    • Anonymous says:

      Man why don’t you just shut up and leave Cayman…no one is interested in your unintelligent criticisms.

      • Anonymous says:

        9.42 am I may be an expat, but I am intelligent enough to know the word “unintelligent” does not exist and that the same applies to “criticisms” where the plural is “criticism”.

        • Anonymous says:

          According to Merriam-Webster:
          -Definition of unintelligent
          : lacking intelligence
          : not intelligent •an unintelligent remark •a crude, unintelligent person
          :plural criticisms

          really go home

          • anonymous says:

            Well said 8.12. 5.38’s contentions (plural) had me puzzled along with his whole post, which was riddled with the very things he was raving against. Clearly he is a rabid bigot!

      • Jotnar says:

        Even (especially) if they are absolutely on point. Go on, tell me that Ezzard, Arden and the significant, hard core Christian right that have such an issue with gays won’t have a major problem with a Muslim governor. Or do you mean the OP should just leave rather than point out the truth? And if that’s what you believe, then don’t be shy or defensive – just be honest and own it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Aren’t they? I bet my piece makes more sense than your illegible nonsense. Get an education in basic English before attempting to play the ‘get out because I’m losing the argument’ card.

  10. Anonymous says:

    And his wife apparently dresses as a Muslim woman ( why wouldn’t she?). Can we make sure Julianna does not refer to them as savages as she did Hindus some years back? And if Caymanians don’t like it, can they please do what the Bahamas did all these years ago, which was MASSIVELY praised by Steve ( sorry, Dr they are all calling him now) McField and Orrett Connor on Radio Cayman when they said that by Pindling bringing in in a black Bahamian government it restored dignity and self worth to Bahamians even though they went through a few years of “difficulties” after Pindling took over. The brainiac twins Connor and The Doctor, said that Cayman had rich people who had grown rich of the backs of Caymanians. Obviously true, but the implication was that they are all foreigners, so no Merrens, Nauls, Bobbys, Al Thompson, Fosters, Renees, Norbert’s, Jims, Rex, Kirkconnells, Selkirk etc etc. It was the most racist broadcast I have ever heard on Radio Cayman……no mention of the thousands of Caymanians who have benefitted from the Bahama’s downfall, including Connor, retired on a large government pension Bahamians would die for.

    • Anonymous says:

      Say what you want, but at the end of the day the Bahamians realised their own people being brushed aside in their own country by foreigners and they refused to stand idly by.

      Of course it was “controversial” at the time, because how dare Black and Brown Caribbean people stand up to White Brits, Americans and Europeans for their most natural of rights…in their own country, no less.

      Fast-forward to today and we see the nation of Bahamas, though not perfect, able to boast of a workforce and economy not only predominantly manned by its own people but them partaking of the lion’s share as well.

      Granted many people cannot stomach that sequence of events, but oh well. Such is life.

      Caymanians could learn a thing from the Bahamians – and not very much from those in our midst that decry the brave decisions thereof.

      • Anonymous says:

        Well the criminals that associated with the FBI’s Top 10 most-wanted Pindling did very well.

      • Anonymous says:

        Fair enough. So ask for independence to raise your own people. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that and hopefully the Caymanian workforce will predominantly man the economy and have a better share in its benefits. Britain will grant independence by return of email or diplomatic pouch and be glad to be rid of this annoying anachronism of a colony.

        • Anonymous says:


          So you’re vexed over the mere prospect of a nation of people asserting themselves to the simple extent of demanding the most basic of rights for themselves?

          Honestly, there is something dangerously amiss in the psyche of you people.

          • Hold My Pint says:

            Here you can find a list of Nations.

            Here, you will find a list of British Overseas Territories.

            Learn the difference.

            • Anonymous says:

              Umm, no.

              You need to learn the definition of “nation”.

              In any event, don’t run away from the issue at hand.

              Why are you so opposed to the concept of a nation of people optimising their return on the productivity of the real estate they occupy in this world?

              Or are you just afraid it will be harder for you to live and remain here?

              You’re damn right to have that concern too.


          • Dupuy says:

            I’m not sure who you are responding to 10:15, but I don’t think anyone is critising any group of peoples desire for dignity and social and economic worth which hopefully independence brings. I hope one day we will get it in Cayman. Sir Lyndon Pindling deserves much credit for taking the Bahamas into independence but his record of criminality after that is most disturbing as a minor amount of googling (if your memory fails you) will show. The pictures painted by Steve McField and Orrett Connor of both the Bahamas (very positive) and the Cayman Islands (only good for a few rich off the backs of Caymanians) the other morning on Radio Cayman were very distorted and biased to exemplify their own race based prejudices.

          • anonymous says:

            You better get onto that petition if you’re serious.

      • Anonymous says:

        Basically true, but what an absolute s##t hole Nassau has become. The problem with your argument is that the majority of wealth is still foreign and the majority of crime committed by Bahamians on Bahamians, with some of the worst gun crime in the Caribbean/Atlantic islands.

        Feel free to rebel if that is your cause, but remember what happened in Bermuda last time they tried an illegal insurrection, or Grenada for that matter.
        Your child gang bangers are no match for the UK military or specialist police units, and your so called activists can’t even get a few hundred people out to protest or sign a petition.

        You also conveniently appear to forget that the Bahamas, like Cayman and most other Caribbean islands, were originally founded and populated by those white Europeans you so obviously despise. Caribbean people, unless descended from native Indian nations, came originally from Africa and Europe, get over it. Without the institutions and support those Caribbean country’s have inherited or received post war, they would have nothing except internal strife and chaos. See Jamaica for reference.

        Leave your pathetic threats for those who can’t fight back, like your victims of domestic violence or child abuse. Pick your cowardly fights better my friend, because the more guns that arrive on this island will bring mothers intervention that much closer and your dreams of self determination that much further away.

    • Anonymous says:

      You don’t actually pay any mind to these two jokers do you 6:56?

  11. Anonymous says:

    Love it! Welcome sir! And already racist comments coming from KT and her famous hate spreading page! What a breath fresh of air.Look forward to learning more about you sir!

    • Alice says:

      KT page should be called I hate Caymanians who stand up to me.

      That page spends more time attacking good Caymanians that anything else.

      Just proves that crime doesn’t pay

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes! She’s nothing but a bully and an ex con! Claims to be fearless yet hides behind her computer screen preaching hate.

  12. Anonymous says:

    nevermind, misread it

  13. Anonymous says:

    So what did he do between 95 and 04? Seems a big hole.

  14. Anonymous says:

    At least the new governor has some experience of knowing what terrorism is all about. After all, that’s the only thing we haven’t had in the Cayman Islands thus far. Unfortunately, at the rate we’re now going, it’s not overreacting, to think that this will not become a reality one day.

    We already have military arms that originated from Haiti on our streets, that came via Jamaica from far back as 2005. A few grenades and other explosives won’t be a problem for the Jamaican canoes to bring along as well.

    With about 8 illegal canoes that arrive into the Cayman Islands on a monthly basis, it seems very plausible.

    • Anonymous says:

      Many will remember the martial law curfew after Ivan with the RCIPS weapons unit engaging in fire fights with heavily armed GT looters and gang members. RCIPS seized AK47s…that was >11 years ago.

  15. Anonymous says:

    I’m sure he is a fine gentleman.

    Grateful if anyone can name a predominantly Muslim country/state/territory anywhere in the world today, that has a Christian as head of state with constitutional responsibility for governance.

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      Muslims believe in Jesus, Christians don’t believe in Mohamad so that makes sense.

      • Anonymous says:

        Muslims believe that Jesus was a profit of Mohamed and that Mohamed was infact the son of god.

        • Amjed says:

          That’s not correct we believe Jesus is prophet and Mohamed is prophet…god don’t have no sons no family god is only by him self

        • Anonymous says:

          Missed the mark. Muslims believe Jesus to be a prophet, in the same manner as Mohamed or Moses. They believe that Mohamed was the final prophet, with the Qu’ran acting like a revision to the Torah and Gospels (Think of it as Act III of the Abrahamic Trilogy). Further, they believe that there was no “son” of God, because the idea of God having a son diminishes the concept of God by ascribing human characteristics to God.

        • Anonymous says:

          Prophet is how you spell that ding bat. Profit is what you make if you sell for more than you paid tha an item. Typical uneducated folks in here I can see.
          Debbie P.

      • Anonymous says:

        At least Isa is a Prophet like Muhammed – peace be unto them. Christians call Isa the pagan name Jesus, drew pictures of him, and declared he is God, which is idolatrous and blasphemous. The doctrine of the Trinity is pagan origin

    • Anonymous says:

      5.25pm On the flip side London has elected a Muslim mayor, but then of course Britain is multi cultural and not filled with small minded racial bigots.

      • anonymous says:

        Reality Check : Britain as a country is NOT multicultural. Only certain districts of certain cities and towns might be defined as such. That’s the reality, like it or not.

    • Anonymous says:

      What the hell does that have to do with it 5:25? This is Cayman, at present a British territory, and the British government has appointed this man to be Governor. Please keep your Christian biased religious viewpoint out of the discussion. The last thing we need here is more religious idiocy in the governance of our country, as if it, whether Christian or Muslim, has done anything positive in the last several hundred years in the rest of the world. People who believe in fairies in the sky do not have the answers we need. Leave the Church out of government. The cheap point you were trying to score only works with the God botherers like yourself. The rest of us don’t give a rat’s ass about other countries and whether their heads of state are Christian or Muslim.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Our first Governor of color. Welcome Sir you will fit right in.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Will he be allowed to visit the US of A under Trumps travel ban?

  18. Anon says:

    A Muslim. Praise God. About time we have a Governor who worships God and God alone!

    No man-god with nail prints in the hands, forced on us during slavery days in the Caribbean.

    • Anonymous says:

      As far as I’m concern Muslim may not idolize Jesus, but what about that black stone in Mecca they walk around, bow and kiss???

      People from both faiths misrepresent the Creator

      • Anonymous says:

        I don’t see any Muslim referring to Mecca or the black stone as God!
        But I do see Christians praying to Mary and to Jesus and some to a piece of bread or wafer as God!!

      • Anonymous says:

        They dont worship the black stone. It is a ritual coming down from Prophet Abraham.

      • Amjed says:

        The black stone is not something Muslims is stone from heaven …don’t mean anything in Islam we worship god only …that black building in Mecca is the house of worship which ebraham build to worship god
        So Muslims don’t worship no stone no moon rubbish talk

        • Anonymous says:

          I can see Islam is the fastest growing religion. Many people are converting even women dressing up in modest apparel. Unfortunately, the terrorists are using your Koran and faith to justify their terror.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your are one stupid person

  19. Caymanian donkey says:

    Man, I can’t what to here Arden and Lizard on the talk shows, a Muslim.. This is going to be a great few years, no booze at the government house functions.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Where exactly are the “grand caymans” ??

    • Anonymous says:

      The Caymans is a perfectly acceptable term for the group of islands comprising of Grand Cayman and the Lesser Caymans, Cayman Brac and Little Cayman. But I’m with you, “grand caymans” is gibberish.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Take a look at the deliberate breaches of the right to education under the ECHR whereby the territory fails to fulfill its obligation to provide free primary and secondary children to resident children and deliberately discriminates on the basis of national origin.

  22. Anonymous says:

    peru is no preparation for the grand caymans!

    • Paddington says:

      Darkest Peru is no joke, trust me.

    • frangipani says:

      Couldn’t agree more with the comment. However if you live here I would urge you to understand that we are the CAYMAN ISLANDS AND NOT THE GRAND CAYMANS.
      It is very irksome to most Caymanians when one does not refer to our country in the correct way.

      • Anonymous says:

        The Caymans is a perfectly accruate geographical term to refer to Grand Cayman and the Lesser Caymans.

        • Anonymous says:

          Quit trying to make that a thing. It isn’t. We are the Cayman Islands or simply Cayman.

          • Anonymous says:

            Nope, Caymans is fine too. I am looking at a sea chart on my wall that has the Caymans marked as such.

    • Jotnar says:

      Yep. Peru is a UN member with a significant real economy and major diplomatic implications for international affairs. No comparison at all.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Yes Governor, don’t be put off by the sentiments on this forum.

    Although I know it will all be very familiar considering your background and naturalized citizenship.

    Tigers, stripes and all that jazz…even far from home – the nerve, eh?

  24. Anonymous says:

    A return to the old form, career diplomat gets sunset posting to the Caribbean. One who has been off the front lines for most of his career but nonetheless has a long history of service. Also a continuation of the appointment of diplomats of higher calibre than we had in-between Owen and Taylor (Dinwiddy and Jack were out of their depth). Finally, another nudge towards diversity but this time on an ethnic basis rather than gender. Overall an interesting appointment that suggests the UK is not too concerned about Cayman’s fundamental health at this time.

    • Anonymous says:

      No amount of nudging will ever bring even a speck of ethnic representation in Cayman’s elected Government despite a large number of expatriate voters. So much for diversity in this country.

      • Anonymous says:

        Attitudes have to change first, and I don’t see anyone – Caymanian or expat – urging the upheaval upon us that widening the franchise and eligibility for election would bring any time soon. Nudging does change attitudes over time, so I say it’s another step in the right direction. Moves like this can have huge symbolism. Reminds me of the Queen driving King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia around Balmoral while in Saudi women cannot drive at all. She was in a position to make a point and made it by both the fact she was driving and the way she drove (confidently chatting while being urged by the King to follow the road). The UK does something similar every time it appoints a governor. Whoever they appoint will be here for 3, maybe 4 years and there’s nothing anyone here can do about that person whoever they are and however they do the job, so society ends up changing ever so slightly in the direction of the example set by the governor. Witness the impact the current governor has had on LGBTQ issues without hardly ever addressing them and the belated, far from complete adoption of ‘good governance’ instilled by Taylor. The UK has to respect our autonomy as self-determining people but it can send us a message every few years that lasts for the duration of a governor’s term and beyond. Installing a naturalised Brit of Bangladeshi origin as our de-facto head of state – someone to whom we will have to defer in all settings for years – is a message. It will mess with the political heads in this country to have to think of someone of Choudhury’s background as anyone other than an immigrant and the UK will enjoy their discomfort. We all know our politicians are not the most enlightened, but Choudhury’s appointment is one more way they will learn that high office is about ability not identity. This is already a diverse country but political power is not shared by Caymanians and economic power is not shared by expatriates. We have decades to go to become an integrated society, one nudge at a time.

        • Anonymous says:


          “This is already a diverse country but political power is not shared by Caymanians and economic power is not shared by expatriates. We have decades to go to become an integrated society, one nudge at a time.”

          Are you referring to the Cayman islands?

  25. Datisme says:

    Whodat missed the cut again? Unemployment rate remains unchanged.

    • Anonymous says:

      I know right.

      – Who

    • Anonymous says:

      you have an unemployment rate that many countries would give their eye teeth for. Accept that in every society there is a group of people that for many reasons are unemployable e.g. those with mental health issues, those with particular disabilities, those with drug and alcohol abuse issues, those with no skills and at the end of that list perhaps the work shy. It is my considered opinion that the work shy in most countries are a tiny minority.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Welcome Mr. Choudhury. Please don’t be put off by some of the gibberish written in the comments section of this website.


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