Owners urged to protect cars against techy-thieves

| 25/06/2017 | 13 Comments

(CNS): With local car thieves now taking advantage of technology to help them break in and drive away stolen cars, the police are urging people to not only to close the windows, lock their vehicles and ensure there are no valuables in them but to also fit anti-theft devices. This is to beat the technology the thieves are using, especially given the increase in stolen vehicles being used in other crimes.

“Unfortunately, the fact is that with the information age these criminals regularly trade information, and the public should be equally aware and vigilant to reduce the risk of becoming a victim,” an RCIPS spokesperson said. “We will relentlessly crackdown on all crimes, including this emerging trend of car thefts, and bring to justice these offenders, most of whom are prolific criminals.”

The police believe vehicles are being broken into and stolen using methods well known among criminals aside from smashing windows or taking advantage of unlocked doors or keys being left inside. To beat these tech-savvy thieves, the police said car alarms or devices that lock the steering wheel, among other new anti theft devices, will help reduce the number of care now being stolen.

Those who would like some further advice on protecting their cars can email RCIPSNPD-Info@rcips.ky


Category: Crime, Crime Prevention

Comments (13)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    It is difficult for me to see how more development brings more crime to the island as the people who occupy these new homes. or new office and business structures are busy earning a living, not roaming the streets looking for homes to break in to or cars to steal.

    In my opinion, the problem remains that our youth are not being educated effectively to compete in the modern business or industrial community. How do you expect our high school graduates to go on to college with such poor basic education? Government must stress better and more relevant education so our youth can go on to a lifetime of success.

    There are many well paying positions opening every day for the well educated, well motivated. Government needs to focus on attracting industry that will sustain an ever growing native population, then welcome with since appreciation those who come to supplement our own well trained, well educated workforce.

  2. Anonymous says:

    The government don’t give a toss about crime because it ain’t a $ generator until tourism gets hit and then like everything else with this Island it will be too late

  3. Anonymous says:

    Who would wang to live on a rock and be in a constant state of alarm and fear for your car, for your property, for your life?

    • Anonymous says:

      Sounds like you should stay where you are, we don’t need people like you here. Quick to insult our island but refuse to do anything proactive in furthering your own country, which is likely exponentially worse than Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’ll take a stolen Honda over a blown up body every time.

      What say you?

  4. Anonymous says:

    set up bait cars. problem solved.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Up until recently we didn’t have to lock our front doors when we left home – and the concern of your car being stolen was NEVER an issue.

    If this latest “helpful advice” isn’t a clear signal that we are doing just about EVERYTHING wrong in terms of governing our country I don’t know what is.

    Nevertheless, the same old talking heads will relentlessly insist more of the same is the answer to the problem.

    Growth. Development.

    For who?

    • Anonymous says:

      Spot on

    • Anonymous says:

      mmm. I had my car stolen from outside the Pagoda restaurant in the late 70″s. Only difference was that it was retrieved out at North Side undamaged once it had run out of fuel!

      • Anonymous says:

        My grandfather was struck by lightening around that time as well.

        True story.

      • Anonymous says:

        So what….your one anecdotal story means that Cayman is fine?

        The fact that a visiting judge spoke about our out of control gun crime, and then another two youths were arrested Sunday morning for importation of guns….The youth getting stabbed by a group of kids outside of Burger King, stolen cars being used for robberies.

        But because a car robbery happened back in 1970 we shouldn’t be concerned.

        Your logic is faulty.

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