Cayman will pay for inmate’s time in UK jail
(CNS): Officials have confirmed that the cost of housing Osbourne Douglas (30) in a British prison will be covered by the Cayman public purse and not by the UK government. Though the authorities have been tight-lipped about the transfer of Douglas to serve his 34-year term in England, CNS has learned that he has been sent to Belmarsh Prison in South London, which includes a notorious category A facility that is home to a number of serious offenders.
According to UK audit reports, it costs around £58,886 (around CI$62,600) per year for each inmate at the facility, slightly less than the CI$70,000 it costs to keep an inmate in Northward.
From serial killers to billionaire fraudsters, the prison has been home to a range of high-profile inmates, in particular Islamic terrorists, including the ISIS-connected radical cleric Anjem Choudary. As a result, the facility has a reputation for converting and radicalizing many inmates.
Douglas is serving a life term after he and his younger brother, Justin Ramoon, were convicted at the end of last year for the murder of Jason Powery in a gang-related killing outside a George Town Bar in July 2015. He was sentenced earlier this year to a minimum life term tariff of 34 years.
It is not clear if Douglas will be able to apply to return to the Cayman Islands any time in the future. In addition to his brother, who remains at HMP Northward, he has other close family connections in Cayman, including a young child.
The family was unaware of the transfer, which took place last Thursday, and it was not until after the fact that his mother was informed that he had been moved to the UK.
Officials stated that Douglas was moved because he was considered a national security risk. CNS has been unable to confirm the details with official sources but it is understood that he had been under surveillance while in Northward and the authorities believed he was orchestrating further criminal activity from inside the local jail.
Human rights questions have been raised about the separation from his family but it is not clear if any legal challenges will follow as a result of the enforced transfer.
While the use of the 19th century colonial legislation (a link can be found in the CNS Library) to move Caymanian prisoners has been extremely rare in recent times, the surge in local violent gun related crime has placed the option back on the agenda as a potential solution. Local official sources have indicated that in face of the current crime spike and for serious offenders it could prove another useful tool or deterrent in the fight against crime.
Send a few more overseas but no more than one loser to each place. Scatter these useless creatures across the globe in the harshest prisons you can find. Most importantly, don’t disclose where they end up!
Belmarsh became operational on 2nd April 1991, and is a local prison, serving primarily the Central Criminal Court and magistrates Courts in SE London. In addition the establishment serves Crown and Magistrates Courts in SW Essex. Belmarsh has a dual role in that it also holds Category A prisoners.
Western Way
SE28 0EB
Tel: 020 8331 4400
Fax: 020 8331 4401
Governor: Simon Cartwright
Operational capacity: 910 as of 25th July 2008
Accommodation: A mixture of approximately 60% multi occupancy cells and 40% single cells, distributed mainly across 4 residential units.
Reception criteria: In common with all other local prisons, Belmarsh accepts a wide variety of categories of prisoners, in addition to its commitment to the Category A estate.
I can cut and paste from Wikipedia too.
Actually, was taken from the prison website.
I was only sharing some facts as I know most people won’t be bothered to look it up and found the information interesting, so I shared.
Sorry my sharing bothered you.
Sounds wonderful,and presumably all rooms are en-suite. Where can I make a reservation?
Regime information for Belmarsh Prison
Prisoners at HMP Belmarsh are offered regular access to education, workshops, and 2 gymnasiums, one focusing on accredited courses and one recreational gym with use of a sports hall and a weights room.
The gymnasium staff work in partnership with Charlton Athletic Football Club to deliver F.A. accredited coaching courses qualifying prisoners to become coaches post release.
A comprehensive detoxification and CARATs service is available to all prisoners with good community links offering continuity of care post release.
Short term prisoners are offered help to resettle effectively by a range of voluntary and statutory agencies including Department of Works and Pensions seconded staff, C.R.I. who offer a housing advice service and officers trained by NACRO providing advice on housing related issues.
Belmarsh also offers an accredited offending behaviour programme (Short Duration Programme). This is open to remand prisoners and those with 6 months or less to serve on the custodial element of their sentence.
A listener scheme for prisoners at risk from suicide or self harm is in operation.
A foreign national support group is in operation for prisoners with the Detention Advice Service providing advice on immigration law.
WOW…great perks up there!
Need to make a deal with Honduras or Jamaica Jail system. Im sure we can negotiate them down to at least ci$25,000.00. That’s a lot of limperas or JM bills.
We can even afford to send a family member to visit them Once a year or so. Crime should fall after a few of them are sent and every so often we will hear them ball out for MaMa.
After all its only a handful of them. We can spend our money saved for the schools to catch and solve the problem from an early age. We have a bunch of recycled criminals.
Too quick to spend money on criminals than good education.
Same criminals breeding other baby criminals so the cycle don’t seem to stop. The old saying is if you keep doing what you do. You will continue to get what you getting.
This handful of criminals was born criminals and do not and will not change. A change of environment might just do the trick.
Come and get me Mr. Jones.
Had a discussion about this a few night ago.
Someone said to me “they gonna have a Human Rights suit against them soon! They took that woman son and they kidnapped him!”
My response to this…you commit a crime. You’re doing the time. It shouldn’t matter where they put him. UK, Europe, Cuba…why do these people feel that they are entitled to know or be in control of where Douglas is located?
My advice, ship more out to hardcore prisons. Deport who we can – let’s take Cayman back.
And CNS, I don’t see why his location was made public. There was a reason for keeping it hidden I’m sure. We know what these people are capable of, and their connections go deep and wide.
The only reason the information is with-held initially is so no-one will intervene the transfer process. After the transfer is complete it’s fine to make public.
Should have made a deal with US and Cuba and sent he r*ss to guantanamo bay or even a central america prison. dat what they deserve
The CI$ equivalent cost assumes that the £ to US$ exchange rate remains constant – over 34 years that is unlikely. The expectation is that it is likely sterling will rise. Presumably government is hedging this likelihood in the Forex market.
What does it matter. The dude is dangerous even in jail here. In the UK he is not. Cayman is safer with him there.
Hopefully he won’t be indoctrinated by another aspect! Terrorism by the “Devil”! It also says a lot about the security at HMP (CONTROL??).
Fancy entering into a long contract with me on sterling. That place is doomed for the next decade because of Brexit.
A facility with a reputation of inmates being converted and radicalized. Wonderful.
Typical ignorant comment by the know nothings.
I worked in Belmarsh and can tell you that Douglas won’t come into contact with any radicalising influence as he isn’t bad enough to be in with the identified Islamists who conduct such indoctrination and are segregated from the main population.
Belmarsh isn’t Northwood and his fellow gangstas will have no respect for a foreigner in their midst. This boy is in for a really hard ride and his family better get used to his tearful letters to mommy as he will soon find out how bad people can be.
In any case, radicalised or not, he ain’t going anywhere until he’s long forgotten his days as a feral animal running around this tiny rock. It’s true he may learn some new ‘trade craft’, but what use is it going to serve him in 40 years time when his health is fading and so is the motivation to commit more crime. By the time this parasite is released on license, Cayman will be one of two things, even more dangerous, in which case he becomes a ‘has been’, or Cayman rids itself of its minority criminal element and he becomes irrelevant.
Whatever he may think he is, I can assure you that the staff at Belmarsh will be keen to ‘guide’ him through the start of his long, long prison term. Better learn not to hiss or suck his teeth at these boys, they won’t turn their backs and walk away. Discipline is a bummer, and he will get to know that if he pushes his luck in the first few years.
We all should hope so. I can’t help but still question if the place is so strict and enforces disciplinary actions against over which hand you wipe your ass with then why does it have this sort of reputation to begin with?
Tiny “rock” ? Do you live here? Sounds like you need to return or stay in Belmarsh.
I live here..and it’s tiny AF.
Send the most notorious over to Black Dolphin. They don’t play.
You want a useful and effective tool: Death Penalty! It will bring back respect to the Police, the Judges, the Courts, and bring back the fear of God!
* The one who murders and takes another person’s life, his life should be taken too (Genesis 9)
It is a shame that we allow these criminals to live after mercilessly taking another person’s life, then allow them to corrupt the minds of other inmates – encourage them to kill as well! Then we pay thousands of dollars for their food to keep them alive! This is a BIG JOKE!
We allow evil to fester, spread … as soon as we get a conviction and evidence beyond shadow of a doubt that a person has deliberately murdered someone else, we go head and reward murderer by giving him a prison reputation – to be feared and modeled after.
The victims never see Justice! I say .. its truly a MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE!
Hopefully, our new Governor will stand for his faith, or is saying “I am a Muslim” just a name? We will see
But for now, the thugs with guns can rest assure in their little minds that they can kill all they want in the Cayman Islands. Hotel Northward is a guarantee. They don’t care! Because our top leaders have no spine!
Political correctness needs to be eradicated and capital punishment needs to be brought back! Criminals should have no rights. They forfeit their rights when they break the law!
Won’t ever happen, get over it.
What happens if an innocent person is wrongfully convicted but, only find out after the poor soul has been terminated?
The justice system is 100% accurate and there would always be the risk of killing innocent people if the death penalty is introduced.
Is this ethical?
All human activity entails risk. We law-abiding citizens are willing to take the infinitesimal risk that we will be executed by mistake.
Speak for yourself.
Badness outa style!#securethebag#moveoutthehood
Send them all….especially since it costs less.
Human rights? what about the rights of his victims?
What victim right would hypothetically be violated by having the convict locked up in prison in Cayman?
The victims, and society, have the right to have him incarcerated (which means not planning gang actions, etc.) There is no ‘right’ that he be incarcerated in another jurisdiction.
Human rights are not a dirty word.
He and others (including two of his brothers) have been directing hits from in prison for years. Going to the UK is pointless because several of his cohorts are in the UK having escaped prosecution in Cayman. One of them in particular is even more dangerous than Douglas – and a known killer in Cayman. They are related by both blood and criminal affiliation. Even if he does not have a cell phone in London, as long as he has access to a phone and visiting time, he can still be involved in criminal conspiracies in Cayman. XXXXX Many people would be surprised at how many murders that family was involved in. Several of the unsolved ones. The police know but can’t do anything as witnesses are too intimidated to talk. The witness brave enough to testify in the Powery murder trial remains in witness protection.
You never know when the shoe will be on your foot so before you wish the death penalty on people and ridicule them, please bare that in mind. If it was you or your family despite the wrong doings you would all be praying for grace and mercy.
At the end of the day.. WE ARE ALL HUMAN. Please remember in this life anything is possible and that at any given time this could be you..or your son, daughter, aunt, uncle, grandchild.
Stay blessed
Not directly relating to your comment.. but to all those perfect people with their perfect families ridiculing and wishing the death penalty on him..
Him and his brothers whoever you are where are you facts again hearsay to try bring down people. Seems you know alot and if his family by blood so-call claim to know that live in the UK who you feel is more dangerous you seem a bit proud to know the extent of whatever the case you know nothing of the family of how they live how they sleep how they eat so back the hell up no man deserves the harsh treatment of all these unwanted speculations. Its this judicial system we have here that is so msssed up, because given the fact he may have done wrong you all do not know nothing of him or his family again Hearsay. Stop listening to the streets and the gossip if you do not know him or his brothers and family what rights you have to cast judgement. Do not judge a book by its cover because knowing you may have family members or yourself who isnt perfect. But we know all the Internet Gangsters now huh. Have so much to say.
Not judging you by the cover, but judging by the excerpt of your book above, you need some serious English grammar courses.
I take it from your name that English is not your first language (plausible assumption).
Given that, I excuse your poor grammar. However, one cannot deny the fact that both brothers had serious charges brought against them and were convicted.
They are not innocent people, they were found guilty of heinous crimes. We are not “internet gangstas”; we are CONCERNED citizens. Respect people and you will gain their respect in return.
A reputation for converting and radicalizing many inmates? Blimey, that’s great, in 34 years he’ll be back quoting the Koran!
Why should the UK have to pay for one of us, They should gladly pay to make his life worst overseas. Liz gon sort ya out lol