Observers commend free and fair election

| 26/05/2017 | 21 Comments
Cayman News Service

CPA election observers

(CNS): Voters in the Cayman Islands can have confidence in the result of Wednesday’s election, the team of international observers confirmed Friday, as they commended the process and gave the entire election the seal of approval. The mission of six observers, led by Steve Rodan, the president of the Tynwald in the Isle of Man, found that the election under the new system met international standards and the results “truly reflect the will of the people”.

The mission from the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) began their observation on 19 May, a few days ahead of polling day, and during their time here they visited all 19 electoral districts and watched the last few days of campaigning as well as polling day itself.

“The Mission commends the people of the Cayman Islands for the way these elections were conducted, especially given the challenge of implementing elections with new electoral boundaries,” said Rodan. “The election process was conducted in a peaceful manner, where different opinions were expressed freely. The Mission was very impressed by the high standards of organisation, meticulous attention to detail and commitment of the Supervisor of Elections and his staff.”

In their interim report  the team described the 74% turnout as high, which, although lower for Cayman, by international standards is impressive. Also, with the increase in the number of registered voters, over 1,000 more people voted in 2017 compared to 2013.

The observers said that the “overall conduct of the opening, voting, and closing procedures was assessed as very good” and the conduct of polling and the electoral process ran smoothly.

They will, however, be making recommendations regarding the requirements in the law for voters to be resident for two years before they can vote and to address the requirements over candidate residency. Rodan confirmed that although the last mission of observers in 2013 made such recommendations, it appears no progress has been made on addressing the legislative changes.

Observers will be producing a final full report within two months outlining the recommendations to make the election process even more inclusive and efficient for future elections. These areas will relate to the legal framework, including the secrecy of the vote, the electoral system in relation to its inclusiveness and campaign finance.

The team also noted the remaining inequity issue regarding voter numbers in the smaller constituencies of North Side and East End, as there is no constitutional provision, as is the case with the Sister Islands, to justify the disparity and both electoral districts fall well below the 1,100 voter average for the rest of the constituencies on Grand Cayman.

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Category: 2017 General Elections, Elections, Politics

Comments (21)

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  1. Alternative Watcher says:

    The vote buying in Randyke and Walkers Road and South Sound the Free Gas and Burger King bags wow! where were these guys and who were they looking at ?????? another bought election win Poor Cayman!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Did they meet Dr T?

  3. Anonymous says:

    That was money wasted by the Cayman Islands. They only evaluated on what they observed that day.? Truly how much damaged was done on the day of election? At that time everybody is peaceful and going to the pulls that’s the nature of the real caymanians. We are peaceful people that’s why every nation expect to come in and over throw us with their cultures. The damage was done long before elections. Pay for votes, promises, etc.

    cns can publish the material of findings and requirements for them to carry out this report. What specific was this finding based on. What point was received for which category of findings

  4. Anonymous says:

    The Election Observer team was one of highest integrity and as we expected this is a very good report.

    The country now needs to accept that the people have spoken and clearly would like an Independents lead government. I agree with the writer that Miss Tara should step up and support the Independents. Perhaps also Miss Julie. She could remain as Speaker of the House, a job which she does very well. Mr. McTaggert, previously an Independent, could become Minister of Finance.

    Come on Independents, we did our part. Now do yours! Get together with the good ones!

  5. Anonymous says:

    So proud of our Civil service and everyone who help make our elections free and fair. Folks we live in paradise.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Really,, well thanks for that the overseas team, cost 150K ?Is it really that hard to have an election?

  7. Anonymous says:

    For the love of God you guys think that your election process has been anywhere near fair for years… Wake up then shut up. It’s not a surprise, you people vote the same candidate s in every year

  8. Anonymous says:

    Of course they probably don’t know there are thousands of people living here for donkey years and paying taxes but getting no representation because they are not allowed to vote because they are “foreigners”. What was it….about 20,000 voters out of a population of about 60,000??!! Hmmm! Now what’s wrong with that!?

    • Anonymous says:

      You knew that when you came here. It was part off our agreement on your arrival.

    • mavis walsh says:

      Absolutely. Cannot vote in the UK as non resident for so many years and cannot vote where I live which is a UK Overseas Territory – simply outrageous. Oh and by the way move to the UK as a Caymanian and vote right off the ‘plane.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Hopefully voters will now understand the importance of updating their electoral register details (address) as required by law. If you do not then now you are living where you are not represented. So if you have an issue your MLA cannot fully assist in an area they do not represent.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Let me understand this PPM & CDP joined forces. Ok I have no choice but to accept that. BUT….Tara Rivers RAN INDEPENDENT, GOT VOTED IN INDEPENDENT YET IS SITTING WITH PPM??? How is that fair, I voted her for Independent not PPM…well same government again!!

    • Unison says:

      She had to go back PPM because amongst the Independents they showed no unity!

      You can’t run a country without a party and well planned portfolios.



    • Anonymous says:

      So really the government will be PPM, CDP and one independent(Tara) sound very close to what most people voted for.

  11. Anonymous says:

    The whole purpose of voting for a party has now been scuppered with the two reprehensible Parties joining forces against the Independents that our voters chose. I doubt any PPM supporters will be relaxed to hear that CDP have joined their bench and will now be adjudicating all procedure in the house! Free and fair was it?

  12. Six-pack says:

    If they had spent a few evenings in the bushes around Spot Bay……….

  13. Anonymous says:

    They need to come in the months before the election to see what actually does go on.

    • Anonymous says:

      While the actual process of electing may be fair and free, it doesn’t elude from the possibility of fraudulent activities months prior like lobbying and ‘vote buying’.

    • Anonymous says:

      Months after the 800 frozen turkeys, gladhanding, and bags of groceries.

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