Cayman spared in global ransomware attack

| 22/05/2017 | 8 Comments

(CNS):  The RCIPS has said that the Financial Crime Unit has not received any reports that anyone in the Cayman Islands has been affected by the recent global cyber attack. But the attackers behind the WannaCry Ransomware are still trying to solicit cash from victims in the unprecedented cyber onslaught affecting millions of computers and networks, from the UK’s National Health Service to Brazil’s social security system. INTERPOL has now released information regarding global coordination efforts to respond to it.

Prevention tips include ensuring all security software patches are up to date, that systems are running anti-virus software and data is backed up in multiple locations, including offline, as well as the obvious need to avoid opening unknown email attachments or clicking on links in spam emails.

Interpol held a virtual meeting Monday for specialists to exchange information and provide updates on their investigations.

“We are still in the early stages of this globally significant, complex international investigation,” said Secretary General Jürgen Stock. “It is essential the full-scale and scope of the attack is established if we are to assist member countries deliver an effective response, and put measures in place to prevent future cyber attacks against critical infrastructures.”

Stock added, “INTERPOL is uniquely and ideally placed to ensure our member countries’ efforts in dealing with this attack are aligned. Attribution in cases such as this is complicated but vital and may take weeks, or even months, but we will work with police around the world until those responsible for this attack are identified and held to account.”

The organisation, which is headquartered in France, said a critical incident cell has been established, which has collated and is now analyzing the information from the countries impacted as part of the response.

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Category: Crime, Police

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Unreported and spared are not the same.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Uh, I heard that Kirk’s got hit and was held for ransom… This was several weeks back. Same virus, new name.

    • Anonymous says:

      If they were held for ransom, I’m sure it would have halted business completely and we wouldn’t have been able to shop at all. If they were affected, they either have very good IT measures in place or it obviously wasn’t serious enough to have interrupted their business.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Everyone’s corporate firewalls have been cranked up – that alone has had its impacts – adding to the longstanding and globally accepted belief that bad things emanate from the Cayman Islands.


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